command variety -n leads to annoying issue

Bug #1657833 reported by Jeff Risano
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Okay so lets do this in the shortest time possible... I need to pee.

Linux mint 18 Cinnamon
Installed Variety via commands (version 0.6.0) (have tried reinstalling too)
First few weeks command "variety -n" works as intended, terminals says "totes" and changes the wallpaper
But now its all like "variety -n" NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONO okay fine, changed the wallpaper, but then its still like NONONONONONONONONONON FUCK YOU HAHAHAHAH.

You see, that is very rude. But I am sure you'd like some more information so here is the output.

auir@lazarus ~ $ variety -n
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/ PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject # pylint: disable=E0611
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/ PyGIWarning: Notify was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Notify', '0.7') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GObject, Gio, Notify # pylint: disable=E0611
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/ PyGIWarning: WebKit was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('WebKit', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import Gtk, WebKit, GObject # pylint: disable=E0611
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/ PyGIWarning: PangoCairo was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('PangoCairo', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import Gdk, Pango, PangoCairo, GdkPixbuf, GObject
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/ PyGIWarning: AppIndicator3 was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('AppIndicator3', '0.1') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import AppIndicator3 # pylint: disable=E0611
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,590: perform_upgrade() 'Last run version was 0.6.0 or earlier, current version is 0.6.0'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,590: process_command() 'Received command: [u'-n']'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,594: load_banned() 'Missing or invalid banned URLs list, no URLs will be banned'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,604: load() 'Jumble loading'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,604: _walk_modules() 'Jumble loading module in __init__ from /usr/share/variety/plugins/'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,605: _walk_modules() 'Jumble loading module in GoodreadsSource from /usr/share/variety/plugins/quotes/'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,612: load() 'Jumble found plugin class: <class 'GoodreadsSource.GoodreadsSource'>: {'author': 'Peter Levi', 'name': 'Goodreads', 'version': '0.1', 'description': u'Fetches quotes from'}'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,612: _walk_modules() 'Jumble loading module in QuotationsPageSource from /usr/share/variety/plugins/quotes/'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,613: load() 'Jumble found plugin class: <class 'QuotationsPageSource.QuotationsPageSource'>: {'author': 'Peter Levi', 'name': '', 'version': '0.1', 'description': u'Fetches quotes from'}'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,613: _walk_modules() 'Jumble loading module in QuotesDaddySource from /usr/share/variety/plugins/quotes/'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,613: load() 'Jumble found plugin class: <class 'QuotesDaddySource.QuotesDaddySource'>: {'author': 'Peter Levi', 'name': 'QuotesDaddy', 'version': '0.1', 'description': u"Fetches quotes from QuotesDaddy's daily quotes RSS feed.\nDoes not support searching by tags or authors."}'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,613: _walk_modules() 'Jumble loading module in LocalFilesSource from /usr/share/variety/plugins/quotes/'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,614: load() 'Jumble found plugin class: <class 'LocalFilesSource.LocalFilesSource'>: {'author': 'Peter Levi', 'name': 'Local text files', 'version': '0.1', 'description': u'Displays quotes, defined in local text files.\nPut your own txt files in: ~/.config/variety/pluginconfig/quotes/.\nThe file format is:\n\nquote -- author\n.\nsecond quote -- another author\n.\netc...\n\nExample:'}'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,614: _walk_modules() 'Jumble loading module in __init__ from /usr/share/variety/plugins/quotes/'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 19, location Recommended by Variety. Adapts to your taste as you mark images as favorite or trash.'
ERROR: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Could not create Downloader for type 19, location Recommended by Variety. Adapts to your taste as you mark images as favorite or trash.'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 394, in reload_config
    dlr = self.create_downloader(type, location)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 529, in create_downloader
    raise Exception('No Smart user yet, not a problem')
Exception: No Smart user yet, not a problem
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 6, location Random wallpapers from'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 15, location Bing Photo of the Day'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 16, location High-resolution photos from'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 8, location NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 11, location World Sunlight Map - live wallpaper from'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,618: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 14, location'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 10, location'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 7, location;user_id:52821721@N00;'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 5, location'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 13, location autumn'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 13, location nature'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 13, location macro'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 13, location leaves'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,619: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 13, location cityscape'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,620: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 13, location bokeh'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,620: log_options() 'Loaded options:'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,620: log_options() 'change_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'change_interval = 300'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'change_on_start = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'clipboard_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'clipboard_hosts = [u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'']'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'clipboard_use_whitelist = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'clock_date_font = Ubuntu Condensed, 30'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'clock_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'clock_filter = -density 100 -font `fc-match -f '%{file[0]}' '%CLOCK_FONT_NAME'` -pointsize %CLOCK_FONT_SIZE -gravity SouthEast -fill '#00000044' -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+58]+[%VOFFSET+108] '%H:%M' -fill white -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+60]+[%VOFFSET+110] '%H:%M' -font `fc-match -f '%{file[0]}' '%DATE_FONT_NAME'` -pointsize %DATE_FONT_SIZE -fill '#00000044' -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+58]+[%VOFFSET+58] '%A, %B %d' -fill white -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+60]+[%VOFFSET+60] '%A, %B %d''
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'clock_font = Ubuntu Condensed, 70'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'configfile = /home/auir/.config/variety/variety.conf'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'copyto_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,621: log_options() 'copyto_folder = Default'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'desired_color = [160, 160, 160]'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'desired_color_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'download_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'download_folder = /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'download_interval = 600'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'facebook_message = '
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'facebook_show_dialog = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'favorites_folder = /home/auir/.config/variety/Favorites'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'favorites_operations = [[u'Downloaded', u'Copy'], [u'Fetched', u'Move'], [u'Others', u'Copy']]'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'fetched_folder = /home/auir/.config/variety/Fetched'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,622: log_options() 'filters = [[False, u'Keep original', u''], [False, u'Grayscale', u'-type Grayscale'], [False, u'Heavy blur', u'-blur 120x40'], [False, u'Soft blur', u'-blur 20x7'], [False, u'Oil painting', u'-paint 8'], [False, u'Pencil sketch', u'-colorspace gray \\( +clone -tile ~/.config/variety/pencil_tile.png -draw "color 0,0 reset" +clone +swap -compose color_dodge -composite \\) -fx \'u*.2+v*.8\''], [False, u'Pointilism', u'-spread 10 -noise 3'], [False, u'Pixellate', u'-scale 3% -scale 3333%']]'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'icon = Light'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'lightness_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'lightness_mode = 0'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'min_rating = 4'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'min_rating_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'min_size = 80'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'min_size_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'quota_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'quota_size = 500'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'quotes_authors = '
