INFO - Starting gscan2pdf 0.9.32 INFO - Log level DEBUG INFO - Using fr_FR.UTF-8 locale INFO - Startup LC_NUMERIC C INFO - Reading config from /home/pm/.gscan2pdf INFO - Gtk2-Perl version 1.223 INFO - Built for GTK 2.24.5 INFO - Running with GTK 2.24.6 INFO - Using GtkImageView version 1.6.4 INFO - Using Gtk2::ImageView version 0.05 INFO - Using PDF::API2 version DEBUG - $VAR1 = { 'no-blackfilter' => '', 'frontend' => 'libsane-perl', 'output-pages' => '1', 'Paper' => { 'Lettre US' => { 'y' => '279', 'l' => '0', 'x' => '216', 't' => '0' }, "L\x{e9}gal US" => { 'y' => '356', 'l' => '0', 'x' => '216', 't' => '0' }, 'A4' => { 'y' => '297', 'l' => '0', 'x' => '210', 't' => '0' } }, 'unsharp radius' => '0', 'no-border-scan' => '', 'window_maximize' => '1', 'ocr engine' => 'tesseract', 'no-blurfilter' => '', 'white-threshold' => '0.9', 'keywords' => '', 'layout' => 'single', 'pid' => '2734', 'cwd' => '/home/pm/tmp', 'unsharp amount' => '1', 'OCR output' => 'replace', 'image type' => 'pdf', 'OCR on scan' => '', 'ocr language' => 'fra', 'Page range' => 'selected', 'subject' => '', 'no-deskew' => '', 'default' => { 'hpaio:/net/Photosmart_C5100_series?zc=HP3E6A12' => [ { 'br-x' => '210' }, { 'jpeg-quality' => '25' }, { 'resolution' => '150' }, { 'mode' => 'Gray' } ] }, 'window_height' => '744', 'user_defined_tools' => 'gimp %i', 'default filename' => '%t', 'rotate reverse' => '0', 'startup warning' => '1', 'no-grayfilter' => '', 'Dark threshold' => '0.12', 'pages to scan' => '1', 'no-border-align' => '', 'resolution' => '150', 'Blank threshold' => '0.5', 'title' => 'courrierCanalSat2', 'unpaper on scan' => '', 'rotate facing' => '0', 'libsane-perl version' => '0.03', 'cache options' => '1', 'author' => '', 'downsample dpi' => '150', 'window_width' => '1316', 'deskew-scan-direction' => 'left,right', 'window_x' => '50', 'threshold tool' => '80', 'window_y' => '24', 'quality' => '75', 'border-margin' => '0,0', 'unsharp sigma' => '1', 'date offset' => '0', 'thumb panel' => '100', 'version' => '0.9.32', 'device' => undef, 'unsharp threshold' => '0.05', 'scan prefix' => '', 'no-noisefilter' => '', 'SANE version' => '1.0.22', 'no-mask-scan' => '', 'downsample' => '', 'black-threshold' => '0.33', 'restore window' => '1', 'pdf compression' => 'jpg' }; INFO - Found Image::Magick INFO - Found ImageMagick INFO - Found scanadf INFO - Found xdg-email INFO - Found gocr INFO - Found tesseract INFO - Found cuneiform INFO - Found cjb2 (djvu) INFO - Found unpaper INFO - Found libtiff INFO - Using /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w for temporary files INFO - Using tessdata at /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/tessdata INFO - Found tesseract language eng INFO - Found tesseract language fra INFO - cuneiform -l INFO - Cuneiform for Linux 1.1.0 Supported languages: eng ger fra rus swe spa ita ruseng ukr srp hrv pol dan por dut cze rum hun bul slv lav lit est tur. INFO - Sane->get_devices returned: $VAR1 = [ { 'name' => 'hpaio:/net/Photosmart_C5100_series?zc=HP3E6A12', 'model' => 'Photosmart_C5100_series', 'type' => 'all-in-one', 'vendor' => 'Hewlett-Packard' } ]; DEBUG - Sane->get_option_descriptor returned: $VAR1 = [ undef, { 'cap' => '0', 'unit' => '0', 'max_values' => '0', 'title' => 'Scan mode', 'type' => '5', 'constraint_type' => '0' }, { 'cap' => '5', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'mode', 'val' => 'Color', 'unit' => '0', 'desc' => 'Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).', 'constraint' => [ 'Lineart', 'Gray', 'Color' ], 'title' => 'Scan mode', 'type' => '3', 'constraint_type' => '3' }, { 'cap' => '5', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'resolution', 'val' => '75', 'unit' => '4', 'desc' => 'Sets the resolution of the scanned image.', 'constraint' => { 'min' => '75', 'max' => '2400', 'quant' => '0' }, 'title' => 'Scan resolution', 'type' => '1', 'constraint_type' => '1' }, { 'cap' => '64', 'unit' => '0', 'max_values' => '0', 'title' => 'Advanced', 'type' => '5', 'constraint_type' => '0' }, { 'cap' => '101', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'contrast', 'unit' => '0', 'desc' => 'Controls the contrast of the acquired image.', 'title' => 'Contrast', 'type' => '1', 'constraint' => { 'min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'quant' => '0' }, 'constraint_type' => '1' }, { 'cap' => '69', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'compression', 'val' => 'JPEG', 'unit' => '0', 'desc' => 'Selects the scanner compression method for faster scans, possibly at the expense of image quality.', 