Cannot boostrap from custom image-metadata-url or by specifying metadata-source

Bug #1452422 reported by Jorge Niedbalski
This bug affects 7 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
Ian Booth
Fix Released
Ian Booth

Bug Description


Trusty 14.04.2
Juju core 1.23


This are the steps that I followed:

1) juju metadata generate-image -d simplestreams -i b6a1f124-85c9-48df-9811-50d06cad2305 -s utopic -r ctsstack -u -a amd64

2) Upload the generated index to switft

swift post simplestreams
cd ~/simplestreams
swift upload simplestreams *
swift post simplestreams --read-acl .r:*

3) Just to make sure , I edited ~/.juju/environments.yaml, added the following lines to the openstack env:

    ssl-hostname-verification: false

4) juju bootstrap -e openstack -v --metadata-source ~/simplestreams --series utopic --upload-tools

Then the bootstrap process fails with:

2015-05-06 19:01:13 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2015-05-06 19:01:13 INFO juju.replicaset replicaset.go:73 Initiating replicaset with config replicaset.Config{Name:"juju", Version:1, Members:[]replicaset.Member{replicaset.Member{Id:1, Address:"", Arbiter:(*bool)(nil), BuildIndexes:(*bool)(nil), Hidden:(*bool)(nil), Priority:(*float64)(nil), Tags:map[string]string{"juju-machine-id":"0"}, SlaveDelay:(*time.Duration)(nil), Votes:(*int)(nil)}}}
2015-05-06 19:01:13 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:13 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:14 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:14 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:15 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:15 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:16 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:16 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:17 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:17 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2015-05-06 19:01:17 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:18 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:18 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:19 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:19 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:20 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:20 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:21 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:21 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:22 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:22 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: Received replSetInitiate - should come online shortly.
2015-05-06 19:01:23 INFO juju.worker.peergrouper initiate.go:70 replica set initiated
2015-05-06 19:01:23 INFO juju.worker.peergrouper initiate.go:81 finished MaybeInitiateMongoServer
2015-05-06 19:01:23 INFO juju.cmd.jujud bootstrap.go:179 started mongo
2015-05-06 19:01:23 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.state open.go:46 opening state, mongo addresses: [""]; entity <nil>
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.state open.go:83 initializing environment, owner: "admin@local"
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.state open.go:84 info: &mongo.MongoInfo{Info:mongo.Info{Addrs:[]string{""}, CACert:"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nxXVuBfHxa7kSKHm/GcdkMhxIbLoktzIvJZUP6P2MyQ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"}, Tag:names.Tag(nil), Password:"OVI/NfXhFqfKpxKr1LwJjGE4"}
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.provider.openstack provider.go:249 opening environment "openstack"
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:67 hostname SSL verification disabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:60 hostname SSL verification enabled
2015-05-06 19:01:25 INFO juju.utils http.go:60 hostname SSL verification enabled
2015-05-06 19:01:26 INFO juju.utils http.go:60 hostname SSL verification enabled
2015-05-06 19:01:26 INFO juju.utils http.go:60 hostname SSL verification enabled
2015-05-06 19:01:26 INFO juju.utils http.go:60 hostname SSL verification enabled
2015-05-06 19:01:26 INFO juju.utils http.go:60 hostname SSL verification enabled
2015-05-06 19:01:26 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:430 cannot set initial environ constraints: index file has no data for cloud {ctsstack} not found
ERROR failed to bootstrap environment: subprocess encountered error code 1

The index file:

    "index": {
        "": {
            "updated": "Wed, 06 May 2015 18:48:34 +0000",
            "format": "products:1.0",
            "datatype": "image-ids",
            "cloudname": "custom",
            "clouds": [
                    "region": "ctsstack",
                    "endpoint": ""
            "path": "streams/v1/",
            "products": [
    "updated": "Wed, 06 May 2015 18:48:34 +0000",
    "format": "index:1.0"

The generated imagemetadata

    "products": {
        "": {
            "version": "14.10",
            "arch": "amd64",
            "versions": {
                "20150605": {
                    "items": {
                        "b6a1f124-85c9-48df-9811-50d06cad2305": {
                            "id": "b6a1f124-85c9-48df-9811-50d06cad2305",
                            "region": "ctsstack",
                            "endpoint": ""
    "updated": "Wed, 06 May 2015 18:48:34 +0000",
    "format": "products:1.0",
    "content_id": ""

Tags: sts
tags: added: sts
description: updated
Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

This may be a duplicate of bug 1435644. Maybe we can get more information about both the cloud and what juju is doing this time.

