qemu-4.2.0 qemu-system-i386 not receive scancode 86 of spanish keyboard (ascii chars '<' & '>')

Bug #1861946 reported by Pedro Pablo Lopez Rodriguez
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released

Bug Description


I am using qemu-4.2.0 for Windows 64 downloaded from https://qemu.weilnetz.de/w64/,
and I use qemu-system-i386.exe for run Minix 3.1.2a:

  C:\Program Files\qemu> qemu-system-i386 minix3hd.qcow

All is Ok except the keyboard (spanish).

Actually the Spanish keyboard has always worked well until the version qemu-2.11.0 included. But after that version and until the current version the Spanish keyboard has worked with some very annoying bugs.

The bugs that I encountered in the current version 4.2.0 on Windows are:

1) Scancode 86 (ascii '<') is not received from the Spanish keyboard.

2) Scancode 41 should be interpreted as 39 (41 -> 39).

3) in the same way:
12 -> 53
13 -> 27
26 -> 12
27 -> 13
43 -> 41
53 -> 43

4) Finally and very important in Spain is that scancode 39 should produce the national characters 'ñ' and 'Ñ'

I have checked the scancodes sent by running a floppy disk image with a boot sector that echoed the scancodes sent by pressing the different keys, so the errors are not due in any case to the operating system, but to the virtual machine or at most to the BIOS.

In Minix 3.1.2a I tried to alleviate the errors by modifying the keymap: /usr/lib/keymaps/spanish.map. I have managed to solve all the errors except the one corresponding to scancode 86 (ascii '<') since when the key is pressed on the Spanish keyboard the scancode 86 is not sent.

I accompany the modified keymap: https://github.com/Stichting-MINIX-Research-Foundation/minix/blob/R3.1.2/drivers/tty/keymaps/spanish.src for it could be clarifying in any way.

Thank you very much for qemu and the new version 4.2.0. Apart from these small details, all the improvements that have been included are greatly appreciated.

Greetings. Pedro Pablo.

------------------------- spanish.src (modified #if 0 #else #endif) -------------------------

/* Keymap for Spanish MF-2 keyboard. */
/* Modified by Javier Garcia Martin <email address hidden> */

