Lost connection to external network after destroying

Bug #1513873 reported by Kristina Berezovskaia
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Mirantis OpenStack
Kristina Berezovskaia
Kristina Berezovskaia
Kristina Berezovskaia

Bug Description

Connection from vm to external net was lost with distributed router.

1) Create East-West configuration with vms on different computes
2) Create North-South configuration with vm with floating ip
3) Destroy controller
4) Start controller
5) Reset computes
After reseting computes connection to external net for N-S configuration works. But connection from E-W vms to external net was lost (during vm east-west traffic works properly). All interfaces are exist.

After restarting ovs agent on compute connection returned

Env: vlan+ dvr,
release 7.0 with updates

Env with problem and all logs are here:

Tags: neutron
Changed in mos:
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Alexander Ignatov (aignatov) wrote :

Need one more repro in 8.0. Moving to Incomplete.

Revision history for this message
Kristina Berezovskaia (kkuznetsova) wrote :

Can't reproduce on
    - mirantis
  production: "docker"
  release: "8.0"
  api: "1.0"
  build_number: "361"
  build_id: "361"
  fuel-nailgun_sha: "53c72a9600158bea873eec2af1322a716e079ea0"
  python-fuelclient_sha: "4f234669cfe88a9406f4e438b1e1f74f1ef484a5"
  fuel-agent_sha: "7463551bc74841d1049869aaee777634fb0e5149"
  fuel-nailgun-agent_sha: "92ebd5ade6fab60897761bfa084aefc320bff246"
  astute_sha: "c7ca63a49216744e0bfdfff5cb527556aad2e2a5"
  fuel-library_sha: "ba8063d34ff6419bddf2a82b1de1f37108d96082"
  fuel-ostf_sha: "889ddb0f1a4fa5f839fd4ea0c0017a3c181aa0c1"
  fuel-mirror_sha: "8adb10618bb72bb36bb018386d329b494b036573"
  fuelmenu_sha: "824f6d3ebdc10daf2f7195c82a8ca66da5abee99"
  shotgun_sha: "63645dea384a37dde5c01d4f8905566978e5d906"
  network-checker_sha: "9f0ba4577915ce1e77f5dc9c639a5ef66ca45896"
  fuel-upgrade_sha: "616a7490ec7199f69759e97e42f9b97dfc87e85b"
  fuelmain_sha: "07d5f1c3e1b352cb713852a3a96022ddb8fe2676"
(neutron+dvr+vlan, neutron+dvt+vxlan, 3 controllers, 2 compute)

Revision history for this message
Alexey Stupnikov (astupnikov) wrote :

I was unable to reproduce this issue on MOS 7.0 with latest MU. Moving to Incomplete.

Revision history for this message
Alexey Stupnikov (astupnikov) wrote :

Moving to Invalid for 7.0-updates, as reporter didn't provide additional information.

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