Accomplishments viewer should use single instance

Bug #994696 reported by Rafał Cieślak
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Ubuntu Accomplishments Lens

Bug Description

Currently launching accomplishments-viewer several times results in multiple accomplishment windows open. This may be very annoying. e.g. when one browses the trophies via lens. Having clicked on several trophies he will open lots of Accomplishment Browser instances.

Ideally one window would be used to display that information. That would mean that running accomplishments-viewer -a [...] should check if there is already another instance running, and if so, it should tell that other already-running instance to show that particular accomplishment, and then the newly launched instance should quit immediately.

Tags: bitesize
Revision history for this message
Rafał Cieślak (rafalcieslak256) wrote :

I have no idea if there is some standard approach for that-like bugs, maybe there is something pre-programmed in one of the standard libraries (I failed to find it, though).
However, I think it may be a good idea to send D-Bus message to another instance. If it fails, then it means there is no other instance running, so we continue normally. If it is sent successfully, then we quit immediately, as there must be some other instance of the Viewer running (the receiver). The other instance should react on that D-Bus message by showing accomplishment, whose ID was passed in this message.
Does that make sense?

Jono Bacon (jonobacon)
Changed in ubuntu-accomplishments-viewer:
status: New → Confirmed
Jono Bacon (jonobacon)
tags: added: bitesize
Changed in ubuntu-accomplishments-viewer:
assignee: nobody → Alessandro Losavio (alo21)
status: Confirmed → In Progress
affects: ubuntu-accomplishments-viewer → unity-lens-trophies
Revision history for this message
Alessandro Losavio (alo21) wrote :

I tried a lot of ways to create a single instance, but I thinks, now as now, is not really possible do it. May be could be after some accomplishments-viewer's structure changes.

So I set this bug as 'Nobody' and as 'Confirmed'.

Changed in unity-lens-trophies:
assignee: Alessandro Losavio (alo21) → nobody
status: In Progress → Confirmed
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