2.2 --- Fixed bug in handling of certificates with long serial numbers (typically root certs). Added workaround for OpenSSL 1.0a bug. 2.1 --- Prompt user to save their certificate after importing a .tq6 signed certificate. Fix filtering of superceded certificates so they are not displayed by default. Don't allow certificate import to overwrite a newer certificate. Require selection of states for US, provinces for Canada (with ability to override when not appropriate.) Handle Alaskan administratitive areas by allowing them to be selected while outputting the correct county name in the station data exported with a signed log. Added support for specifying zone numbers for entities, states, and provinces Force proper zones for entities, states when possible. Update configuration file to correspond to ADIF specifications for county names. Ignore expired certificates during import/export when an expired CA certificate is signed by a valid root cert. Support OpenSSL 0.9 through 1.0 beta. Fix security bug in certificate validation.