

Tracker type:
Google Code
Created by:
Sidnei da Silva

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Bug watches

15 of 5 results
Launchpad bug Remote bug Status Last check Next check
#1426071: horizon integration tests are currently broken in Firefox 36 8399 2024-09-21 18:40:26 UTC
#1192465: selenium ide 2.0 "click/clickAndWait" button not working 5681 2024-09-21 18:40:26 UTC
#901872: SST leaves the profile files from firefox in the tmp directory 1934 2024-09-21 18:40:26 UTC
#897409: Alert text sometimes returns a string and sometimes a dictionary 2955 2024-09-21 18:40:26 UTC
#816473: No way to get a status code 141 2024-09-21 18:40:26 UTC
15 of 5 results