FTBFS/autopkgtest failures with emacs 28.1

Bug #2006963 reported by Sergio Durigan Junior
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
emacs (Debian)
emacs (Ubuntu)
emacs-buttercup (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
emacs-helm-ag (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
flycheck (Debian)
Fix Released
flycheck (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

flycheck is FTBFSing and its dep8 tests are failing with emacs 28.1:

autopkgtest [14:01:34]: test dh-elpa-test-autopkgtest: [-----------------------
 buttercup -L .
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/00debian.el (source)...
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50autoconf.el (source)...
Running 110 specs.

Language C/C++
  The Cppcheck error parser
    parses Cppcheck XML using automatic parser selection
 parses Cppcheck XML using automatic parser selection (10.99ms)
    parses Cppcheck XML without errors using automatic parser selection
 parses Cppcheck XML without errors using automatic parser selection (0.21ms)
    parses Cppcheck XML without errors using builtin parser
 parses Cppcheck XML without errors using builtin parser (7.91ms)

Language Emacs Lisp
    exports all customizable variables
 exports all customizable variables Expected `(seq-sort #'string-lessp flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-variables)' to be `equal' to `(checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-column-zero-backslash-before-paren checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space)', but instead it was `(checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space)' which does not match because: (proper-lists-of-different-length 10 11 (checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space) (checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-column-zero-backslash-before-paren checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space) first-mismatch-at 1). (0.54ms)

Language Go
  The staticcheck error parser
    parses staticcheck JSON output
 parses staticcheck JSON output (0.96ms)

Language Haskell
  Module names
    does not extract a module name from commented code
 does not extract a module name from commented code (0.21ms)
    extracts a simple module name without exports
 extracts a simple module name without exports (0.15ms)
    extracts a simple module name at the end of a line
 extracts a simple module name at the end of a line (0.12ms)
    extracts a module name with exports
 extracts a module name with exports (0.12ms)
    extracts a module name with exports right after the name
 extracts a module name with exports right after the name (0.12ms)

Syntax checker Help
    pops up a help buffer for ruby-rubocop
 pops up a help buffer for ruby-rubocop (2.51ms)
    documents ruby-rubocop in the help buffer
 documents ruby-rubocop in the help buffer (1.37ms)
    navigates to the source of ruby-rubocop
 navigates to the source of ruby-rubocop (33.60ms)
    shows next checkers in the help of ruby-rubocop
 shows next checkers in the help of ruby-rubocop (1.59ms)
    shows the executable name in the help of ruby-rubocop
 shows the executable name in the help of ruby-rubocop (1.49ms)
    shows the executable variable in the help of ruby-rubocop
 shows the executable variable in the help of ruby-rubocop (1.41ms)
    shows the configuration file variable in the help of ruby-rubocop
 shows the configuration file variable in the help of ruby-rubocop (1.37ms)
    shows the option variables in the help of ruby-rubocop
 shows the option variables in the help of ruby-rubocop (1.37ms)
    shows the docstring of ruby-rubocop
 shows the docstring of ruby-rubocop (1.48ms)

Language JavaScript
  The ESLint error parser
    parses ESLint JSON output with errors
 parses ESLint JSON output with errors (0.26ms)
    parses ESLint JSON output without errors
 parses ESLint JSON output without errors (0.23ms)
    parses ESLint JSON output with deprecation warning
 parses ESLint JSON output with deprecation warning (0.24ms)

Language PHP
  The PHDMD error parser
    parses PHPMD XML output
 parses PHPMD XML output (1.05ms)

Language Ruby
  The Reek error parser
    parses Reek JSON output
 parses Reek JSON output (40.63ms)

Language TypeScript
  The TSLint error parser
    parses TSLint JSON output
 parses TSLint JSON output (0.65ms)
    parses TSLint JSON output with unknown severity
 parses TSLint JSON output with unknown severity (0.42ms)

  Syntax checkers
    documents all syntax checkers
 documents all syntax checkers (1.98ms)
    doesn't document syntax checkers that don't exist
 doesn't document syntax checkers that don't exist (2.00ms)
      documents all syntax checker options
 documents all syntax checker options (2.15ms)
      doesn't document syntax checker options that don't exist
 doesn't document syntax checker options that don't exist (2.06ms)
    Configuration files
      documents all syntax checker configuration files
 documents all syntax checker configuration files (0.32ms)
      it doesn't document configuration files that don't exist
 it doesn't document configuration files that don't exist (0.28ms)