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,623: log_options() 'quotes_bg_color = [80, 80, 80]'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_bg_opacity = 55'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_change_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_change_interval = 300'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_disabled_sources = [u'QuotesDaddy']'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_favorites_file = /home/auir/.config/variety/favorite_quotes.txt'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_font = Bitstream Charter 30'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_hpos = 100'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_tags = '
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_text_color = [255, 255, 255]'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_text_shadow = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_vpos = 40'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,624: log_options() 'quotes_width = 70'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_custom_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_custom_folder = None'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_downloads_enabled = False'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_fade = 0.4'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_favorites_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_mode = Fullscreen'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_monitor = All'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_pan = 0.05'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_seconds = 6.0'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_sort_order = Random'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_sources_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,625: log_options() 'slideshow_zoom = 0.2'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'smart_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'smart_notice_shown = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'smart_register_shown = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'sources = [[True, 3, u'The Favorites folder'], [True, 4, u'The Fetched folder'], [True, 19, u'Recommended by Variety. Adapts to your taste as you mark images as favorite or trash.'], [False, 20, u'Latest favorites by the other users of Variety. [May contain NSFW images]'], [True, 2, u'/usr/share/backgrounds'], [True, 6, u'Random wallpapers from'], [True, 15, u'Bing Photo of the Day'], [True, 16, u'High-resolution photos from'], [True, 8, u"NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day"], [True, 11, u'World Sunlight Map - live wallpaper from'], [True, 14, u''], [True, 10, u''], [False, 7, u';user_id:93647178@N00;'], [False, 7, u'text:colorful;;user_id:40645538@N00;'], [True, 7, u';user_id:52821721@N00;'], [True, 5, u''], [True, 13, u'autumn'], [True, 13, u'nature'], [True, 13, u'macro'], [True, 13, u'leaves'], [True, 13, u'cityscape'], [False, 13, u'tilt shift'], [True, 13, u'bokeh']]'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'stats_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'stats_notice_shown = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'sync_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: log_options() 'use_landscape_enabled = True'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,626: reload_config() 'No need to clear prepared queue'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,627: load_last_change_time() 'Change interval < 6 hours, ignore persisted last_change_time, wait initially the whole interval: 300'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,627: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded/Unsplash/N3yW4X6CO78.jpg'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,628: regular_change_thread() 'regular_change thread running'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,628: prepare_thread() 'Prepare thread running'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,629: prepare_thread() 'Prepared buffer contains 0 images'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,629: prepare_thread() 'Preparing some images'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,630: _run() 'sync: Started, hash feb37bcbef4a4f611c917d0f33949e56'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,631: update_indicator_icon() 'Creating indicator'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,631: load_user() 'smart: Missing smart_user.json, creating new smart user'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,648: new_user() 'smart: Creating new smart user'
WARNING: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,667: create_menu() 'Variety Slideshow is not installed. Install it with "sudo apt-get install variety-slideshow", read more here:'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,683: set_from_theme_icon() 'Showing indicator icon variety-indicator from GTK theme'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,684: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded/Unsplash/N3yW4X6CO78.jpg'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,727: do_set_wp() 'Calling do_set_wp with /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded/Unsplash/N3yW4X6CO78.jpg, time: 1484843725.73'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:25,737: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded/Unsplash/N3yW4X6CO78.jpg'
No such key 'picture-options'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:26,158: prepare_thread() 'After search prepared buffer contains 98 images'
ERROR: 2017-01-19 09:35:26,361: _run() 'sync: Could not load or create smart user'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 478, in _run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 120, in load_user
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 128, in new_user
    self.user = Util.fetch_json(Smart.API_URL + '/newuser')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 436, in fetch_json
    return json.loads(Util.fetch(url, data))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 432, in fetch
    return Util.urlopen(url, data).read()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 428, in urlopen
    return urllib2.urlopen(request, data=urllib.urlencode(data) if data else None, timeout=20)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen
    return, data, timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 435, in open
    response = meth(req, response)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 548, in http_response
    'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 473, in error
    return self._call_chain(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 556, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:27,126: reload() 'Reloading preferences dialog'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:27,132: load_user() 'smart: Missing smart_user.json, creating new smart user'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:27,133: new_user() 'smart: Creating new smart user'
ERROR: 2017-01-19 09:35:27,140: get_file_icon_name() 'Exception while obtaining folder icon for None:'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 550, in get_file_icon_name
    query_info = f.query_info("standard::icon", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None)
Error: g-io-error-quark: Error when getting information for file '/home/auir/None': No such file or directory (1)
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:27,748: load_user() 'smart: Missing smart_user.json, creating new smart user'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:27,749: new_user() 'smart: Creating new smart user'
Exception in thread Thread-10:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1073, in run
    self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 1100, in _f
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 120, in load_user
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 128, in new_user
    self.user = Util.fetch_json(Smart.API_URL + '/newuser')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 436, in fetch_json
    return json.loads(Util.fetch(url, data))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 432, in fetch
    return Util.urlopen(url, data).read()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 428, in urlopen
    return urllib2.urlopen(request, data=urllib.urlencode(data) if data else None, timeout=20)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen
    return, data, timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 435, in open
    response = meth(req, response)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 548, in http_response
    'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 473, in error
    return self._call_chain(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 556, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable

INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:28,405: load_user() 'smart: Missing smart_user.json, creating new smart user'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:28,406: new_user() 'smart: Creating new smart user'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,029: _run() 'sync: Started, hash d56740dc0b4c86f8bce571ce81f29388'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,030: load_user() 'smart: Missing smart_user.json, creating new smart user'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,030: new_user() 'smart: Creating new smart user'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,031: set_wallpaper() 'Calling set_wallpaper with /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded/wallhaven_autumn/wallhaven-440875.jpg'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,031: prepare_thread() 'Prepared buffer contains 97 images'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,033: do_set_wp() 'Calling do_set_wp with /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded/wallhaven_autumn/wallhaven-440875.jpg, time: 1484843729.03'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,048: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/auir/.config/variety/Downloaded/wallhaven_autumn/wallhaven-440875.jpg'
No such key 'picture-options'

(variety:6384): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed
ERROR: 2017-01-19 09:35:29,672: _run() 'sync: Could not load or create smart user'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 478, in _run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 120, in load_user
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 128, in new_user
    self.user = Util.fetch_json(Smart.API_URL + '/newuser')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 436, in fetch_json
    return json.loads(Util.fetch(url, data))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 432, in fetch
    return Util.urlopen(url, data).read()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/variety/", line 428, in urlopen
    return urllib2.urlopen(request, data=urllib.urlencode(data) if data else None, timeout=20)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen
    return, data, timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 435, in open
    response = meth(req, response)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 548, in http_response
    'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 473, in error
    return self._call_chain(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 556, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:45,649: server_options_thread() 'Fetching server options from'
INFO: 2017-01-19 09:35:46,235: server_options_thread() 'Fetched server options: {u'unsplash': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 1800, u'min_download_interval': 600}, u'': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 600, u'min_download_interval': 0}, u'wallhaven': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 1800, u'min_download_interval': 1800}, u'wallbase': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 1800, u'min_download_interval': 1800}, u'flickr': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 1200, u'min_download_interval': 1200}, u'status_message': {u'*': u'', u'0.0.1': u''}}'
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.

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