Error in execution of <bleachbit.Command.Function instance at 0x7f4f5a104cf8>

Bug #1573186 reported by Weiller
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Won't Fix

Bug Description

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/bleachbit/bleachbit/", line 84, in execute
    for ret in cmd.execute(self.really_delete):
  File "/usr/share/bleachbit/bleachbit/", line 131, in execute
    func_ret = self.func()
  File "/usr/share/bleachbit/bleachbit/", line 383, in apt_autoremove
    raise RuntimeError(line)
RuntimeError: E: Não foi possível abrir arquivo de trava /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission Denied)

BleachBit 1.10 - Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

When I run BleachBit, Normal User, it's this error after I click for it to do the cleaning of my Firefox browser. I read the line of the error and believe to be at the very code of the program in Python which I do not have extensive knowledge to fix. Below is a donate application error files.

# vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab

# BleachBit
# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Andrew Ziem
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

Perform the preview or delete operations

import logging
import math
import os
import sys
import traceback

import DeepScan
import FileUtilities
from Cleaner import backends
from Common import _, ungettext

class Worker:

    """Perform the preview or delete operations"""

    def __init__(self, ui, really_delete, operations):
        """Create a Worker

        ui: an instance with methods
        really_delete: (boolean) preview or make real changes?
        operations: dictionary where operation-id is the key and
            operation-id are values
        self.ui = ui
        self.really_delete = really_delete
        assert(isinstance(operations, dict))
        self.operations = operations
        self.size = 0
        self.total_bytes = 0
        self.total_deleted = 0
        self.total_errors = 0
        self.total_special = 0 # special operations
        self.yield_time = None
        if 0 == len(self.operations):
            raise RuntimeError("No work to do")

    def print_exception(self, operation):
        """Display exception"""
        # TRANSLATORS: This indicates an error. The special keyword
        # %(operation)s will be replaced by 'firefox' or 'opera' or
        # some other cleaner ID. The special keyword %(msg)s will be
        # replaced by a message such as 'Permission denied.'
        err = _("Exception while running operation '%(operation)s': '%(msg)s'") \
            % {'operation': operation, 'msg': str(sys.exc_info()[1])}
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
        self.total_errors += 1

    def execute(self, cmd):
        """Execute or preview the command"""
        ret = None
            for ret in cmd.execute(self.really_delete):
                if True == ret or isinstance(ret, tuple):
                    # Temporarily pass control to the GTK idle loop,
                    # allow user to abort, and
                    # display progress (if applicable).
                    yield ret
        except SystemExit:
        except Exception, e:
            # 2 = does not exist
            # 13 = permission denied
            from errno import ENOENT, EACCES
            logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            if (isinstance(e, OSError) and e.errno in (ENOENT, EACCES)):
                # For access denied, do not show traceback
                logger.error('%s: %s' % (str(e), str(cmd)))
                # For other errors, show the traceback.
                logger.error('Error in execution of %s' %
                             str(cmd), exc_info=True)
            self.total_errors += 1
            if None == ret:
            if isinstance(ret['size'], (int, long)):
                size = FileUtilities.bytes_to_human(ret['size'])
                self.size += ret['size']
                self.total_bytes += ret['size']
                size = "?B"

            if ret['path']:
                path = ret['path']
                path = ''
            path = path.decode('utf8', 'replace') # for invalid encoding
            line = u"%s %s %s\n" % (ret['label'], size, path)
            self.total_deleted += ret['n_deleted']
            self.total_special += ret['n_special']
            if ret['label']:
                # the label may be a hidden operation
                # (e.g.,

    def clean_operation(self, operation):
        """Perform a single cleaning operation"""
        operation_options = self.operations[operation]
        assert(isinstance(operation_options, list))
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("clean_operation('%s'), options = '%s'" %
                     (operation, operation_options))

        if not operation_options:
            raise StopIteration

        if self.really_delete and backends[operation].is_running():
            # TRANSLATORS: %s expands to a name such as 'Firefox' or 'System'.
            err = _("%s cannot be cleaned because it is currently running. Close it, and try again.") \
                % backends[operation].get_name()
            self.ui.append_text(err + "\n", 'error')
            self.total_errors += 1
        import time
        self.yield_time = time.time()

        total_size = 0
        for option_id in operation_options:
            self.size = 0
            assert(isinstance(option_id, (str, unicode)))
            # normal scan
            for cmd in backends[operation].get_commands(option_id):
                for ret in self.execute(cmd):
                    if True == ret:
                        # Return control to PyGTK idle loop to keep
                        # it responding allow the user to abort
                        self.yield_time = time.time()
                        yield True
                if time.time() - self.yield_time > 0.25:
                    if self.really_delete:
                    yield True
                    self.yield_time = time.time()

            self.ui.update_item_size(operation, option_id, self.size)
            total_size += self.size

