Gratuitous ARP are not being sent correctly by ns_IPaddr2 script

Bug #1463382 reported by Tatyanka
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fuel for OpenStack
Fix Released
Peter Zhurba
Won't Fix
Denis Meltsaykin
Fix Released
Denis Meltsaykin
Fix Released
Peter Zhurba

Bug Description

Services could not connect to the database with errors:
root@node-3:~# cinder-manage --debug service list
2015-06-09 11:10:56.565 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -1 attempts left.
2015-06-09 11:13:13.782 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -2 attempts left.
2015-06-09 11:15:30.997 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -3 attempts left.
2015-06-09 11:17:48.214 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -4 attempts left.
2015-06-09 11:20:05.430 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -5 attempts left.
2015-06-09 11:22:22.645 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -6 attempts left.
2015-06-09 11:24:39.862 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -7 attempts left.
2015-06-09 11:26:57.078 4946 WARNING oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session [req-9a090e2b-feb0-4b7b-b058-1701191c4f32 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -8 attempts left.

Steps to reproduce:
OS: Ubuntu

1. Create cluster
2. Add 3 node with controller and mongo roles
3. Add 2 node with compute and cinder roles
4. Deploy the cluster
5. ssh on controller and run umm on
6. Wait until controller is rebooting
7. Exit maintenance mode
8. wait for 10 minutes while controller become available
9. Run crm status command
10. run cinder-manage service list
11. run nova-manage service list

Actual result:
on controller where umm mode was enabled and disabled, cinder-scheduler marks with XXX
when we run command cinder-manage service list, it fail to connect to mysql, the same with nova, at the same time crm status shows that db resources started
root@node-3:~# crm status
Last updated: Tue Jun 9 11:34:22 2015
Last change: Tue Jun 9 00:18:39 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node-2.test.domain.local (2) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-561c4cf
3 Nodes configured
33 Resources configured

Online: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]

 Clone Set: clone_p_vrouter [p_vrouter]
     Started: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 vip__management (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-2.test.domain.local
 vip__public_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-2.test.domain.local
 vip__management_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-2.test.domain.local
 vip__public (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-2.test.domain.local
 Master/Slave Set: master_p_conntrackd [p_conntrackd]
     Masters: [ node-2.test.domain.local ]
     Slaves: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_haproxy [p_haproxy]
     Started: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_dns [p_dns]
     Started: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_mysql [p_mysql]
     Started: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 p_ceilometer-agent-central (ocf::fuel:ceilometer-agent-central): Started node-3.test.domain.local
 p_ceilometer-alarm-evaluator (ocf::fuel:ceilometer-alarm-evaluator): Started node-3.test.domain.local
 Master/Slave Set: master_p_rabbitmq-server [p_rabbitmq-server]
     Masters: [ node-2.test.domain.local ]
     Slaves: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_heat-engine [p_heat-engine]
     Started: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 Clone Set: clone_ping_vip__public [ping_vip__public]
     Started: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_ntp [p_ntp]
     Started: [ node-1.test.domain.local node-2.test.domain.local node-3.test.domain.local ]

At the same time I can connect to the mysql and use cinder database:
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| cinder |
| glance |
| heat |
| keystone |
| mysql |
| nova |
| performance_schema |
| test |
9 rows in set (0.06 sec)

mysql> use cinder
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select * from services;
| created_at | updated_at | deleted_at | deleted | id | host | binary | topic | report_count | disabled | availability_zone | disabled_reason |
| 2015-06-08 22:39:11 | 2015-06-09 11:35:37 | NULL | 0 | 1 | node-1.test.domain.local | cinder-scheduler | cinder-scheduler | 691 | 0 | nova | NULL |
| 2015-06-08 22:58:01 | 2015-06-09 11:35:29 | NULL | 0 | 3 | node-2.test.domain.local | cinder-scheduler | cinder-scheduler | 594 | 0 | nova | NULL |
| 2015-06-08 22:58:30 | 2015-06-09 00:22:05 | NULL | 0 | 6 | node-3.test.domain.local | cinder-scheduler | cinder-scheduler | 176 | 0 | nova | NULL |
| 2015-06-08 23:10:39 | 2015-06-09 11:35:37 | NULL | 0 | 9 | node-4.test.domain.local | cinder-volume | cinder-volume | 518 | 0 | nova | NULL |
| 2015-06-08 23:10:40 | 2015-06-09 11:35:34 | NULL | 0 | 12 | node-5.test.domain.local | cinder-volume | cinder-volume | 522 | 0 | nova | NULL |
5 rows in set (0.02 sec)


so after that I try to ping management_vip( and ping failed

arp tables for this ip show old mac (after mm mode vip migraded but arp tables still have old mac adrress)