u16_t keymap[NR_SCAN_CODES * MAP_COLS] = {

/* scan-code !Shift Shift Alt AltGr Alt+Sh Ctrl */
/* 00 - none */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 01 - ESC */ C('['), C('['), CA('['),C('['), C('['), C('['),
/* 02 - '1' */ '1', '!', A('1'), '|', '!', C('A'),
/* 03 - '2' */ '2', '"', A('2'), '@', '"', C('@'),
/* 04 - '3' */ '3', 0372, A('3'), '#', 0372, C('C'),
/* 05 - '4' */ '4', '$', A('4'), '4', '$', C('D'),
/* 06 - '5' */ '5', '%', A('5'), '5', '%', C('E'),
/* 07 - '6' */ '6', '&', A('6'), 0252, '&', C('F'),
/* 08 - '7' */ '7', '/', A('7'), '{', '/', C('G'),
/* 09 - '8' */ '8', '(', A('8'), '(', '(', C('H'),
/* 10 - '9' */ '9', ')', A('9'), ')', ')', C('I'),
/* 11 - '0' */ '0', '=', A('0'), '=', '=', C('@'),
#if 0
/* 12 - '-' */ '\'', '?', A('\''),'?', '?', C('_'), /* debería ser como la (53) */
/* 53 - '/' */ '-', '_', A('-'), '-', '_', C('@'),
#if 0
/* 13 - '=' */ 0255, 0250, A(0255),0250, 0250, C('@'), /* deberia ser como la (27) */
/* 27 - ']' */ '+', '*', A('+'), ']', '*', C(']'),
/* 14 - BS */ C('H'), C('H'), CA('H'),C('H'), C('H'), 0177,
/* 15 - TAB */ C('I'), C('I'), CA('I'),C('I'), C('I'), C('I'),
/* 16 - 'q' */ L('q'), 'Q', A('q'), 'q', 'Q', C('Q'),
/* 17 - 'w' */ L('w'), 'W', A('w'), 'w', 'W', C('W'),
/* 18 - 'e' */ L('e'), 'E', A('e'), 'e', 'E', C('E'),
/* 19 - 'r' */ L('r'), 'R', A('r'), 'r', 'R', C('R'),
/* 20 - 't' */ L('t'), 'T', A('t'), 't', 'T', C('T'),
/* 21 - 'y' */ L('y'), 'Y', A('y'), 'y', 'Y', C('Y'),
/* 22 - 'u' */ L('u'), 'U', A('u'), 'u', 'U', C('U'),
/* 23 - 'i' */ L('i'), 'I', A('i'), 'i', 'I', C('I'),
/* 24 - 'o' */ L('o'), 'O', A('o'), 'o', 'O', C('O'),
/* 25 - 'p' */ L('p'), 'P', A('p'), 'p', 'P', C('P'),
#if 0
/* 26 - '[' */ '`', '^', A('`'),'[', '^', C('['), /* debería ser como la (12) */
/* 12 - '-' */ '\'', '?', A('\''),'?', '?', C('_'),
#if 0
/* 27 - ']' */ '+', '*', A('+'), ']', '*', C(']'), /* deberia ser como la (13) */
/* 13 - '=' */ 0255, 0250, A(0255),0250, 0250, C('@'),
/* 28 - CR/LF */ C('M'), C('M'), CA('M'),C('M'), C('M'), C('J'),
/* 29 - Ctrl */ CTRL, CTRL, CTRL, CTRL, CTRL, CTRL,
/* 30 - 'a' */ L('a'), 'A', A('a'), 'a', 'A', C('A'),
/* 31 - 's' */ L('s'), 'S', A('s'), 's', 'S', C('S'),
/* 32 - 'd' */ L('d'), 'D', A('d'), 'd', 'D', C('D'),
/* 33 - 'f' */ L('f'), 'F', A('f'), 'f', 'F', C('F'),
/* 34 - 'g' */ L('g'), 'G', A('g'), 'g', 'G', C('G'),
/* 35 - 'h' */ L('h'), 'H', A('h'), 'h', 'H', C('H'),
/* 36 - 'j' */ L('j'), 'J', A('j'), 'j', 'J', C('J'),
/* 37 - 'k' */ L('k'), 'K', A('k'), 'k', 'K', C('K'),
/* 38 - 'l' */ L('l'), 'L', A('l'), 'l', 'L', C('L'),
#if 0
/* 39 - ';' */ L(0244),0245, A(0244),0244, 0245, C('@'), /* deberia ser como la (26) */
/* 26 - '[' */ '`', '^', A('`'),'[', '^', C('['),
/* 40 - '\'' */ '\'', '"', A('\''),'{', '"', C('@'),
#if 0
/* 41 - '`' */ 0247, 0246, A(0247),'\\', 0246, C('@'), /* deberia ser como la (ñÑ) */
/* 39 - ';' */ L(0244),0245, A(0244),0244, 0245, C('@'),
#if 0
/* 43 - '\\' */ L(0207),0200, A(0207),'}', 0200, C('@'), /* deberia ser como la (41) */
#elif 0
/* 41 - '`' */ 0247, 0246, A(0247),'\\', 0246, C('@'),
/* 41 - '`' */ '<', '>', A('<'), '\\', 0246, C('@'), /* añadimos < y > */
/* 44 - 'z' */ L('z'), 'Z', A('z'), 'z', 'Z', C('Z'),
/* 45 - 'x' */ L('x'), 'X', A('x'), 'x', 'X', C('X'),
/* 46 - 'c' */ L('c'), 'C', A('c'), 'c', 'C', C('C'),
/* 47 - 'v' */ L('v'), 'V', A('v'), 'v', 'V', C('V'),
/* 48 - 'b' */ L('b'), 'B', A('b'), 'b', 'B', C('B'),
/* 49 - 'n' */ L('n'), 'N', A('n'), 'n', 'N', C('N'),
/* 50 - 'm' */ L('m'), 'M', A('m'), 'm', 'M', C('M'),
/* 51 - ',' */ ',', ';', A(','), ',', ';', C('@'),
/* 52 - '.' */ '.', ':', A('.'), '.', ':', C('@'),
#if 0
/* 53 - '/' */ '-', '_', A('-'), '-', '_', C('@'), /* deberia ser como la (43) */
/* 43 - '\\' */ L(0207),0200, A(0207),'}', 0200, C('@'),
/* 55 - '*' */ '*', '*', A('*'), '*', '*', C('M'),
/* 56 - ALT */ ALT, ALT, ALT, ALT, ALT, ALT,
/* 57 - ' ' */ ' ', ' ', A(' '), ' ', ' ', C('@'),