            # deep scan
            for ds in backends[operation].get_deep_scan(option_id):
                if '' == ds['path']:
                    ds['path'] = os.path.expanduser('~')
                if 'delete' != ds['command']:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Deep scan only supports deleting now')
                if not self.deepscans.has_key(ds['path']):
                    self.deepscans[ds['path']] = []
        self.ui.update_item_size(operation, -1, total_size)

    def run_delayed_op(self, operation, option_id):
        """Run one delayed operation"""
        if 'free_disk_space' == option_id:
            # TRANSLATORS: 'free' means 'unallocated'
            msg = _("Please wait. Wiping free disk space.")
        elif 'memory' == option_id:
            msg = _("Please wait. Cleaning %s.") % _("Memory")
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected option_id in delayed ops")
        for cmd in backends[operation].get_commands(option_id):
            old_phase = None
            for ret in self.execute(cmd):
                if isinstance(ret, tuple):
                    # Display progress (for free disk space)
                    phase = ret[
                        0] # 1=wipe free disk space, 2=wipe inodes, 3=clean up inodes files
                    percent_done = ret[1]
                    eta_seconds = ret[2]
                    if phase == 2:
                        msg = _('Please wait. Wiping file system metadata.')
                    elif phase == 3:
                        msg = _(
                            'Please wait. Cleaning up after wiping file system metadata.')
                    if isinstance(eta_seconds, int):
                        eta_mins = math.ceil(eta_seconds / 60)
                        msg2 = ungettext("About %d minute remaining.",
                                         "About %d minutes remaining.", eta_mins) \
                            % eta_mins
                        self.ui.update_progress_bar(msg + ' ' + msg2)
                if True == ret or isinstance(ret, tuple):
                    # Return control to PyGTK idle loop to keep
                    # it responding and allow the user to abort.
                    yield True

    def run(self):
        """Perform the main cleaning process which has these phases
        1. General cleaning
        2. Deep scan
        3. Memory
        4. Free disk space"""
        self.deepscans = {}
        # prioritize
        self.delayed_ops = []
        for operation in self.operations:
            delayables = ['free_disk_space', 'memory']
            for delayable in delayables:
                if operation not in ('system', '_gui'):
                if delayable in self.operations[operation]:
                    i = self.operations[operation].index(delayable)
                    del self.operations[operation][i]
                    priority = 99
                    if 'free_disk_space' == delayable:
                        priority = 100
                    new_op = (priority, {operation: [delayable]})

        # standard operations
        for dummy in self.run_operations(self.operations):
            # yield to GTK+ idle loop
            yield True

        # run deep scan
        if self.deepscans:
            for dummy in self.run_deep_scan():
                yield dummy

        # delayed operations
        for op in sorted(self.delayed_ops):
            operation = op[1].keys()[0]
            for option_id in op[1].values()[0]:
                for ret in self.run_delayed_op(operation, option_id):
                    # yield to GTK+ idle loop
                    yield True

        # print final stats
        bytes_delete = FileUtilities.bytes_to_human(self.total_bytes)

        if self.really_delete:
            # TRANSLATORS: This refers to disk space that was
            # really recovered (in other words, not a preview)
            line = _("Disk space recovered: %s") % bytes_delete
            # TRANSLATORS: This refers to a preview (no real
            # changes were made yet)
            line = _("Disk space to be recovered: %s") % bytes_delete
        self.ui.append_text("\n%s" % line)
        if self.really_delete:
            # TRANSLATORS: This refers to the number of files really
            # deleted (in other words, not a preview).
            line = _("Files deleted: %d") % self.total_deleted
            # TRANSLATORS: This refers to the number of files that
            # would be deleted (in other words, simply a preview).
            line = _("Files to be deleted: %d") % self.total_deleted
        self.ui.append_text("\n%s" % line)
        if self.total_special > 0:
            line = _("Special operations: %d") % self.total_special
            self.ui.append_text("\n%s" % line)
        if self.total_errors > 0:
            line = _("Errors: %d") % self.total_errors
            self.ui.append_text("\n%s" % line, 'error')