Last login: Tue Jun 9 00:30:00 2015 from
root@node-3:~# arp -a -n
? ( at 92:23:07:2c:d1:4a [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at ba:cc:bf:be:e3:7f [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 64:01:24:71:bd:f3 [ether] on br-fw-admin
? ( at 64:e4:d8:1f:89:67 [ether] on br-storage
? ( at 52:54:00:3d:31:27 [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 64:cf:b5:d8:3a:01 [ether] on br-storage
? ( at 64:f0:50:3b:db:bb [ether] on eth3.103
? ( at 64:ff:30:1d:f2:2b [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at 64:f8:0e:98:36:5b [ether] on eth3.103
? ( at 16:af:4d:65:c5:a4 [ether] on vrouter-host
? ( at 64:12:61:46:d3:c8 [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 56:0c:07:3a:6e:a8 [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at 52:54:00:01:b6:20 [ether] on br-fw-admin
? ( at 64:2a:93:8f:8b:0e [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at ae:f9:b9:f3:3d:27 [ether] on hapr-host
? ( at 32:18:dd:fa:ac:f0 [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at f2:45:7f:a0:71:bb [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 64:ed:fe:fc:7e:78 [ether] on br-mgmt
root@node-3:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7001ms

Then I remove row in arp tables for, ping it and ping passed and arp table was refreshed
root@node-3:~# arp -d
root@node-3:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.653 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.610 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.552 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.552/0.605/0.653/0.041 ms
root@node-3:~# arp -a -n
? ( at d6:1f:1c:2f:df:82 [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at ba:cc:bf:be:e3:7f [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 64:01:24:71:bd:f3 [ether] on br-fw-admin
? ( at 64:e4:d8:1f:89:67 [ether] on br-storage
? ( at 52:54:00:3d:31:27 [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 64:cf:b5:d8:3a:01 [ether] on br-storage
? ( at 64:f0:50:3b:db:bb [ether] on eth3.103
? ( at 64:ff:30:1d:f2:2b [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at 64:f8:0e:98:36:5b [ether] on eth3.103
? ( at 16:af:4d:65:c5:a4 [ether] on vrouter-host
? ( at 64:12:61:46:d3:c8 [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 56:0c:07:3a:6e:a8 [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at 52:54:00:01:b6:20 [ether] on br-fw-admin
? ( at 64:2a:93:8f:8b:0e [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at ae:f9:b9:f3:3d:27 [ether] on hapr-host
? ( at 32:18:dd:fa:ac:f0 [ether] on br-mgmt
? ( at f2:45:7f:a0:71:bb [ether] on br-ex
? ( at 64:ed:fe:fc:7e:78 [ether] on br-mgmt

Thanks Artem Panchenko for the help!!!

    - mirantis
  production: "docker"
  release: "6.1"
  openstack_version: "2014.2.2-6.1"
  api: "1.0"
  build_number: "521"
  build_id: "2015-06-08_06-13-27"
  nailgun_sha: "4340d55c19029394cd5610b0e0f56d6cb8cb661b"
  python-fuelclient_sha: "4fc55db0265bbf39c369df398b9dc7d6469ba13b"
  astute_sha: "7766818f079881e2dbeedb34e1f67e517ed7d479"
  fuel-library_sha: "f43c2ae1af3b493ee0e7810eab7bb7b50c986c7d"
  fuel-ostf_sha: "7c938648a246e0311d05e2372ff43ef1eb2e2761"
  fuelmain_sha: "bcc909ffc5dd5156ba54cae348b6a07c1b607b24"

Revision history for this message
Tatyanka (tatyana-leontovich) wrote :
description: updated
Changed in fuel:
milestone: none → 6.1
assignee: nobody → Fuel Library Team (fuel-library)
importance: Undecided → High
Changed in fuel:
assignee: Fuel Library Team (fuel-library) → Peter Zhurba (pzhurba)
description: updated
Changed in fuel:
status: New → Confirmed
Peter Zhurba (pzhurba)
Changed in fuel:
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Peter Zhurba (pzhurba) wrote :

First look shows.

This issue appears after vip migration. We reproduce this issue but not on node where umm on off was performed.
umm switching just force vip migration process

tags: added: 6.1rc2
Revision history for this message
Peter Zhurba (pzhurba) wrote :

issues reproduced when controller is restarted. On "ill node" still using old mac which was used before

 root@node-5:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.412 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.553 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.412/0.482/0.553/0.073 ms
You have new mail in /var/mail/root
root@node-5:~# arp
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 26:d6:46:a3:bc:39 C br-mgmt

crm status
shows :
 vip__management (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-2.test.domain.local
 vip__public_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-2.test.domain.local
 vip__management_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-2.test.domain.local
 vip__public (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-4.test.domain.local

then we perform umm on at node-2

after reboot (node-2 in umm) we see

root@node-5:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1007ms

root@node-5:~# arp
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 26:d6:46:a3:bc:39 C br-mgmt

