Hi, Thanks! I had completely forgotten that my Win32 install has this strange login. On the server (and most of my other machines), I have a different login. When I went to the Win32 machine and used bzr+ssh://@ everything worked fine. So I think there are two problems. The first problem is user stupidity caused by poor memory performance :->. The second problem is that paramiko authentication failure throws this error. Just now, I tried bzr+ssh://foo@ (there is no foo login on our server :->) and I got the same error, so it's not really about the space in the login, I think. At this point I'm working again, which is great for me. I'll be happy to help with more testing if you like; apparently the error is easy for me to reproduce. Umm...one more thing. I also just tried using the correct login (kbasye1) and then giving a bad password. I got the error below. I can update the bug or file a new one if you think that's necessary. Thanks again for catching my mistake, Ken C:\kbasye\work\code>bzr pull --remember bzr+ssh://