Comment 0 for bug 1369783

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Nilbus (nilbus) wrote :

I'm using byobu with tmux. I have configured ~/.byobu/.tmux.conf to give me a login shell in each new window:

    set -g default-command "bash -l"

However, the initial window created for a new byobu session does not run this default-command. The initial window is not a login shell. To make things more obvious for testing purposes, try setting the default-command to ssh into some host.

This initial-window problem does not occur when running tmux directly, but only when using byobu to start tmux.

Having the default-command run in all shells is important. In my case, tools like ruby's rvm that depend on a login shell do not work. A handful of others have complained about the same thing in the more recent comments on Having the initial window's environment differ from the others is quite counter-intuitive and has led to a lot of confusion.