So MAC sill being unchanged

crm status show

 vip__management (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-4.test.domain.local
 vip__public_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-4.test.domain.local
 vip__management_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-4.test.domain.local
 vip__public (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started node-4.test.domain.local


we perform

root@node-4:~# ip netns exec haproxy arping -U -I hapr-m -c 5
ARPING from hapr-m
Sent 5 probes (5 broadcast(s))
Received 0 response(s)

and connectivity is restored

root@node-5:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=597 ttl=64 time=0.573 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=598 ttl=64 time=0.642 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=599 ttl=64 time=0.429 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=600 ttl=64 time=0.379 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=601 ttl=64 time=0.310 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=602 ttl=64 time=0.640 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=603 ttl=64 time=0.578 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=604 ttl=64 time=0.539 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=605 ttl=64 time=0.719 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=606 ttl=64 time=0.408 ms
--- ping statistics ---
606 packets transmitted, 10 received, 98% packet loss, time 608697ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.310/0.521/0.719/0.129 ms
You have new mail in /var/mail/root

So adding this into
can help

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix proposed to fuel-library (master)

Related fix proposed to branch: master

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix proposed to fuel-library (stable/6.1)

Related fix proposed to branch: stable/6.1

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix merged to fuel-library (master)

Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master

commit ab0048ddddd77a51060eb957e71d1369970eb93b
Author: Vladimir Kuklin <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 15 23:06:07 2015 +0300

    Fix for stale arp table usage

    Run sendarp command in network namespace

    Related-bug: #1463382
    Change-Id: I37201196ac2daeedb2ba9e2d0765b72c7afdbbd4

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix merged to fuel-library (stable/6.1)

Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/6.1

commit 3528dddbd0c961290909d5e3e256f55ff75cd2fc
Author: Vladimir Kuklin <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 15 23:06:07 2015 +0300

    Fix for stale arp table usage

    Run sendarp command in network namespace

    Related-bug: #1463382
    Change-Id: I37201196ac2daeedb2ba9e2d0765b72c7afdbbd4

Maksym Strukov (unbelll)
tags: added: on-verification
Revision history for this message
Maksym Strukov (unbelll) wrote : Re: After umm mode disabling, services could not connect to the mysql

Reproduced on 7.0-22

{"build_id": "2015-07-02_07-14-17", "build_number": "22", "release_versions": {"2014.2.2-7.0": {"VERSION": {"build_id": "2015-07-02_07-14-17", "build_number": "22", "api": "1.0", "fuel-library_sha": "f25d5da0a95b000fe654e03e08eb09dbfdd2caaa", "nailgun_sha": "f7a87bf0039727678bffe160991d643433d2031c", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "openstack_version": "2014.2.2-7.0", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "315d8bf991fbe7e2ab91abfc1f59b2f24fd92f45", "astute_sha": "4669156830daa3bb39573ad4a821bb1a0e2702eb", "fuel-ostf_sha": "a752c857deafd2629baf646b1b3188f02ff38084", "release": "7.0", "fuelmain_sha": "4f2dff3bdc327858fa45bcc2853cfbceae68a40c"}}}, "auth_required": true, "api": "1.0", "fuel-library_sha": "f25d5da0a95b000fe654e03e08eb09dbfdd2caaa", "nailgun_sha": "f7a87bf0039727678bffe160991d643433d2031c", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "openstack_version": "2014.2.2-7.0", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "315d8bf991fbe7e2ab91abfc1f59b2f24fd92f45", "astute_sha": "4669156830daa3bb39573ad4a821bb1a0e2702eb", "fuel-ostf_sha": "a752c857deafd2629baf646b1b3188f02ff38084", "release": "7.0", "fuelmain_sha": "4f2dff3bdc327858fa45bcc2853cfbceae68a40c"}

tags: removed: on-verification
Revision history for this message
Tatyanka (tatyana-leontovich) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Peter Zhurba (pzhurba) wrote :

As i can see in
Something wrong with time on node-3
nova-cert node-1.test.domain.local internal enabled :-) 2015-07-02 22:55:59
nova-consoleauth node-3.test.domain.local internal enabled XXX 2015-07-02 22:29:35

Revision history for this message
Peter Zhurba (pzhurba) wrote :

I may be wrong

summary: - After umm mode disabling, services could not connect to the mysql
+ Gratuitous ARP are not being correctly by ns_IPaddr2 script
Revision history for this message
Vladimir Kuklin (vkuklin) wrote : Re: Gratuitous ARP are not being correctly by ns_IPaddr2 script

So far the issue is the following.

For Ubuntu and CentOS we have different versions of resource-agents packages.

Ubuntu has 3.9.3 and CentOS has 3.9.5.
Ubuntu has send_arp as a binary file written by heartbeat folks and CentOS has it as statically compiled arping.
Moreover for Ubuntu we are trying to send arps from br-mgmt from within the namespace after this fix was merged. So far this fix introduced even worse regression.

