$(document).ready(function() { /* Show and Hide multiple elements */ // Andy Langton's show/hide/mini-accordion - updated 23/11/2009 // Latest version @ http://andylangton.co.uk/jquery-show-hide // this tells jquery to run the function below once the DOM is ready // choose text for the show/hide link - can contain HTML (e.g. an image) var showText=''; var hideText=''; // append show/hide links to the element directly preceding the element with a class of "toggle" $('.toggle').prev().append(''+showText+''); // hide all of the elements with a class of 'toggle' $('.toggle').hide(); // capture clicks on the toggle links $('a.toggleLink').click(function() { //Check the status of the icon (showText or hideText?) and toggle the icon //Modified by Jeff Sherk - December 16, 2010 if (showText == $(this).html() ) { $(this).html(hideText); } else { $(this).html(showText); } // toggle the display - uncomment the next line for a basic "accordion" style //$('.toggle').hide();$('a.toggleLink').html(showText); $(this).parent().next('.toggle').toggle('slow'); // return false so any link destination is not followed return false; }); });