Build history for “lcy02-amd64-120”

175 of 6008 results
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of sosreport 4.8.0-0~202410082037~ubuntu22.04.1 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of lyx-dev 2.4dev-ppa5+202410081633+a852ac5889~ubuntu22.04.1 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu bionic
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu bionic
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu jammy
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of indi-maxdomeii 1.3~202410081742~ubuntu18.04.1 in ubuntu bionic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of indi-gphoto 3.3~202410081656~ubuntu22.04.1 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~mutlaqja/+git/dummy recipe build in ubuntu focal
Build started and finished taking 34 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ansible-core 2.17.5-1ppa~jammy in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ansible-core 2.16.12-1ppa~noble in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~snappy-dev/snapd/+git/snapd recipe build in ubuntu oracular
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~kdenlive/+git/mlt recipe build in ubuntu jammy
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of landscape-dashboard 1.4.2-0landscape0 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libkiwix 14.0.0+git202410081615.0de9bd0~jammy in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] ~mutlaqja/+git/dummy recipe build in ubuntu bionic
Build started and finished taking 41 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of /~launchpad/launchpad/+charm/launchpad-db-update
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[PRIVATE JOB] Private job
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of /~launchpad/launchpad/+charm/launchpad-codehosting
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[PRIVATE JOB] Private job
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of harfbuzz 8.2.0-1+202410072218+cec95a2d2~ubuntu24.10.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of go-dqlite 1.22.0+git54-g26f1dec~jammy1 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~mutlaqja/libindi/+git/libindi recipe build in ubuntu focal
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 1:1.0.17-3ubuntu1~24.04 in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of checkbox-provider-gpgpu 4.2.0~dev110~ubuntu22.04.1 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of checkbox-provider-gpgpu 4.2.0~dev110~ubuntu18.04.1 in ubuntu bionic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[PRIVATE JOB] Private job
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of linux-generate-lowlatency-hwe-5.15 5.15.0-125.135~20.04.1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of 87992bb6f1c119d16fb6f0dad87158f2 snap package (rokon) in ubuntu noble-updates
Build started and finished taking 22 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of wireshark 4.5.0+git20241007144909~b5af0b9c-1ppa~noble1 in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 28 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 CI build of ~aristochen/review-tools/+git/review-tools:1097aff9b78672217baaeb9682e31b0063332052
Build started and finished taking 36 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of webcamoid snap package in ubuntu jammy-updates
Build started and finished taking 2 hours 30 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of /~launchpad/launchpad/+charm/launchpad-cron-control
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libvirt-guests-delayed 0.1.5-1~noble1 in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of i2pd 2.54.0-1noble1 in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of vdr-plugin-skyselectfeeds 0.2.8-3yavdr36~noble in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu focal
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu oracular
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu jammy
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of silo-llnl 4.11-6build1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libselinux 3.5-2ubuntu6 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of brotli 1.1.0-2build3 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of vdr-plugin-tvguideng 0.3.5-0yavdr0~noble in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu oracular
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of vdr-plugin-satip 20240720.4+git20241004-409-be96a98-0yavdr0~jammy in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of vdr-plugin-skinnopacity 1:1.1.18-0yavdr0~jammy in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu jammy
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of f575d29e94f650a871d01c059930838d snap package (scummvm) in ubuntu focal-updates
Build started and finished taking 7 hours 20 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~far2l-team/far2l/+git/luafar-plugins recipe build in ubuntu noble
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of singularity-ce 4.2.0~rc.1~202410050036~ubuntu20.04.1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~peci1/singularity-ce/+git/singularity-ce recipe build in ubuntu oracular
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of apparmor 2.10.95ubuntu2+202410042131+28~ubuntu18.04.1 in ubuntu bionic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[PRIVATE JOB] Private job
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of mousepad 0.6.1+git-0~3478~ubuntu24.04.1 in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of audacity 2.1.2+git20241004+r11557+17~ubuntu16.04.1 in ubuntu xenial RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of plasma-systemmonitor 6.2.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of lyx-dev 2.4dev-ppa5+202410041853+2facf6eecc~ubuntu18.04.1 in ubuntu bionic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libkscreen 4:6.2.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu24.10~ppa2 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of linux-meta-azure-fde in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~openshot.code/openshot/+git/openshot recipe build in ubuntu oracular
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of dolphin-emu-master 5.0+git-r202410042032-e6f222c86b-34~ubuntu24.04.1 in ubuntu noble RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu oracular
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of mpv 0.39.0~pre+202410040310-0ubuntu0~built202410041917~gita6c363e8da~ubuntu24.10.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 CI build of ~canonical-kernel-team/ubuntu-cve-tracker/+git/ubuntu-cve-tracker:25936f3943f9019f21b68a20ce326a45fa9b459c
Build started and finished taking 17 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of networking-calico in ubuntu focal RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~kicad/+git/kicad-daily-package-mirror-gitlab recipe build in ubuntu noble
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of c-evo 1.4.0-0~509~ubuntu24.10.1 in ubuntu oracular RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of checkbox-provider-sru 4.2.0~dev107~ubuntu22.04.1 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of checkbox-provider-tpm2 4.2.0~dev107~ubuntu18.04.1 in ubuntu bionic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~checkbox-dev/checkbox/+git/support recipe build in ubuntu focal
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kicad-library-footprints 202410041518+2c41b889e~12~ubuntu20.04.1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of cinnamon 6.2.9-unstable-202410041356~ubuntu22.04.1 in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOUPLOAD] ~jijoongmoon/nnstreamer/+git/nntrainer recipe build in ubuntu focal
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of ethereum-unstable 1.14.12+build30360+jammy in ubuntu jammy RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 19 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of /~launchpad/launchpad/+charm/launchpad-codehosting
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of language-pack-gnome-pa-base 1:24.10+20241003 in ubuntu oracular PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
175 of 6008 results