        if self.really_delete:
        self.ui.worker_done(self, self.really_delete)

        yield False

    def run_deep_scan(self):
        """Run deep scans"""
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug(' deepscans=%s' % self.deepscans)
        # TRANSLATORS: The "deep scan" feature searches over broad
        # areas of the file system such as the user's whole home directory
        # or all the system executables.
        self.ui.update_progress_bar(_("Please wait. Running deep scan."))
        yield True # allow GTK to update the screen
        ds = DeepScan.DeepScan()
        for (path, dsdict) in self.deepscans.iteritems():
            logger.debug('deepscan path=%s, dict=%s' % (path, dsdict))
            for dsdict2 in dsdict:
                ds.add_search(path, dsdict2['regex'])

        for path in ds.scan():
            if True == path:
                yield True
            # fixme: support non-delete commands
            import Command
            cmd = Command.Delete(path)
            for ret in self.execute(cmd):
                yield True

    def run_operations(self, my_operations):
        """Run a set of operations (general, memory, free disk space)"""
        count = 0
        for operation in my_operations:
            self.ui.update_progress_bar(1.0 * count / len(my_operations))
            name = backends[operation].get_name()
            if self.really_delete:
                # TRANSLATORS: %s is replaced with Firefox, System, etc.
                msg = _("Please wait. Cleaning %s.") % name
                # TRANSLATORS: %s is replaced with Firefox, System, etc.
                msg = _("Please wait. Previewing %s.") % name
            yield True # show the progress bar message now
                for dummy in self.clean_operation(operation):
                    yield True

            count += 1

# vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab

# BleachBit
# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Andrew Ziem
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

Command design pattern implementation for cleaning

import os
import types
import FileUtilities

from sqlite3 import DatabaseError
from Common import _

if 'nt' ==
    import Windows
    from General import WindowsError

def whitelist(path):
    """Return information that this file was whitelisted"""
    ret = {
        # TRANSLATORS: This is the label in the log indicating was
        # skipped because it matches the whitelist
        'label': _('Skip'),
        'n_deleted': 0,
        'n_special': 0,
        'path': path,
        'size': 0}
    return ret

class Delete:

    """Delete a single file or directory. Obey the user
    preference regarding shredding."""

    def __init__(self, path):
        """Create a Delete instance to delete 'path'"""
        self.path = path
        self.shred = False

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Command to %s %s' % \
            ('shred' if self.shred else 'delete', self.path)

    def execute(self, really_delete):
        """Make changes and return results"""
        if FileUtilities.whitelisted(self.path):
            yield whitelist(self.path)
        ret = {
            # TRANSLATORS: This is the label in the log indicating will be
            # deleted (for previews) or was actually deleted
            'label': _('Delete'),
            'n_deleted': 1,
            'n_special': 0,
            'path': self.path,
            'size': FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)}
        if really_delete:
                FileUtilities.delete(self.path, self.shred)
            except WindowsError, e:
                # WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being
                # used by another process: u'C:\\Documents and
                # Settings\\username\\Cookies\\index.dat'
                if 32 != e.winerror and 5 != e.winerror:
                    # TRANSLATORS: The file will be deleted when the
                    # system reboots
                    ret['label'] = _('Mark for deletion')
        yield ret

class Function:

    """Execute a simple Python function"""

    def __init__(self, path, func, label):
        """Path is a pathname that exists or None. If
        it exists, func takes the pathname. Otherwise,
        function returns the size."""
        self.path = path
        self.func = func
        self.label = label
            assert isinstance(func, types.FunctionType)
        except AssertionError:
            raise AssertionError('Expected MethodType but got %s' % type(func))

    def execute(self, really_delete):

        if None != self.path and FileUtilities.whitelisted(self.path):
            yield whitelist(self.path)

        ret = {
            'label': self.label,
            'n_deleted': 0,
            'n_special': 1,
            'path': self.path,
            'size': None}

        if really_delete:
            if None == self.path:
                # Function takes no path. It returns the size.
                func_ret = self.func()
                if isinstance(func_ret, types.GeneratorType):
                    # function returned generator
                    for func_ret in self.func():
                        if True == func_ret or isinstance(func_ret, tuple):
                            # Return control to GTK idle loop.
                            # If tuple, then display progress.
                            yield func_ret
                # either way, func_ret should be an integer
                assert isinstance(func_ret, (int, long))
                ret['size'] = func_ret
                # Function takes a path. We check the size.
                oldsize = FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)
                except DatabaseError, e:
                    if -1 == e.message.find('file is encrypted or is not a database') and \
                       -1 == e.message.find('or missing database'):
                    print 'Warning:', e.message
                    newsize = FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)
                except OSError, e:
                    from errno import ENOENT
                    if e.errno == ENOENT:
                        # file does not exist
                        newsize = 0
                ret['size'] = oldsize - newsize
        yield ret

class Ini:

