--- /home/steff/Entwicklung/mintupdate/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/mintUpdate.py.orig +++ /home/steff/Entwicklung/mintupdate/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/mintUpdate.py @@ -84,31 +84,22 @@ url = urllib2.urlopen("http://packages.linuxmint.com/dev/" + self.source_package + "_" + self.version + "_amd64.changes", None, 30) source = url.read() url.close() - changes = source.split("\n") - for change in changes: - change = change.strip() - if change.startswith("*"): - changelog = changelog + change + "\n" + changelog = source except: try: url = urllib2.urlopen("http://packages.linuxmint.com/dev/" + self.source_package + "_" + self.version + "_i386.changes", None, 30) source = url.read() url.close() - changes = source.split("\n") - for change in changes: - change = change.strip() - if change.startswith("*"): - changelog = changelog + change + "\n" + changelog = source except: changelog = _("No changelog available") else: try: - source = commands.getoutput("aptitude changelog " + self.source_package) - changes = source.split("urgency=")[1].split("\n") - for change in changes: - change = change.strip() - if change.startswith("*"): - changelog = changelog + change + "\n" + source = commands.getstatusoutput("aptitude changelog " + self.source_package) + if source[0] != 0 or source[1].startswith("Err Changelog of"): + changelog = _("No changelog available") + "\n" + _("Click on Edit->Software Sources and tick the 'Source code' option to enable access to the changelogs") + else: + changelog = source[1] except Exception, detail: print detail changelog = _("No changelog available") + "\n" + _("Click on Edit->Software Sources and tick the 'Source code' option to enable access to the changelogs")