Į Baltix/LPM DVD įdėti lengvo programų kūrimo įrankį Quickly

Bug #457019 reported by Mantas Kriaučiūnas
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
FOSS All Ways

Bug Description

Į Baltix/LPM DVD reik įdėt programų kūrimo įrankį Quickly - su jo pagalba galima paprastai kurti naujas programas, paprastai sukurti deb paketus ir pan.


Quickly helps you create software programs (and other things) quickly. You can select from a set of application templates and use some simple quickly commands to create, edit code and GUI, and publish your software for others to use. Quickly's templates are easy to write. So if you are a fan of language foo, you can create a foo-project template. Or if you want to help people making plugins for your killer app, you can make a killer-app-plugin template. You can even create a template for managing corporate documents, creating your awesome LaTeX helpers

Naujausi paketai: https://launchpad.net/~quickly/+archive/daily-build

Daugiau informacijos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quickly

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