    """Remove sections or parameters from a .ini file"""

    def __init__(self, path, section, parameter):
        """Create the instance"""
        self.path = path
        self.section = section
        self.parameter = parameter

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Command to clean .ini path=%s, section=-%s, parameter=%s ' % \
            (self.path, self.section, self.parameter)

    def execute(self, really_delete):
        """Make changes and return results"""

        if FileUtilities.whitelisted(self.path):
            yield whitelist(self.path)

        ret = {
            # TRANSLATORS: Parts of this file will be deleted
            'label': _('Clean file'),
            'n_deleted': 0,
            'n_special': 1,
            'path': self.path,
            'size': None}
        if really_delete:
            oldsize = FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)
            FileUtilities.clean_ini(self.path, self.section, self.parameter)
            newsize = FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)
            ret['size'] = oldsize - newsize
        yield ret

class Json:

    """Remove a key from a JSON configuration file"""

    def __init__(self, path, address):
        """Create the instance"""
        self.path = path
        self.address = address

    def __str(self):
        return 'Command to clean JSON file, path=%s, address=%s ' % \
            (self.path, self.address)

    def execute(self, really_delete):
        """Make changes and return results"""

        if FileUtilities.whitelisted(self.path):
            yield whitelist(self.path)

        ret = {
            'label': _('Clean file'),
            'n_deleted': 0,
            'n_special': 1,
            'path': self.path,
            'size': None}
        if really_delete:
            oldsize = FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)
            FileUtilities.clean_json(self.path, self.address)
            newsize = FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)
            ret['size'] = oldsize - newsize
        yield ret

class Shred(Delete):

    """Shred a single file"""

    def __init__(self, path):
        """Create an instance to shred 'path'"""
        Delete.__init__(self, path)
        self.shred = True

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Command to shred %s' % self.path

class Truncate(Delete):

    """Truncate a single file"""

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Command to truncate %s' % self.path

    def execute(self, really_delete):
        """Make changes and return results"""

        if FileUtilities.whitelisted(self.path):
            yield whitelist(self.path)

        ret = {
            # TRANSLATORS: The file will be truncated to 0 bytes in length
            'label': _('Truncate'),
            'n_deleted': 1,
            'n_special': 0,
            'path': self.path,
            'size': FileUtilities.getsize(self.path)}
        if really_delete:
            f = open(self.path, 'wb')
        yield ret

class Winreg:

    """Clean Windows registry"""

    def __init__(self, keyname, valuename):
        """Create the Windows registry cleaner"""
        self.keyname = keyname
        self.valuename = valuename

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Command to clean registry, key=%, value=%s ' % \
            (self.keyname, self.valuename)

    def execute(self, really_delete):
        """Execute the Windows registry cleaner"""
        if 'nt' !=
            raise StopIteration
        _str = None # string representation
        ret = None # return value meaning 'deleted' or 'delete-able'
        if self.valuename:
            _str = '%s<%s>' % (self.keyname, self.valuename)
            ret = Windows.delete_registry_value(self.keyname,
                                                self.valuename, really_delete)
            ret = Windows.delete_registry_key(self.keyname, really_delete)
            _str = self.keyname
        if not ret:
            # Nothing to delete or nothing was deleted. This return
            # makes the auto-hide feature work nicely.
            raise StopIteration

        ret = {
            'label': _('Delete registry key'),
            'n_deleted': 0,
            'n_special': 1,
            'path': _str,
            'size': 0}

        yield ret

# vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# BleachBit
# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Andrew Ziem
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

Integration specific to Unix-like operating systems

import glob
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import ConfigParser

from Common import _, autostart_path
import Common
import FileUtilities
import General

    import gio
    HAVE_GIO = False

class Locales:

    """Find languages and localization files"""

    localepattern = r"(?P<locale>[a-z]{2,3})(?:[_-][a-zA-Z]{2,4})?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?(?:@[a-zA-Z]*)?"

