this is a debug log for diagnosing/reporting problems in bzr you can delete or truncate this file, or include sections in bug reports to lun. 2010-06-14 12:01:55 +0200 0.042 bazaar version: 2.1.2 0.042 bzr arguments: [u'--lsprof-file', u'../revert.lsprof', u'revert', u'-r', u'tag:gcc_4_4_4_release'] 0.058 looking for plugins in /home/lool/.bazaar/plugins 0.133 looking for plugins in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins 0.133 Plugin name cia already loaded 0.199 Returning RevisionSpec RevisionSpec_tag for tag:gcc_4_4_4_release 0.200 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'UTF-8' 0.325 opening working tree '/home/lool/bzr/launchpad/gcc-linaro/b/4.4' [ 5209] 2010-06-14 12:05:06.152 INFO: Profile data written to "../revert.lsprof". 191.067 Transferred: 0KiB (0.0K/s r:0K w:0K) 191.068 return code 0