I figured out how to mark this private, so I'm now sending the book, which is attached. Here is the content of the Calibre debug file: 2013-11-23 08:57:56.482 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:57:56.483 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Set a breakpoint on CTFontLogSuboptimalRequest to debug. 2013-11-23 08:57:57.681 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:57:59.548 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:57:59.550 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:57:59.721 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:58:00.214 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:58:00.215 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "calibre Symbols" and got font with PostScript name "calibreSymbols". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:58:02.949 Calibre[1217:507] deliverNotificationWithTitle() * Notification delivered. calibre Debug log calibre 1.12 isfrozen: True is64bit: True Darwin-13.0.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Darwin ('64bit', '') ('Darwin', '13.0.0', 'Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Thu Sep 19 22:22:27 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2422.1.72~6/RELEASE_X86_64') Python 2.7.5 OSX: ('10.9', ('', '', ''), 'x86_64') Starting up... DEBUG: 0.0 KoboUtilites::dialogs.py - loading translations DEBUG: 0.0 KoboUtilites::action.py - loading translations DEBUG: 2.0 No Kobo Touch, Glo or Mini appears to be connected DEBUG: 2.0 rebuild_menus - self.supports_ratings=False Job: 1 Get device information started DeviceJob: 1 Get device information done, calling callback DeviceJob: 1 Get device information callback returned Job: 2 Get list of books on device started DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - oncard='None' DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - oncard='None', prefix='/Volumes/KOBOeReader/' DEBUG: 0.0 Kobo device: Kobo Glo DEBUG: 0.0 Version of driver: (2, 2, 13) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.0 Version of firmware: (2, 10, 0) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.0 Firmware supports cover image tree: True DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - opts.extra_customization= [u'#myshelf, tags', True, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, u'', True, False, False, True, False, True, True, u'', True] DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - prefs['manage_device_metadata']= on_send DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - set_debugging_title to '' DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - length bl=0 DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - length bl after sync=37 DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - reading device database DEBUG: 0.1 Database Version=89 DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - shelf list: [u'TS', u'Fantasy', u'Mystery', u'Psychology', u'Scottish Literature', u'Social Psychology', u'History', u'Religion', u'American History', u'American Literature', u'Biography', u'English Literature', u'FIC000000', u'Fiction', u'Nineteenth Century', u'Science Fiction', u'Twentieth Century', u'Twenty-First Century'] DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - query= SELECT Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, Accessibility, IsDownloaded, Series, SeriesNumber, ___UserID, ExternalId FROM content where BookID is Null and ((Accessibility = -1 and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1 )) or (Accessibility in (1,2) and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1)) ) and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) and ContentType = 6) AND (externalId IS NULL OR externalId = '') AND contentId NOT LIKE 'file:///mnt/sd/%' DEBUG: 0.2 KoboTouch:books - about to sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.2 USBMS: starting sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.3 USBMS: finished sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - have done sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - end - oncard='None' DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - oncard='carda' DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - oncard='carda', prefix='/Volumes/KOBO SD/' DEBUG: 0.3 Kobo device: Kobo Glo DEBUG: 0.3 Version of driver: (2, 2, 13) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.3 Version of firmware: (2, 10, 0) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.3 Firmware supports cover image tree: True DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - opts.extra_customization= [u'#myshelf, tags', True, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, u'', True, False, False, True, False, True, True, u'', True] DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - prefs['manage_device_metadata']= on_send DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - set_debugging_title to '' DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - length bl=0 DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - length bl after sync=0 DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - reading device database DEBUG: 0.3 Database Version=89 DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - shelf list: [u'TS', u'Fantasy', u'Mystery', u'Psychology', u'Scottish Literature', u'Social Psychology', u'History', u'Religion', u'American History', u'American Literature', u'Biography', u'English Literature', u'FIC000000', u'Fiction', u'Nineteenth Century', u'Science Fiction', u'Twentieth Century', u'Twenty-First Century'] DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - query= SELECT Title, Attributio2013-11-23 08:58:21.942 calibre-debug[1210:507] modalSession has been exited prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession: 2013-11-23 08:58:38.318 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:58:39.449 calibre-debug[1210:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Optima" and got font with PostScript name "Optima-Regular". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. 