    native_locale_names = \
        {'aa': 'Afaraf',
         'ab': 'аҧсуа бызшәа',
         'ach': 'Acoli',
         'ae': 'avesta',
         'af': 'Afrikaans',
         'ak': 'Akan',
         'am': 'አማርኛ',
         'an': 'aragonés',
         'ang': 'Old English',
         'ar': 'العربية',
         'as': 'অসমীয়া',
         'ast': 'Asturianu',
         'av': 'авар мацӀ',
         'ay': 'aymar aru',
         'az': 'azərbaycan dili',
         'ba': 'башҡорт теле',
         'bal': 'Baluchi',
         'be': 'Беларуская мова',
         'bg': 'български език',
         'bh': 'भोजपुरी',
         'bi': 'Bislama',
         'bm': 'bamanankan',
         'bn': 'বাংলা',
         'bo': 'བོད་ཡིག',
         'br': 'brezhoneg',
         'bs': 'босански',
         'byn': 'Bilin',
         'ca': 'català',
         'ce': 'нохчийн мотт',
         'cgg': 'Chiga',
         'ch': 'Chamoru',
         'ckb': 'Central Kurdish',
         'co': 'corsu',
         'cr': 'ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ',
         'crh': 'Crimean Tatar',
         'cs': 'česky',
         'csb': 'Cashubian',
         'cu': 'ѩзыкъ словѣньскъ',
         'cv': 'чӑваш чӗлхи',
         'cy': 'Cymraeg',
         'da': 'dansk',
         'de': 'Deutsch',
         'dv': 'ދިވެހި',
         'dz': 'རྫོང་ཁ',
         'ee': 'Eʋegbe',
         'el': 'Ελληνικά',
         'en': 'English',
         'en_AU': 'Australian English',
         'en_CA': 'Canadian English',
         'en_GB': 'British English',
         'eo': 'Esperanto',
         'es': 'Español',
         'et': 'eesti',
         'eu': 'euskara',
         'fa': 'فارسی',
         'ff': 'Fulfulde',
         'fi': 'suomen kieli',
         'fj': 'vosa Vakaviti',
         'fo': 'føroyskt',
         'fr': 'Français',
         'fur': 'Frilian',
         'fy': 'Frysk',
         'ga': 'Gaeilge',
         'gd': 'Gàidhlig',
         'gez': 'Geez',
         'gl': 'galego',
         'gn': 'Avañeẽ',
         'gu': 'Gujarati',
         'gv': 'Gaelg',
         'ha': 'هَوُسَ',
         'haw': 'Hawaiian',
         'he': 'עברית',
         'hi': 'हिन्दी',
         'hne': 'Chhattisgarhi',
         'ho': 'Hiri Motu',
         'hr': 'Hrvatski',
         'hsb': 'Upper Sorbian',
         'ht': 'Kreyòl ayisyen',
         'hu': 'Magyar',
         'hy': 'Հայերեն',
         'hz': 'Otjiherero',
         'ia': 'Interlingua',
         'id': 'Indonesian',
         'ig': 'Asụsụ Igbo',
         'ii': 'ꆈꌠ꒿',
         'ik': 'Iñupiaq',
         'io': 'Ido',
         'is': 'Íslenska',
         'it': 'Italiano',
         'iu': 'ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ',
         'iw': 'עברית',
         'ja': '日本語',
         'jv': 'basa Jawa',
         'ka': 'ქართული',
         'kg': 'Kikongo',
         'ki': 'Gĩkũyũ',
         'kj': 'Kuanyama',
         'kk': 'қазақ тілі',
         'kl': 'kalaallisut',
         'km': 'ខ្មែរ',
         'kn': 'ಕನ್ನಡ',
         'ko': '한국어',
         'kok': 'Konkani',
         'kr': 'Kanuri',
         'ks': 'कश्मीरी',
         'ku': 'Kurdî',
         'kv': 'коми кыв',
         'kw': 'Kernewek',
         'ky': 'Кыргызча',
         'la': 'latine',
         'lb': 'Lëtzebuergesch',
         'lg': 'Luganda',
         'li': 'Limburgs',
         'ln': 'Lingála',
         'lo': 'ພາສາລາວ',
         'lt': 'lietuvių kalba',
         'lu': 'Tshiluba',
         'lv': 'latviešu valoda',
         'mai': 'Maithili',
         'mg': 'fiteny malagasy',
         'mh': 'Kajin M̧ajeļ',
         'mhr': 'Eastern Mari',
         'mi': 'te reo Māori',
         'mk': 'македонски јазик',
         'ml': 'മലയാളം',
         'mn': 'монгол',
         'mr': 'मराठी',
         'ms': 'بهاس ملايو',
         'mt': 'Malti',
         'my': 'ဗမာစာ',
         'na': 'Ekakairũ Naoero',
         'nb': 'Bokmål',
         'nd': 'isiNdebele',
         'nds': 'Plattdüütsch',
         'ne': 'नेपाली',
         'ng': 'Owambo',
         'nl': 'Nederlands',
         'nn': 'Norsk nynorsk',
         'no': 'Norsk',
         'nr': 'isiNdebele',
         'nso': 'Pedi',
         'nv': 'Diné bizaad',
         'ny': 'chiCheŵa',
         'oc': 'occitan',
         'oj': 'ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ',
         'om': 'Afaan Oromoo',
         'or': 'ଓଡ଼ିଆ',
         'os': 'ирон æвзаг',
         'pa': 'ਪੰਜਾਬੀ',
         'pi': 'पाऴि',
         'pl': 'polski',
         'ps': 'پښتو',
         'pt': 'Português',
         'qu': 'Runa Simi',
         'rm': 'rumantsch grischun',
         'rn': 'Ikirundi',
         'ro': 'română',
         'ru': 'Pусский',
         'rw': 'Ikinyarwanda',
         'sa': 'संस्कृतम्',
         'sc': 'sardu',
         'sd': 'सिन्धी',
         'se': 'Davvisámegiella',
         'sg': 'yângâ tî sängö',
         'shn': 'Shan',
         'si': 'සිංහල',
         'sk': 'slovenčina',
         'sl': 'slovenščina',
         'sm': 'gagana faa Samoa',
         'sn': 'chiShona',
         'so': 'Soomaaliga',
         'sq': 'Shqip',
         'sr': 'Српски',
         'ss': 'SiSwati',
         'st': 'Sesotho',
         'su': 'Basa Sunda',
         'sv': 'svenska',
         'sw': 'Kiswahili',
         'ta': 'தமிழ்',
         'te': 'తెలుగు',
         'tet': 'Tetum',
         'tg': 'тоҷикӣ',
         'th': 'ไทย',
         'ti': 'ትግርኛ',
         'tig': 'Tigre',
         'tk': 'Türkmen',
         'tl': 'ᜏᜒᜃᜅ᜔ ᜆᜄᜎᜓᜄ᜔',
         'tn': 'Setswana',
         'to': 'faka Tonga',
         'tr': 'Türkçe',
         'ts': 'Xitsonga',
         'tt': 'татар теле',
         'tw': 'Twi',
         'ty': 'Reo Tahiti',
         'ug': 'Uyghur',
         'uk': 'Українська',
         'ur': 'اردو',
         'uz': 'Ўзбек',
         've': 'Tshivenḓa',
         'vi': 'Tiếng Việt',
         'vo': 'Volapük',
         'wa': 'walon',
         'wae': 'Walser',
         'wal': 'Wolaytta',
         'wo': 'Wollof',
         'xh': 'isiXhosa',
         'yi': 'ייִדיש',
         'yo': 'Yorùbá',
         'za': 'Saɯ cueŋƅ',
         'zh': '中文',
         'zu': 'isiZulu'}