Error filters
    removes trailing whitespace
 removes trailing whitespace (0.12ms)
    removes empty error IDs
 removes empty error IDs (0.11ms)
    removes zero columns
 removes zero columns (0.14ms)
    removes the given filename from errors
 removes the given filename from errors (0.36ms)
    ignores nil columns
 ignores nil columns (0.15ms)
    increments with the default offset
 increments with the default offset (0.25ms)
    increments with a custom offset
 increments with a custom offset (0.20ms)
    skips over intermittent errors
 skips over intermittent errors (1.04ms)
    collapses all whitespace in error messages
 collapses all whitespace in error messages (0.12ms)
    removes all nested qualifiers
 removes all nested qualifiers (0.21ms)
    leaves unqualified IDs alone
 leaves unqualified IDs alone (0.17ms)
    ignores errors without IDs
 ignores errors without IDs (0.10ms)
    ignores errors without IDs
 ignores errors without IDs (0.14ms)
    removes error IDs
 removes error IDs (0.14ms)
    ignores errors with line numbers
 ignores errors with line numbers (0.11ms)
    sets errors missing line numbers to line 0
 sets errors missing line numbers to line 0 (0.15ms)

Error List
  has the correct buffer name
 has the correct buffer name (0.21ms)
  has a permanently local source buffer
 has a permanently local source buffer (0.26ms)
  derives from Tabulated List Mode
 derives from Tabulated List Mode (0.31ms)
    sets the error list format locally
 sets the error list format locally (0.32ms)
    sets a proper padding locally
 sets a proper padding locally (0.32ms)
    sets the list entries locally
 sets the list entries locally (0.32ms)
    has a local header line
 has a local header line Expected `header-line-format' to be `equal' to `" File Line Col Level ID Message (Checker) "', but instead it was `#(" File Line ▼ Col Level ID Message (Checker) " 0 1 (display (space :align-to 1)) 1 5 (tabulated-list-column-name "File") 5 6 (display (space :align-to 8) face fixed-pitch) 6 12 (face bold tabulated-list-column-name "Line" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 12 13 (display (space :align-to 14) face fixed-pitch) 13 16 (tabulated-list-column-name "Col") 16 17 (display (space :align-to 18) face fixed-pitch) 17 22 (tabulated-list-column-name "Level" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 22 23 (display (space :align-to 27) face fixed-pitch) 23 25 (tabulated-list-column-name "ID" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 25 26 (display (space :align-to 34) face fixed-pitch) 26 35 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 35 42 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort))) face flycheck-error-list-checker-name) 42 43 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 43 44 (display (space :align-to 35) face fixed-pitch))' which does not match because: (arrays-of-different-length 44 43 #(" File Line ▼ Col Level ID Message (Checker) " 0 1 (display (space :align-to 1)) 1 5 (tabulated-list-column-name "File") 5 6 (display (space :align-to 8) face fixed-pitch) 6 12 (face bold tabulated-list-column-name "Line" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 12 13 (display (space :align-to 14) face fixed-pitch) 13 16 (tabulated-list-column-name "Col") 16 17 (display (space :align-to 18) face fixed-pitch) 17 22 (tabulated-list-column-name "Level" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 22 23 (display (space :align-to 27) face fixed-pitch) 23 25 (tabulated-list-column-name "ID" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 25 26 (display (space :align-to 34) face fixed-pitch) 26 35 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 35 42 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort))) face flycheck-error-list-checker-name) 42 43 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 43 44 (display (space :align-to 35) face fixed-pitch)) " File Line Col Level ID Message (Checker) " first-mismatch-at 6). (0.93ms)
    has the file name in the 1st column
 has the file name in the 1st column (0.23ms)
    has the line number in the 2nd column
 has the line number in the 2nd column (0.23ms)
    has the column number in the 3rd column
 has the column number in the 3rd column (0.30ms)
    has the error level in the 4th column
 has the error level in the 4th column (0.30ms)
    has the error ID in the 5th column
 has the error ID in the 5th column (0.24ms)
    has the error message in the 6th column
 has the error message in the 6th column (0.27ms)
    has the error object as ID
 has the error object as ID (0.15ms)
    has the line number in the 2nd cell
 has the line number in the 2nd cell (0.15ms)
    has the column number in the 3rd cell
 has the column number in the 3rd cell (0.14ms)
    has an empty 3rd cell if there is no column number
 has an empty 3rd cell if there is no column number (0.19ms)
    has the error level in the 4th cell
 has the error level in the 4th cell (0.15ms)
    has the error ID in the 5th cell
 has the error ID in the 5th cell (0.17ms)
    has the error message in the 6th cell
 has the error message in the 6th cell (0.18ms)
    has a default message in the 6th cell if there is no message
 has a default message in the 6th cell if there is no message (0.22ms)
    kills the filter variable when resetting the filter
 kills the filter variable when resetting the filter (0.17ms)
    filters errors with lower levels
 filters errors with lower levels (0.15ms)
    Mode Line
      shows no mode line indicator if no filter is set
 shows no mode line indicator if no filter is set (0.06ms)
      shows the level filter in the mode line if set
 shows the level filter in the mode line if set (0.14ms)