/* 59 - F1 */ F1, SF1, AF1, AF1, ASF1, CF1,
/* 60 - F2 */ F2, SF2, AF2, AF2, ASF2, CF2,
/* 61 - F3 */ F3, SF3, AF3, AF3, ASF3, CF3,
/* 62 - F4 */ F4, SF4, AF4, AF4, ASF4, CF4,
/* 63 - F5 */ F5, SF5, AF5, AF5, ASF5, CF5,
/* 64 - F6 */ F6, SF6, AF6, AF6, ASF6, CF6,
/* 65 - F7 */ F7, SF7, AF7, AF7, ASF7, CF7,
/* 66 - F8 */ F8, SF8, AF8, AF8, ASF8, CF8,
/* 67 - F9 */ F9, SF9, AF9, AF9, ASF9, CF9,
/* 68 - F10 */ F10, SF10, AF10, AF10, ASF10, CF10,
/* 71 - Home */ HOME, '7', AHOME, AHOME, '7', CHOME,
/* 72 - CurUp */ UP, '8', AUP, AUP, '8', CUP,
/* 73 - PgUp */ PGUP, '9', APGUP, APGUP, '9', CPGUP,
/* 74 - '-' */ NMIN, '-', ANMIN, ANMIN, '-', CNMIN,
/* 75 - Left */ LEFT, '4', ALEFT, ALEFT, '4', CLEFT,
/* 76 - MID */ MID, '5', AMID, AMID, '5', CMID,
/* 77 - Right */ RIGHT, '6', ARIGHT, ARIGHT, '6', CRIGHT,
/* 78 - '+' */ PLUS, '+', APLUS, APLUS, '+', CPLUS,
/* 79 - End */ END, '1', AEND, AEND, '1', CEND,
/* 80 - Down */ DOWN, '2', ADOWN, ADOWN, '2', CDOWN,
/* 81 - PgDown */ PGDN, '3', APGDN, APGDN, '3', CPGDN,
/* 82 - Insert */ INSRT, '0', AINSRT, AINSRT, '0', CINSRT,
/* 83 - Delete */ 0177, '.', A(0177),0177, '.', 0177,
/* 84 - Enter */ C('M'), C('M'), CA('M'),C('M'), C('M'), C('J'),
/* 85 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 86 - ??? */ '<', '>', A('<'), '<', '>', C('@'),
/* 87 - F11 */ F11, SF11, AF11, AF11, ASF11, CF11,
/* 88 - F12 */ F12, SF12, AF12, AF12, ASF12, CF12,
/* 89 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 90 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 91 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 92 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 93 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 94 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 95 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 97 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 98 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 99 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*100 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*101 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*102 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*103 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*104 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*105 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*106 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*107 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*108 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*109 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*110 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*111 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*112 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*113 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*114 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*115 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*116 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*117 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*118 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*119 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*120 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*121 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*122 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*123 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*124 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*125 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*126 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/*127 - ??? */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Revision history for this message
Pedro Pablo Lopez Rodriguez (plopezr) wrote :

The qemu 5.1.0 version solved this problem.

Bug solved.

Many Thanks to qemu group and Stefan Weil.

Thomas Huth (th-huth)
Changed in qemu:
status: New → Fix Released
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