Changed in juju-core:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → Critical
milestone: none → 1.25.0
Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

Give the need for this to be solved by tomorrow. We need to explain where documentation is wrong or incomplete, or provide a work around.

Revision history for this message
Jorge Niedbalski (niedbalski) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :

It looks like --metadata-source is unhappy, from the longer log it's (unsurprisingly) correctly used from your machine, but when the state server tries to open the environment, it checks for images using only "keystone catalog" and "default cloud images" obviously neither of which works.

What you can probably do is just *not* pass --metadata-source but instead use the image-metadata-url config, which in you example should be "" - note the images on the end. With boostrap --debug you should see the "image-metadata-url" datasource being queried at each stage.

Last resort is add the swift location as a new endpoint named 'product-streams' in keystone, that always gets queried. Requires some poking of your keystone configuration though, and I can't find simple instructions for doing that.

Revision history for this message
Jorge Niedbalski (niedbalski) wrote :

This is a clean bootstrap, setting up image-metadata-url

Revision history for this message
Jorge Niedbalski (niedbalski) wrote :

OK, i was able to successfully bootstrap without using the --metadata-source option , which is broken.

The trick is to set image-metadata-url to include "/images" , as @gz mentioned

ubuntu@niedbalski2-bastion:~$ juju status
environment: teuto
    agent-state: started
    instance-id: 8a523624-7613-4d96-a27b-152a972bde06
    instance-state: ACTIVE
    series: utopic
    hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=1024M root-disk=20480M availability-zone=nova
    state-server-member-status: has-vote
services: {}

The log for this:

Curtis Hovey (sinzui)
Changed in juju-core:
importance: Critical → High
Revision history for this message
Ian Booth (wallyworld) wrote :

In looking at the code, there's a couple of observations:

1. metadata source precedence
- environment sources like keystone are registered in init() functions and then later when bootstrap is used with --metadata-source, that is registered. This means that the keystone source is used in preference to --metadata-source which is wrong

2. As Martin says, unlike tools metadata, image metadata is not written into the state database, so is not available to machine agents. In the case referred to in this bug, the machine agent attempts to set up a constraints validator which in turns requires a list of image metadata records to determine the allowed architectures.

Revision history for this message
John A Meinel (jameinel) wrote :

Does it matter that the metadata has a trailing slash: "endpoint": "" but the error message does not? "ctsstack"

We've had problems with having/missing a trailing slash before, we might at least look into adding/removing one and seeing if it changes the lookup.

Revision history for this message
Mark Ramm (mark-ramm) wrote :

This is a blocker for an important demo/customer and so I am triaging it up in priority.

Changed in juju-core:
importance: High → Critical
Revision history for this message
Ian Booth (wallyworld) wrote :

@John, the trailing slash doesn't matter - the matching code knows how to deal with it either way

Curtis Hovey (sinzui)
Changed in juju-core:
importance: Critical → High
Revision history for this message
Andrew Love (andrew-love) wrote :

This bug is affecting my deployment of juju charms on a private Openstack cloud. I was following:

The metadata-source parameter doesn't work as noted.

Changed in juju-core:
assignee: nobody → Anastasia (anastasia-macmood)
status: Triaged → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Ian Booth (wallyworld) wrote :

Looks like a gh issue has been raised also

Changed in juju-core:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Changed in juju-core:
status: Fix Committed → In Progress
Ian Booth (wallyworld)
Changed in juju-core:
assignee: Anastasia (anastasia-macmood) → Ian Booth (wallyworld)
Ian Booth (wallyworld)
Changed in juju-core:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Firl (celpa-firl) wrote :

I accidentally changed a status, however I just repeated all these steps with the latest compiled version.

Curtis Hovey (sinzui)
Changed in juju-core:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
bomek (bomek)
no longer affects: juju-core (Ubuntu)
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