This means following:

1) For CentOS(6.1 only) we need to change the format of SENDARP command arguments to satisfy arping one
2) For Ubuntu (6.1 and 7.0) we need to send arp requests from the interface that we actually set up with OCF script

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix proposed to fuel-library (master)

Related fix proposed to branch: master

summary: - Gratuitous ARP are not being correctly by ns_IPaddr2 script
+ Gratuitous ARP are not being sent correctly by ns_IPaddr2 script
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix merged to fuel-library (master)

Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master

commit 47425f336b4cdff3e452de067e8684cb1a64f5ab
Author: Dmitry Ilyin <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 31 15:29:21 2015 +0300

    Fix interface name to send gracious arp in IPaddr2

    Change-Id: Icc83c49e9b82a2a91be3934ffccf2f2d8396e29b
    Related-Bug: 1463382

Revision history for this message
Tatyanka (tatyana-leontovich) wrote :

verified {"build_id": "286", "build_number": "286", "release_versions": {"2015.1.0-7.0": {"VERSION": {"build_id": "286", "build_number": "286", "api": "1.0", "fuel-library_sha": "ff63a0bbc93a3a0fb78215c2fd0c77add8dfe589", "nailgun_sha": "5c33995a2e6d9b1b8cdddfa2630689da5084506f", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "fuel-nailgun-agent_sha": "d7027952870a35db8dc52f185bb1158cdd3d1ebd", "openstack_version": "2015.1.0-7.0", "fuel-agent_sha": "082a47bf014002e515001be05f99040437281a2d", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "1ce8ecd8beb640f2f62f73435f4e18d1469979ac", "astute_sha": "8283dc2932c24caab852ae9de15f94605cc350c6", "fuel-ostf_sha": "1f08e6e71021179b9881a824d9c999957fcc7045", "release": "7.0", "fuelmain_sha": "9ab01caf960013dc882825dc9b0e11ccf0b81cb0"}}}, "auth_required": true, "api": "1.0", "fuel-library_sha": "ff63a0bbc93a3a0fb78215c2fd0c77add8dfe589", "nailgun_sha": "5c33995a2e6d9b1b8cdddfa2630689da5084506f", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "fuel-nailgun-agent_sha": "d7027952870a35db8dc52f185bb1158cdd3d1ebd", "openstack_version": "2015.1.0-7.0", "fuel-agent_sha": "082a47bf014002e515001be05f99040437281a2d", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "1ce8ecd8beb640f2f62f73435f4e18d1469979ac", "astute_sha": "8283dc2932c24caab852ae9de15f94605cc350c6", "fuel-ostf_sha": "1f08e6e71021179b9881a824d9c999957fcc7045", "release": "7.0", "fuelmain_sha": "9ab01caf960013dc882825dc9b0e11ccf0b81cb0"}

Revision history for this message
Denis Meltsaykin (dmeltsaykin) wrote :

This bug was found by customer on Fuel 6.1 GA. Will be fixed in Maintenance Update.

tags: added: customer-found
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to fuel-library (stable/6.0)

Fix proposed to branch: stable/6.0

Revision history for this message
OSCI Robot (oscirobot) wrote :

NOTE: Changeset is not merged, created temporary package repository.
RPM package fuel-library6.0 has been built for project stackforge/fuel-library.
Files placed in repository:
Repository URL: .

Revision history for this message
OSCI Robot (oscirobot) wrote :

NOTE: Changeset is not merged, created temporary package repository.
DEB package fuel-library has been built for project stackforge/fuel-library.
Files placed in repository:
Repository URL: .

Revision history for this message
Vitaly Sedelnik (vsedelnik) wrote :

Won't Fix for 6.0-updates as kernel update is required to fix this - we are not going to do this in maintenance updates

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to fuel-library (stable/6.1)

Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/6.1

commit 90419db796f3572bff9d054f0e0343dbcbfaf718
Author: Denis V. Meltsaykin <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Sep 26 05:48:18 2015 +0300

    Change arp_send to arping

    The fix to ns_IPaddr2 is added in order to make sure that we
    are sending gratuitous ARP on failover. Also ocf_run is used
    as it is necessary on CentOS platform for running ARPPING.

    Closes-Bug: #1463382

    Change-Id: I4104bc79a3ad0fabe9a7736a6b9c820aa0b09f37

tags: added: on-verification
Revision history for this message
Alexey Stupnikov (astupnikov) wrote :

Verified on Fuel-6.1

tags: removed: on-verification
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Change abandoned on fuel-library (stable/6.0)

Change abandoned by Denis V. Meltsaykin (<email address hidden>) on branch: stable/6.0
Reason: Not needed anymore

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Bug watches keep track of this bug in other bug trackers.