    _paths = []

    def __init__(self):

    def add_xml(self, xml_node):

    def localization_paths(self, locales_to_keep):
        if not locales_to_keep:
            raise RuntimeError('Found no locales to keep')
        purgeable_locales = frozenset((locale for locale in Locales.native_locale_names.keys()
                                      if locale not in locales_to_keep))

        for xml_node in self._paths:
            for (locale, path) in Locales.handle_path('', xml_node):
                if locale in purgeable_locales:
                    yield path

    def handle_path(path, xmldata):
        """Extracts paths and filters from the supplied xml tree and yields matching files"""

        if xmldata.ELEMENT_NODE != xmldata.nodeType:
        if not xmldata.nodeName in ['path', 'regexfilter']:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Invalid node '%s', expected '<path>' or '<regexfilter>'" % xmldata.nodeName)
        location = xmldata.getAttribute('location') or '.'
        if '.' != location:
            path = path + location
        if not path.endswith('/'):
            path += '/'

        if not os.path.isdir(path):

        pre = None
        post = None
        if 'regexfilter' == xmldata.nodeName:
            pre = xmldata.getAttribute('prefix') or ''
            post = xmldata.getAttribute('postfix') or ''
        if 'path' == xmldata.nodeName:
            userfilter = xmldata.getAttribute('filter')
            if not userfilter and not xmldata.hasChildNodes():
                userfilter = '*'
            if userfilter:
                if 1 != userfilter.count('*'):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Filter string '%s' must contain the placeholder * exactly once" % userfilter)