'constraint' => [ 'None', 'JPEG' ], 'title' => 'Compression', 'type' => '3', 'constraint_type' => '3' }, { 'cap' => '69', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'jpeg-quality', 'val' => '10', 'unit' => '0', 'desc' => 'Sets the scanner JPEG compression factor. Larger numbers mean better compression, and smaller numbers mean better image quality.', 'constraint' => { 'min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'quant' => '0' }, 'title' => 'JPEG compression factor', 'type' => '1', 'constraint_type' => '1' }, { 'cap' => '69', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'batch-scan', 'val' => '0', 'unit' => '0', 'desc' => 'Enables continuous scanning with automatic document feeder (ADF).', 'title' => 'Batch scan', 'type' => '0', 'constraint_type' => '0' }, { 'cap' => '69', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'source', 'val' => 'Flatbed', 'unit' => '0', 'desc' => 'Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).', 'constraint' => [ 'Flatbed' ], 'title' => 'Scan source', 'type' => '3', 'constraint_type' => '3' }, { 'cap' => '32', 'unit' => '0', 'max_values' => '0', 'type' => '0', 'constraint_type' => '0' }, { 'cap' => '64', 'unit' => '0', 'max_values' => '0', 'title' => 'Geometry', 'type' => '5', 'constraint_type' => '0' }, { 'cap' => '69', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'length-measurement', 'val' => 'Padded', 'unit' => '0', 'desc' => 'Selects how the scanned image length is measured and reported, which is impossible to know in advance for scrollfed scans.', 'constraint' => [ 'Unknown', 'Approximate', 'Padded' ], 'title' => 'Length measurement', 'type' => '3', 'constraint_type' => '3' }, { 'cap' => '5', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'tl-x', 'val' => '0', 'unit' => '3', 'desc' => 'Top-left x position of scan area.', 'constraint' => { 'min' => '0', 'max' => '215.899993896484', 'quant' => '0' }, 'title' => 'Top-left x', 'type' => '2', 'constraint_type' => '1' }, { 'cap' => '5', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'tl-y', 'val' => '0', 'unit' => '3', 'desc' => 'Top-left y position of scan area.', 'constraint' => { 'min' => '0', 'max' => '296.925994873047', 'quant' => '0' }, 'title' => 'Top-left y', 'type' => '2', 'constraint_type' => '1' }, { 'cap' => '5', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'br-x', 'val' => '215.899993896484', 'unit' => '3', 'desc' => 'Bottom-right x position of scan area.', 'constraint' => { 'min' => '0', 'max' => '215.899993896484', 'quant' => '0' }, 'title' => 'Bottom-right x', 'type' => '2', 'constraint_type' => '1' }, { 'cap' => '5', 'max_values' => '1', 'name' => 'br-y', 'val' => '296.925994873047', 'unit' => '3', 'desc' => 'Bottom-right y position of scan area.', 'constraint' => { 'min' => '0', 'max' => '296.925994873047', 'quant' => '0' }, 'title' => 'Bottom-right y', 'type' => '2', 'constraint_type' => '1' } ]; INFO - sane_set_option returned status Success with info 4 INFO - sane_set_option returned status Success with info 0 INFO - sane_set_option returned status Success with info 4 INFO - sane_set_option returned status Success with info 4 DEBUG - $VAR1 = []; INFO - rotate facing 0 INFO - rotate reverse 0 INFO - non-duplex mode INFO - rotate_facing 0 INFO - rotate_reverse 0 INFO - unpaper INFO - OCR INFO - gscan2pdf: scanning image of size 1240x1753 pixels at 8 bits/pixel INFO - gscan2pdf: acquiring gray frame INFO - gscan2pdf: min/max graylevel value = 0/255 INFO - gscan2pdf: read 2173720 bytes in total INFO - Scanned page /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w/out1.pnm. (scanner status = 5) INFO - Importing scan with resolution=150 INFO - Format is P5 INFO - Header is 37 INFO - Header suggests 2173757 INFO - Expecting 2173757, found 2173757 INFO - Importing /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w/out1.pnm, format Portable anymap INFO - Added /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w/SRIiSSHP1m.pnm at page 1 with resolution 150 DEBUG - PDF save filename dialog returned ok DEBUG - Started saving /home/pm/tmp/ascan_005-12.pdf INFO - Forked PID 2896 DEBUG - Finished saving /home/pm/tmp/ascan_005-12.pdf INFO - Converting /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w/SRIiSSHP1m.pnm to /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w/APnBWOWteq.jpg INFO - Writing temporary image /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w/APnBWOWteq.jpg with depth 8 INFO - Defining page at 595.2pt x 841.44pt INFO - Adding /tmp/OjjpaAMc9w/APnBWOWteq.jpg at 150 PPI INFO - Process 2896 exited.