Error parsers
  The checkstyle parser
    parses Checkstyle XML using built-in XML parser
 parses Checkstyle XML using built-in XML parser (1.25ms)
    parses Checkstyle XML using libxml
 parses Checkstyle XML using libxml (1.00ms)
    parses Checkstyle XML with automatic parser selection
 parses Checkstyle XML with automatic parser selection (0.96ms)

Generic syntax checkers
  Major mode
    supports the current major mode
 supports the current major mode (0.17ms)
    supports a major mode
 supports a major mode (0.15ms)
    does not support a major mode
 does not support a major mode (0.14ms)

Global Flycheck Mode
  checks whether it may enable the mode
 checks whether it may enable the mode (0.56ms)
  enables Flycheck in a regular buffer
 enables Flycheck in a regular buffer (0.45ms)
  enables Flycheck when only that major mode is allowed
 enables Flycheck when only that major mode is allowed (0.51ms)
  does not enable Flycheck in temporary buffers
 does not enable Flycheck in temporary buffers (0.28ms)
  does not enable Flycheck in ephemeral buffers
 does not enable Flycheck in ephemeral buffers (0.36ms)
  does not enable Flycheck in special modes
 does not enable Flycheck in special modes (40.23ms)
  does not enable Flycheck in fundamental-mode
 does not enable Flycheck in fundamental-mode (0.33ms)
  does not enable Flycheck in encrypted buffers
 does not enable Flycheck in encrypted buffers (0.40ms)
  does not enable Flycheck in compilation mode
 does not enable Flycheck in compilation mode (43.45ms)
  does not enable Flycheck if all major modes are disabled
 does not enable Flycheck if all major modes are disabled (0.45ms)
  does not enable Flycheck if the major mode is disabled
 does not enable Flycheck if the major mode is disabled (40.55ms)
  does not enable Flycheck if the major mode is not enabled
 does not enable Flycheck if the major mode is not enabled (0.43ms)

Encrypted buffers
    considers a temporary buffer as unencrypted
 considers a temporary buffer as unencrypted (0.76ms)
    considers a file buffer as unencrypted
 considers a file buffer as unencrypted (3.24ms)
    recognizes an encrypted buffer
 recognizes an encrypted buffer (2.09s)

Mode Line
  shows the number of errors and warnings
 shows the number of errors and warnings (0.70ms)
  does not show the number of infos
 does not show the number of infos (0.54ms)
  includes the prefix
 includes the prefix (0.54ms)

    considers an empty buffer as empty
 considers an empty buffer as empty (0.59ms)
    does not consider a buffer with content as empty
 does not consider a buffer with content as empty (0.34ms)
    detects emptiness of narrowed buffers
 detects emptiness of narrowed buffers (0.29ms)
    considers an unmodified buffer without backing file unsaved
 considers an unmodified buffer without backing file unsaved (0.17ms)
    considers a modified buffer without backing file unsaved
 considers a modified buffer without backing file unsaved (0.17ms)
    considers an unmodified buffer with backing file saved
 considers an unmodified buffer with backing file saved FAILED (790.05ms)
    considers a modified buffer with backing file unsaved
 considers a modified buffer with backing file unsaved FAILED (0.59ms)
    non-existing programs
      returns nil when given a non-existing program name
 returns nil when given a non-existing program name (0.77ms)
      returns nil when given a non-existing relative program path
 returns nil when given a non-existing relative program path (0.80ms)
      returns nil when given a non-existing absolute program path
 returns nil when given a non-existing absolute program path (0.42ms)
    existing programs with implied suffix
      resolves the path when given an existing program name
 resolves the path when given an existing program name (1.74ms)
      resolves the path when given an existing relative program path
 resolves the path when given an existing relative program path (1.90ms)
      resolves the path when given an existing absolute program path
 resolves the path when given an existing absolute program path (1.70ms)

Language Emacs Lisp Checkdoc exports all customizable variables

Traceback (most recent call last):
  buttercup-fail("%s" "Expected `(seq-sort #'string-lessp flycheck-emacs-lis...
  signal(buttercup-failed "Expected `(seq-sort #'string-lessp flycheck-emacs...
FAILED: Expected `(seq-sort #'string-lessp flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-variables)' to be `equal' to `(checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-column-zero-backslash-before-paren checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space)', but instead it was `(checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space)' which does not match because: (proper-lists-of-different-length 10 11 (checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space) (checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-column-zero-backslash-before-paren checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag sentence-end-double-space) first-mismatch-at 1).

