# hugin project file #hugin_ptoversion 2 p f1 w7618 h5489 v61 E14.6621 R0 S290,7207,777,3617 n"TIFF_m c:LZW r:CROP" m i0 # image lines #-hugin cropFactor=5.53571 i w4000 h3000 f0 v31.1930314529029 Ra-0.500617980957031 Rb0.543423116207123 Rc-0.311202198266983 Rd-0.542172968387604 Re-0.410241514444351 Eev14.614709726453 Er1 Eb1 r1.14459785946059 p4.27068470682339 y-12.5715544044732 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a0 b0.0013353246433064 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0 Vm5 n"TKDD3910.JPG" #-hugin cropFactor=5.5357141494751 i w4000 h3000 f0 v=0 Ra=0 Rb=0 Rc=0 Rd=0 Re=0 Eev14.7094902453226 Er0.994511366638857 Eb0.989327583007282 r-1.54689483827165 p4.07647289072615 y11.6783005633918 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 t=0 Va=0 Vb=0 Vc=0 Vd=0 Vx=0 Vy=0 Vm5 n"TKDD3911.JPG" # specify variables that should be optimized v Ra0 v Rb0 v Rc0 v Rd0 v Re0 v r0 v p0 v Vb0 v Vc0 v Vd0 v Eev1 v r1 v p1 v y1 v # control points c n0 N1 x3070.73723651386 y669.332180759782 X52.1729584853454 Y579.958974169585 t0 c n0 N1 x3080.25692382065 y840.504193618011 X51.1599938618329 Y755.672214739405 t0 c n0 N1 x3197.48821652026 y1777.95503838478 X100.54718804033 Y1722.11605812647 t0 c n0 N1 x3178.0886652576 y1978.780659554 X64.2248070967988 Y1924.34980766368 t0 c n0 N1 x3249.19557947449 y2471.19820727897 X94.0238855764145 Y2427.29156474776 t0 c n0 N1 x3364.63606069124 y1792.69957779541 X270.202639575426 Y1746.24401822326 t0 c n0 N1 x3416.37721135007 y1950.16703744525 X310.973290296976 Y1907.79294434665 t0 c n0 N1 x3384.76176254163 y2437.82629326364 X236.668601169218 Y2397.39277789203 t0 c n0 N1 x3482.81000053413 y1791.79001120184 X389.663722890714 Y1754.11618760874 t0 c n0 N1 x3436.0940126299 y1825.87455691823 X340.905866793943 Y1784.45078524236 t0 c n0 N1 x3484.4039562085 y2397.32206960426 X340.916786791151 Y2359.17793388897 t0 c n0 N1 x3727.86651571513 y1186.06167201898 X676.641492407697 Y1164.9448500972 t0 c n0 N1 x3659.02668722183 y1593.2151016295 X579.191848380557 Y1565.20567601429 t0 c n0 N1 x3755.86768449864 y1914.6708615499 X649.773390945907 Y1890.83667501539 t0 c n0 N1 x3646.2015946573 y2647.15540512141 X478.726277560104 Y2612.404836508 t0 c n0 N1 x3850.37892962524 y1088.84341157773 X797.882162307199 Y1086.58438117597 t0 c n0 N1 x3923.35142955201 y1761.35290059283 X821.800178111207 Y1749.95518497406 t0 c n0 N1 x3935.59224400599 y1830.59906812152 X828.543480509365 Y1818.51677842778 t0 c n0 N1 x3929.7722295905 y2719.95368385729 X748.901789982027 Y2686.05882909937 t0 c n0 N0 x2707.5 y1480 X2715 Y1785 t1 c n0 N0 x995 y1945 X1007.5 Y2235 t1 c n0 N0 x997.5 y2302.5 X1010 Y2527.5 t1 c n1 N1 x1490 y830 X1505 Y1407.5 t1 c n1 N1 x1537.5 y1892.5 X1545 Y2100 t1 # masks k i0 t3 p"3369 1978 3678 1964 3846 2239 3402 2236 3368 1981" #hugin_optimizeReferenceImage 0 #hugin_blender enblend #hugin_remapper nona #hugin_enblendOptions #hugin_enfuseOptions #hugin_hdrmergeOptions -m avg -c #hugin_verdandiOptions #hugin_outputLDRBlended true #hugin_outputLDRLayers false #hugin_outputLDRExposureRemapped false #hugin_outputLDRExposureLayers false #hugin_outputLDRExposureBlended false #hugin_outputLDRStacks false #hugin_outputLDRExposureLayersFused false #hugin_outputHDRBlended false #hugin_outputHDRLayers false #hugin_outputHDRStacks false #hugin_outputLayersCompression LZW #hugin_outputImageType jpg #hugin_outputImageTypeCompression LZW #hugin_outputJPEGQuality 90 #hugin_outputImageTypeHDR exr #hugin_outputImageTypeHDRCompression LZW #hugin_outputStacksMinOverlap 0.7 #hugin_outputLayersExposureDiff 0.5 #hugin_outputRangeCompression 0 #hugin_optimizerMasterSwitch 1 #hugin_optimizerPhotoMasterSwitch 21