2013-11-23 08:58:43.082 Calibre[1218:507] deliverNotificationWithTitle() * Notification delivered. n, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, Accessibility, IsDownloaded, Series, SeriesNumber, ___UserID, ExternalId FROM content where BookID is Null and ((Accessibility = -1 and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1 )) or (Accessibility in (1,2) and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1)) ) and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) and ContentType = 6) AND (externalId IS NOT NULL AND externalId <> '' OR contentId LIKE 'file:///mnt/sd/%') DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - about to sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.3 USBMS: starting sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.3 USBMS: finished sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - have done sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - end - oncard='carda' DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - oncard='cardb' DEBUG: 0.3 KoboTouch:books - Asked to process 'cardb', but do not have one! DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device done, calling callback DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device callback returned Job: 2 Get list of books on device finished No details available. Job: 1 Get device information finished No details available. Started up in 26.35 seconds with 1869 books Job: 3 Upload 1 books to device:The Diary of a Superfluous Man started Device using plugboard epub KOBOTOUCHEXTENDED None Setting metadata in: The Diary of a Superfluous Man at: /var/folders/6d/mdj6yf_j4bj3wg4r96fwcc680000gn/T/calibre_1.12.0_tmp_PzF9Iq/d8vdSvcaltmpfmt.epub DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouchExtended:upload_books:Searching for device-specific CSS file DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouchExtended:upload_books:No device-specific CSS file found (expecting /Users/redjawriter/Library/Preferences/calibre/plugins/kobo_extra_GLO.css) DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouchExtended:upload_books:Setting FeatureSettings.FullBookPageNumbers to true DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouch:upload_books - 1 books DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouch:upload_books - files= [u'/var/folders/6d/mdj6yf_j4bj3wg4r96fwcc680000gn/T/calibre_1.12.0_tmp_PzF9Iq/d8vdSvcaltmpfmt.epub'] DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouch:upload_books: Processing book: The Diary of a Superfluous Man by Ivan Turgenev DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouch:upload_books: file=/var/folders/6d/mdj6yf_j4bj3wg4r96fwcc680000gn/T/calibre_1.12.0_tmp_PzF9Iq/d8vdSvcaltmpfmt.epub, name=The Diary of a Superfluous Man - Ivan Turgenev_2897.epub DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouchExtended:_modify_epub:Adding basic Kobo features to The Diary of a Superfluous Man by Ivan Turgenev DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouchExtended:_modify_epub:Failed conversions will raise exceptions DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouchExtended:_modify_epub:Calibre details file :: /Volumes/KOBOeReader/driveinfo.calibre DEBUG: 41.4 KoboTouchExtended:_modify_epub:Driver data file :: /var/folders/6d/mdj6yf_j4bj3wg4r96fwcc680000gn/T/calibre_1.12.0_tmp_PzF9Iq/avyI7H_KoboTouchExtendedDriverInfo Copying file '/var/folders/6d/mdj6yf_j4bj3wg4r96fwcc680000gn/T/calibre_1.12.0_tmp_PzF9Iq/avyI7H_KoboTouchExtendedDriverInfo' to '/private/var/folders/6d/mdj6yf_j4bj3wg4r96fwcc680000gn/T/calibre_1.12.0_tmp_PzF9Iq/oE4rfl_epub_container' as 'driverinfo.kte' {'smarten_punctuation': True, 'extended_kepub_features': True, 'replace_lang': False, 'hyphenate': True, 'clean_markup': True} KoboTouchExtended:common:modify_epub:Found cover image ID 'cover' KoboTouchExtended:common:modify_epub:Setting cover-image property Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_001.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_002.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_003.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_004.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_005.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_006.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_007.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_008.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_009.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_010.htmFailed to parse 'The Diary of a Superfluous Man' by 'Ivan Turgenev' with error: '' (file: calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.container, line: 120) Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages/calibre/gui2/device.py", line 85, in run File "site-packages/calibre/gui2/device.py", line 561, in _upload_books File "calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.device.driver", line 276, in upload_books File "site-packages/calibre/devices/kobo/driver.py", line 1888, in upload_books File "calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.device.driver", line 220, in _modify_epub InvalidEPub: Failed to parse 'The Diary of a Superfluous Man' by 'Ivan Turgenev' with error: '' (file: calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.container, line: 120) l Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_011.html Forcing cleanup for file OEBPS/Text/titlepage.xhtml Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_001.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_002.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_003.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_004.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_005.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_006.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_007.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_008.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_009.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_010.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/Diary_of_a_Superfluous_Man_split_011.html Cleaning markup for file OEBPS/Text/titlepage.xhtml KoboTouchExtended:common:modify_epub:WARNING - Hyphenation is enabled but not overriding content file language. Hyphenation may use the wrong dictionary. DeviceJob: 3 Upload 1 books to device:The Diary of a Superfluous Man done, calling callback DeviceJob: 3 Upload 1 books to device:The Diary of a Superfluous Man callback returned Job: 3 Upload 1 books to device:The Diary of a Superfluous Man finished Failed to parse 'The Diary of a Superfluous Man' by 'Ivan Turgenev' with error: '' (file: calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.container, line: 120) Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages/calibre/gui2/device.py", line 85, in run File "site-packages/calibre/gui2/device.py", line 561, in _upload_books File "calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.device.driver", line 276, in upload_books File "site-packages/calibre/devices/kobo/driver.py", line 1888, in upload_books File "calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.device.driver", line 220, in _modify_epub InvalidEPub: Failed to parse 'The Diary of a Superfluous Man' by 'Ivan Turgenev' with error: '' (file: calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended.container, line: 120)