                # we can't use re.escape, because it escapes too much
                (pre, post) = (re.sub(r'([\[\]()^$.])', r'\\\1', p)
                               for p in userfilter.split('*'))
            # handle child nodes
            for child in xmldata.childNodes:
                for (locale, subpath) in Locales.handle_path(path, child):
                    yield (locale, subpath)
        if pre is not None and post is not None:
            except Exception as errormsg:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Malformed regex '%s' or '%s': %s" % (pre, post, errormsg))
            regex = re.compile('^' + pre + Locales.localepattern + post + '$')
            for subpath in os.listdir(path):
                match = regex.match(subpath)
                if match is not None:
                    yield ("locale"), path + subpath)

def apt_autoclean():
    """Run 'apt-get autoclean' and return the size (un-rounded, in bytes)
        of freed space"""

    if not FileUtilities.exe_exists('apt-get'):
        raise RuntimeError(_('Executable not found: %s') % 'apt-get')

    args = ['apt-get', 'autoclean']

    process = subprocess.Popen(args,
                               stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    total_bytes = 0

    while True:
        line = process.stdout.readline().replace("\n", "")
        if line.startswith('E: '):
            raise RuntimeError(line)
        # Del cups-common 1.3.9-17ubuntu3 [1165kB]
        match ="^Del .*\[([0-9.]+[a-zA-Z]{2})\]", line)
        if match:
            pkg_bytes_str = match.groups(0)[0]
            pkg_bytes = FileUtilities.human_to_bytes(pkg_bytes_str.upper())
            total_bytes += pkg_bytes
        if "" == line and process.poll() != None:

    return total_bytes

def apt_autoremove():
    """Run 'apt-get autoremove' and return the size (un-rounded, in bytes)
        of freed space"""

    if not FileUtilities.exe_exists('apt-get'):
        raise RuntimeError(_('Executable not found: %s') % 'apt-get')

    args = ['apt-get', '--yes', 'autoremove']

    process = subprocess.Popen(args,
                               stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    total_bytes = 0

    while True:
        line = process.stdout.readline().replace("\n", "")
        if line.startswith('E: '):
            raise RuntimeError(line)
        # After this operation, 74.7MB disk space will be freed.
        match =
            r", ([0-9.]+[a-zA-Z]{2}) disk space will be freed", line)
        if match:
            pkg_bytes_str = match.groups(0)[0]
            pkg_bytes = FileUtilities.human_to_bytes(pkg_bytes_str.upper())
            total_bytes += pkg_bytes
        if "" == line and process.poll() != None:

    return total_bytes

def __is_broken_xdg_desktop_application(config, desktop_pathname):
    """Returns boolean whether application deskop entry file is broken"""
    if not config.has_option('Desktop Entry', 'Exec'):
        print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: missing required option 'Exec': '%s'" \
            % (desktop_pathname)
        return True
    exe = config.get('Desktop Entry', 'Exec').split(" ")[0]
    if not FileUtilities.exe_exists(exe):
        print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: executable '%s' does not exist '%s'" \
            % (exe, desktop_pathname)
        return True
    if 'env' == exe:
        # Wine v1.0 creates .desktop files like this
        # Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/z/.wine" wine "C:\\Program
        # Files\\foo\\foo.exe"
        execs = shlex.split(config.get('Desktop Entry', 'Exec'))
        wineprefix = None
        del execs[0]
        while True:
            if 0 <= execs[0].find("="):
                (name, value) = execs[0].split("=")
                if 'WINEPREFIX' == name:
                    wineprefix = value
                del execs[0]
        if not FileUtilities.exe_exists(execs[0]):
            print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: executable '%s'" \
                "does not exist '%s'" % (execs[0], desktop_pathname)
            return True
        # check the Windows executable exists
        if wineprefix:
            windows_exe = wine_to_linux_path(wineprefix, execs[1])
            if not os.path.exists(windows_exe):
                print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: Windows executable" \
                    "'%s' does not exist '%s'" % \
                    (windows_exe, desktop_pathname)
                return True
    return False

