Source center refresh never completes

Bug #962753 reported by Tom Lamparty
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Ubuntu Tweak
Fix Released
Ding Zhou

Bug Description

Everything starts out as it should even to calling update manager to install pending updates, but even after that, that section of Ubuntu Tweak 0.7.0 hangs with a busy symbol indefinitely!
I am running Ubuntu 11.10 32 Bit with gnome panel installed in Classic mode

tom@tom-FB71:~$ ubuntu-tweak -d
[app][DEBUG] Distribution: Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric
Application: Ubuntu Tweak 0.7.0-0~bzr1727+20120322~oneiric1
Desktop:gnome-classic (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'recently-used'), ('type', 'as')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'clips'), ('type', 'as')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'tweaks'), ('type', 'as')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'admins'), ('type', 'as')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'auto-backup'), ('type', 'b')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'window-size'), ('type', '(ii)')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'last-clip-location'), ('type', 's')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'appcenter-has-update'), ('type', 'b')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'appcenter-version'), ('type', 's')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.tweaks (
[app][DEBUG] Loading modules... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for tweaks... (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: compiz (
Checking if settings need to be migrated
Checking if internal files need to be migrated
Backend : gconf
Integration : true
Profile : unity
Adding plugins
Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade
Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade
Initializing core options...done
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: theme (

(ubuntu-tweak:18205): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead.

(ubuntu-tweak:18205): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead.
Checking if settings need to be migrated
Checking if internal files need to be migrated
Backend : gconf
Integration : true
Profile : unity
Adding plugins
Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade
Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade
Initializing core options...done
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: ccm (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: nautilus (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: session (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: icons (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: fonts (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: loginsettings (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: window (
[GconfSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: None for key: /apps/metacity/general/button_layout (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: sound (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: unity (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: lockdown (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: workarounds (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: misc (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for tweaks... (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'fonts.Fonts'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'misc.Misc'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'sound.Sound'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'theme.Theme'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'loginsettings.LoginSettings'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'icons.Icons'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'window.Window'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'nautilus.Nautilus'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'lockdown.LockDown'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'workarounds.Workarounds'> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_boxes at 0xa029e2c>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <FeaturePage: tweaks> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Appearance> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Startup> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Desktop> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: System> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.admins (
[app][DEBUG] Loading modules... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for admins... (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: desktoprecovery (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: userdir (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: shortcuts (

(ubuntu-tweak:18205): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead.

(ubuntu-tweak:18205): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead.
Checking if settings need to be migrated
Checking if internal files need to be migrated
Backend : gconf
Integration : true
Profile : unity
Adding plugins
Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade
Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade
Initializing core options...done
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: filetypemanager (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: appcenter (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: False for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.appcenter-has-update (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.appcenter-version (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: scripts (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: sourceeditor (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: templates (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: sourcecenter (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: False for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.appcenter-has-update (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.appcenter-version (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'disable-warning'), ('type', 'b')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'apps-can-update'), ('type', 'b')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'apps-version'), ('type', 's')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'sources-can-update'), ('type', 'b')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'sources-version'), ('type', 's')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: False for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.apps.disable-warning (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: False for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.apps.sources-can-update (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.apps.sources-version (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for admins... (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'sourcecenter.SourceCenter'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'desktoprecovery.DesktopRecovery'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'userdir.UserDir'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'shortcuts.Shortcuts'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'filetypemanager.FileTypeManager'> (
[app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: <class 'sourceeditor.SourceEditor'> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_boxes at 0xa029e2c>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <FeaturePage: admins> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Applications> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Desktop> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Personal> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: System> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: -1 (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.recently-used (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: ['HardwareInfo', 'SystemInfo', 'CleanerInfo', 'UpdateInfo'] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.clips (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clips, do_remove: False (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] All clips to load: ['HardwareInfo', 'SystemInfo', 'CleanerInfo', 'UpdateInfo'] (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for clips... (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: userinfo (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: hardwareinfo (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: updateinfo (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: systeminfo (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: cleanerinfo (
[ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for clips... (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: HardwareInfo (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: SystemInfo (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: CleanerInfo (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: UpdateInfo (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] Overview page: setup_recently_used, 10 used items found (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "SourceCenter" for "admins"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Workarounds" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Window" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Icons" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "LoginSettings" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Theme" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Misc" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Fonts" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Sound" for "tweaks"... (
[ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "SourceEditor" for "admins"... (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'plugins'), ('type', 'as')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'auto-scan'), ('type', 'b')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Try to get type for value: [('name', 'janitor-view-width'), ('type', 'i')] (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: True for key: (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.janitor.plugins (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: 0 for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.janitor.janitor-view-width (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: ['HardwareInfo', 'SystemInfo', 'CleanerInfo', 'UpdateInfo'] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.clips (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.tweaks (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.admins (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.janitor.plugins (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.last-clip-location (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: [] for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.recently-used (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] on_recently_scrolled_window_size_allocate, max_height: 353 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_boxes at 0xa029e2c>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <FeaturePage: tweaks> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: <FeaturePage: tweaks> (
[app][DEBUG] args-3: <CairoRectangleInt at 0xbf9c2bec> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Appearance> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Startup> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Desktop> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: System> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_boxes at 0xa029e2c>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <FeaturePage: admins> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: <FeaturePage: admins> (
[app][DEBUG] args-3: <CairoRectangleInt at 0xbf9c2bec> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Applications> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Desktop> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Personal> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: System> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 4 (
[GSetting][DEBUG] Got the schema_default: (-1, -1) for key: com.ubuntu-tweak.tweak.window-size (
[ClipPage][DEBUG] on_recently_scrolled_window_size_allocate, max_height: 811 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_boxes at 0xa029e2c>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <FeaturePage: tweaks> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: <FeaturePage: tweaks> (
[app][DEBUG] args-3: <CairoRectangleInt at 0xbf9c2e8c> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Appearance> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Startup> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Desktop> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: System> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_boxes at 0xa029e2c>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <FeaturePage: admins> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: <FeaturePage: admins> (
[app][DEBUG] args-3: <CairoRectangleInt at 0xbf9c2e8c> (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Applications> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Desktop> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: Personal> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (
[app][DEBUG] <function rebuild_table at 0xa029ca4>: (
[app][DEBUG] args-1: <CategoryBox with name: System> (
[app][DEBUG] args-2: 7 (

Ding Zhou (tualatrix)
Changed in ubuntu-tweak:
milestone: none → 0.7.0
status: New → Fix Committed
importance: Undecided → High
assignee: nobody → Ding Zhou (tualatrix)
Revision history for this message
Tom Lamparty (lamparty) wrote :

Close the ticket on this one! Fast work! the 3/12/2012 update fixed it and all is well here!

Ding Zhou (tualatrix)
Changed in ubuntu-tweak:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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