Perhaps I have reproduced this problem. I started a FTP server (Filezilla) and set a directory with many Bazaar repositories in it as the starting directory for an anonymous user. If I now open "ftp://anonymous@localhost" with my browser, I am able to see these Bazaar repositories. But if I try "bzr explorer ftp://anonymous@localhost", I get this: bzr: ERROR: Generic path error: '': error with list_dir: 550 Directory not found) The same error happens if I try only "bzr explorer ftp://localhost". This is in my .bzr.log: ======================================================== 1.121 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 1484, in callable_with_cleanup File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 1649, in _open_location_task File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 1663, in _show_unable_to_open_location File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 1687, in open_virtual_repo File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 163, in add_location File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 178, in view File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 291, in ui File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 295, in refresh_view File "C:/Users/abachmann/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 325, in _collect_data File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 315, in find_bzrdirs File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 298, in list_current File "bzrlib\transport\ftp\__init__.pyo", line 569, in list_dir File "bzrlib\transport\ftp\__init__.pyo", line 220, in _translate_ftp_error FtpPathError: Generic path error: '': error with list_dir: 550 Directory not found) ======================================================== If I look in Filezilla's log, there is something weird going on, because there is no directory "-müller" within. I tried first without a password, then with one, therefor these two connect attempts: (000007)11.07.2011 11:08:38 - (not logged in) (::1)> Connected, sending welcome message... (000007)11.07.2011 11:08:38 - (not logged in) (::1)> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.39 beta (000007)11.07.2011 11:08:38 - (not logged in) (::1)> 220-written by Tim Kosse (