Sahara tests to create, list, start, checks and delete cluster failed

Bug #1322110 reported by Alexander Kislitsky
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fuel for OpenStack
Vadim Rovachev

Bug Description

{"build_id": "2014-05-22_01-10-31", "mirantis": "yes", "build_number": "216", "ostf_sha": "5c479f04c35127576d35526650ec83b104f9a33d", "nailgun_sha": "31fcb161ff8d6bfb861b041467440752c0e9c537", "production": "docker", "api": "1.0", "fuelmain_sha": "dda9cff27999e74b80e8e6a9e665e7e9677ab994", "astute_sha": "9a0d86918724c1153b5f70bdae008dea8572fd3e", "release": "5.0", "fuellib_sha": "872b6a7a968b619a493ad46c504910020ea2edae"}

ISO 216, deployed in VirtualBox

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create environment in simple mode with Sahara
2. Add 1 controller, 1 compute (with 2048 MB of Memory), 1 cinder
3. Prepare Sahara for testing as described in
4. Run Health Checking tests

Have an error at step 'Sahara tests to create, list, start, checks and delete cluster failed':
Cluster state == 'Error' Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.

(nose_storage_plugin) fuel_health.tests.platform_tests.test_platform_savanna.PlatformSavannaTests.test_platform_savanna
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/unittest2/", line 340, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fuel_health/tests/platform_tests/", line 74, in test_platform_savanna
    "Launch cluster",
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fuel_health/common/", line 192, in verify
    " Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.")
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/unittest2/", line 415, in fail
    raise self.failureException(msg)
AssertionError: Step 6 failed: Cluster state == 'Error' Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.
-------------------- >> begin captured stdout << ---------------------
CLUSTER STATUS:10 sec:Spawning
CLUSTER STATUS:20 sec:Spawning
--------------------- >> end captured stdout << ----------------------
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fuel_health.config: INFO: INSTANCE {}
urllib3.connectionpool: INFO: Starting new HTTP connection (1):
urllib3.connectionpool: DEBUG: "GET /api/clusters/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
fuel_health.config: INFO: Release id is 1
urllib3.connectionpool: DEBUG: "GET /api/releases/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
fuel_health.config: INFO: parse meta successful
urllib3.connectionpool: DEBUG: "GET /api/clusters/1/attributes HTTP/1.1" 200 None
fuel_health.config: INFO: RESPONSE /api/clusters/1/attributes STATUS 200
fuel_health.config: INFO: RESPONSE FROM /api/clusters/1/attributes - {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'murano': {u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano', u'depends': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}], u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 30, u'label': u''}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'value': u'514', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Hostname'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'volumes_ceph': {u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'conflicts': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}], u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)', u'depends': [{u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}], u'conflicts': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)', u'conflicts': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'description': u'Requires at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'conflicts': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}], u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 70, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'conflicts': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'conflicts': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'value': u'admin', u'type': u'password', u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?![Gg]uest$).*', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?![Gg]uest$).*', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'value': <email address hidden>', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'email'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'value': u'console=ttyS0,9600 console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'weight': 45, u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'common': {u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'conflicts': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}], u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images'}, u'auth_key': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'label': u'Public Key'}, u'compute_scheduler_driver': {u'values': [{u'data': u'nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler', u'description': u'Currently the most advanced OpenStack scheduler. See the OpenStack documentation for details.', u'label': u'Filter scheduler'}, {u'data': u'nova.scheduler.simple.SimpleScheduler', u'description': u"This is 'naive' scheduler which tries to find the least loaded host", u'label': u'Simple scheduler'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Scheduler driver'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}, {u'conflicts': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}], u'data': u'vcenter', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack in a vCenter environment.', u'label': u'vCenter'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'qemu', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Hypervisor type'}, u'start_guests_on_host_boot': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Whether to (re-)start guests when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to be unconditionally restarted when nova-compute starts. If the guest is found to be stopped, it starts. If it is found to be running, it reboots.', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Start guests on host boot'}, u'debug': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging'}, u'nova_quota': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 25, u'label': u'Nova quotas'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'vlan_splinters': {u'vswitch': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'soft', u'description': u'Configure OVS to use VLAN splinters workaround with soft trunk detection. This may resolve issues that might be encountered when using VLAN tags with OVS and Neutron on Kernels <3.3 (CentOS)', u'label': u'Enable OVS VLAN splinters soft trunks workaround'}, {u'data': u'hard', u'description': u'Configure OVS to use VLAN splinters workaround with hard trunk allocation. Offers similar effect as soft trunks workaround, but forces each trunk to be predefined. This may work better than soft trunks especially if you still see network problems using soft trunks', u'label': u'Enable OVS VLAN splinters hard trunks workaround'}, {u'data': u'kernel_lt', u'description': u'Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This should remove any need for VLAN Splinters workarounds as the 3.10 kernel has better support for OVS VLANs. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use caution.', u'label': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Use Fedora longterm kernel'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Open VSwitch VLAN Splinters feature (Neutron only)'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'VLAN Splinters'}}, u'vcenter': {u'use_vcenter': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 5, u'label': u''}, u'vc_user': {u'description': u'vCenter admin username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Username', u'depends': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'text'}, u'host_ip': {u'description': u'IP Address of vCenter', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'vCenter IP', u'depends': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'text'}, u'cluster': {u'description': u'vCenter cluster name', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Cluster', u'depends': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'text'}, u'vc_password': {u'description': u'vCenter admin password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Password', u'depends': [{u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value': u'vcenter'}], u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 20, u'label': u'vCenter'}}}}
urllib3.connectionpool: DEBUG: "GET /api/clusters/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
fuel_health.config: INFO: Release id is 1
urllib3.connectionpool: DEBUG: "GET /api/releases/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
fuel_health.config: INFO: Deployment os is CentOS
fuel_health.config: INFO: parse cluster attr successful
urllib3.connectionpool: DEBUG: "GET /api/nodes?cluster_id=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
fuel_health.config: INFO: RESPONSE /api/nodes?cluster_id=1 STATUS 200
fuel_health.config: INFO: IP [u''] NAMES [u'node-1.domain.tld']
fuel_health.config: INFO: COMPUTES IPS [u'']
fuel_health.config: INFO: parse node cluster successful

Tags: sahara
Changed in fuel:
assignee: Fuel OSTF Team (fuel-ostf) → Vadim Rovachev (vrovachev)
Revision history for this message
Alexander Kislitsky (akislitsky) wrote :

Test passed on Compute node with 6 GB memory in VirtualBox. I guess the memory requirements should be added into documentation.

Changed in fuel:
status: Confirmed → Won't Fix
status: Won't Fix → Invalid
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