Error List Format has a local header line

Traceback (most recent call last):
  buttercup-fail("%s" "Expected `header-line-format' to be `equal' to `\" Fi...
  signal(buttercup-failed "Expected `header-line-format' to be `equal' to `\...
FAILED: Expected `header-line-format' to be `equal' to `" File Line Col Level ID Message (Checker) "', but instead it was `#(" File Line ▼ Col Level ID Message (Checker) " 0 1 (display (space :align-to 1)) 1 5 (tabulated-list-column-name "File") 5 6 (display (space :align-to 8) face fixed-pitch) 6 12 (face bold tabulated-list-column-name "Line" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 12 13 (display (space :align-to 14) face fixed-pitch) 13 16 (tabulated-list-column-name "Col") 16 17 (display (space :align-to 18) face fixed-pitch) 17 22 (tabulated-list-column-name "Level" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 22 23 (display (space :align-to 27) face fixed-pitch) 23 25 (tabulated-list-column-name "ID" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 25 26 (display (space :align-to 34) face fixed-pitch) 26 35 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 35 42 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort))) face flycheck-error-list-checker-name) 42 43 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 43 44 (display (space :align-to 35) face fixed-pitch))' which does not match because: (arrays-of-different-length 44 43 #(" File Line ▼ Col Level ID Message (Checker) " 0 1 (display (space :align-to 1)) 1 5 (tabulated-list-column-name "File") 5 6 (display (space :align-to 8) face fixed-pitch) 6 12 (face bold tabulated-list-column-name "Line" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 12 13 (display (space :align-to 14) face fixed-pitch) 13 16 (tabulated-list-column-name "Col") 16 17 (display (space :align-to 18) face fixed-pitch) 17 22 (tabulated-list-column-name "Level" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 22 23 (display (space :align-to 27) face fixed-pitch) 23 25 (tabulated-list-column-name "ID" help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 25 26 (display (space :align-to 34) face fixed-pitch) 26 35 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 35 42 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort))) face flycheck-error-list-checker-name) 42 43 (tabulated-list-column-name #("Message (Checker)" 9 16 (face flycheck-error-list-checker-name)) help-echo "Click to sort by column" mouse-face header-line-highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (13 . tabulated-list-sort) (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . tabulated-list-col-sort) (mouse-1 . tabulated-list-col-sort)))) 43 44 (display (space :align-to 35) face fixed-pitch)) " File Line Col Level ID Message (Checker) " first-mismatch-at 6).

Utilities flycheck-buffer-saved-p considers an unmodified buffer with backing file saved

Traceback (most recent call last):
  spy-on(buffer-file-name :and-return-value "test-buffer-name")
  buttercup--spy-on-and-call-replacement(buffer-file-name (lambda (&rest arg...
error: (native-lisp-load-failed "file does not exists" "/tmp/buttercupIAE1Iz/28.2-2972a405/subr--trampoline-6275666665722d66696c652d6e616d65_buffer_file_name_0.eln")

Utilities flycheck-buffer-saved-p considers a modified buffer with backing file unsaved

Traceback (most recent call last):
  spy-on(buffer-file-name :and-return-value "test-buffer-name")
  buttercup--spy-on-and-call-replacement(buffer-file-name (lambda (&rest arg...
error: (native-lisp-load-failed "file does not exists" "/tmp/buttercupIAE1Iz/28.2-2972a405/subr--trampoline-6275666665722d66696c652d6e616d65_buffer_file_name_0.eln")

Ran 110 specs, 4 failed, in 3.23s.
buttercup-run failed: ""
dh_elpa_test: error: buttercup -L . returned exit code 255

Changed in flycheck (Ubuntu):
status: New → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Sergio Durigan Junior (sergiodj) wrote :
Changed in flycheck (Ubuntu):
status: Fix Released → New
Changed in emacs-buttercup (Ubuntu):
status: New → Fix Released
Changed in flycheck (Ubuntu):
status: New → Fix Released
Changed in emacs-helm-ag (Ubuntu):
status: New → Fix Released
Changed in flycheck (Debian):
status: Unknown → Fix Released
Changed in emacs (Debian):
status: Unknown → Confirmed
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