Comment 0 for bug 388675

Revision history for this message
Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson) wrote : stacking format upgrade doesn't work over the smart server

This is new since 1.14, I think.

This little script reproduces:

rm -rf ~/tmp/repro
mkdir ~/tmp/repro
python -c 'import bzrlib.bzrdir; bzrlib.bzrdir.BzrDir.create("/home/mwh/tmp/repro/bzrdir")'
bzr init --1.6 ~/tmp/repro/bzrdir/stack-on
echo 'default_stack_on = stack-on' > ~/tmp/repro/bzrdir/.bzr/control.conf
bzr init --pack-0.92 ~/tmp/repro/push
bzr push -d ~/tmp/repro/push bzr+ssh://localhost/home/mwh/tmp/repro/bzrdir/stacked

The output is:

Created a standalone tree (format: 1.6)
Created a standalone tree (format: pack-0.92)
Source repository format does not support stacking, using format:
  Packs 5 (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6)
Source branch format does not support stacking, using format:
  Branch format 7
Using default stacking branch stack-on at file:///home/mwh/tmp/repro/bzrdir/
bzr: ERROR: The branch 'bzr+ssh://localhost/home/mwh/tmp/repro/bzrdir/stacked/'(Remote BZR Branch) is not a stackable format. You will need to upgrade the branch to permit branch stacking.
HPSS calls: 11 (0 vfs) SmartSSHClientMedium(connected=False, username=None, host='localhost', port=None)

It seems the client thinks the remote branch has been created in 1.6 format, but the server created it in the default format. Or something. It doesn't break (or stack) if the default_stack_on branch is not stackable.