def is_broken_xdg_desktop(pathname):
    """Returns boolean whether the given XDG desktop entry file is broken.
    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
    if not config.has_section('Desktop Entry'):
        print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: missing required section " \
            "'Desktop Entry': '%s'" % (pathname)
        return True
    if not config.has_option('Desktop Entry', 'Type'):
        print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: missing required option 'Type': '%s'" % (pathname)
        return True
    file_type = config.get('Desktop Entry', 'Type').strip().lower()
    if 'link' == file_type:
        if not config.has_option('Desktop Entry', 'URL') and \
                not config.has_option('Desktop Entry', 'URL[$e]'):
            print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: missing required option 'URL': '%s'" % (pathname)
            return True
        return False
    if 'mimetype' == file_type:
        if not config.has_option('Desktop Entry', 'MimeType'):
            print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: missing required option 'MimeType': '%s'" % (pathname)
            return True
        mimetype = config.get('Desktop Entry', 'MimeType').strip().lower()
        if HAVE_GIO and 0 == len(gio.app_info_get_all_for_type(mimetype)):
            print "info: is_broken_xdg_menu: MimeType '%s' not " \
                "registered '%s'" % (mimetype, pathname)
            return True
        return False
    if 'application' != file_type:
        print "Warning: unhandled type '%s': file '%s'" % (file_type, pathname)
        return False
    if __is_broken_xdg_desktop_application(config, pathname):
        return True
    return False

def is_running(exename):
    """Check whether exename is running"""
    for filename in glob.iglob("/proc/*/exe"):
            target = os.path.realpath(filename)
        except TypeError:
            # happens, for example, when link points to
            # '/etc/password\x00 (deleted)'
        except OSError:
            # 13 = permission denied
        if exename == os.path.basename(target):
            return True
    return False

def rotated_logs():
    """Yield a list of rotated (i.e., old) logs in /var/log/"""
    # Ubuntu 9.04
    # /var/log/dmesg.0
    # /var/log/dmesg.1.gz
    # Fedora 10
    # /var/log/messages-20090118
    globpaths = ('/var/log/*.[0-9]',
    for globpath in globpaths:
        for path in glob.iglob(globpath):
            yield path
    regex = '-[0-9]{8}$'
    globpaths = ('/var/log/*-*', '/var/log/*/*-*')
    for path in FileUtilities.globex(globpaths, regex):
        whitelist_re = '^/var/log/(removed_)?(packages|scripts)'
        if None == re.match(whitelist_re, path): # for Slackware, Launchpad #367575
            yield path

def start_with_computer(enabled):
    """If enabled, create shortcut to start application with computer.
    If disabled, then delete the shortcut."""
    if not enabled:
        # User requests to not automatically start BleachBit
        if os.path.lexists(autostart_path):
            # Delete the shortcut
    # User requests to automatically start BleachBit
    if os.path.lexists(autostart_path):
        # Already automatic, so exit
    if not os.path.exists(Common.launcher_path):
        print 'ERROR: does not exist: ', Common.launcher_path
    import shutil
    shutil.copy(Common.launcher_path, autostart_path)
    os.chmod(autostart_path, 0755)
    if General.sudo_mode():

def start_with_computer_check():
    """Return boolean whether BleachBit will start with the computer"""
    return os.path.lexists(autostart_path)

def wine_to_linux_path(wineprefix, windows_pathname):
    """Return a Linux pathname from an absolute Windows pathname and Wine prefix"""
    drive_letter = windows_pathname[0]
    windows_pathname = windows_pathname.replace(drive_letter + ":",
                                                "drive_" + drive_letter.lower())
    windows_pathname = windows_pathname.replace("\\", "/")
    return os.path.join(wineprefix, windows_pathname)

def yum_clean():
    """Run 'yum clean all' and return size in bytes recovered"""
    if os.path.exists('/var/run/'):
        msg = _(
            "%s cannot be cleaned because it is currently running. Close it, and try again.") % "Yum"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    if not FileUtilities.exe_exists('yum'):
        raise RuntimeError(_('Executable not found: %s') % 'yum')
    old_size = FileUtilities.getsizedir('/var/cache/yum')
    args = ['yum', "--enablerepo=*", 'clean', 'all']
    p = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
    non_blank_line = ""
    while True:
        line = p.stdout.readline().replace("\n", "")
        if len(line) > 2:
            non_blank_line = line
        if -1 != line.find('You need to be root'):
            # Seen before Fedora 13
            raise RuntimeError(line)
        if -1 != line.find('Cannot remove rpmdb file'):
            # Since first in Fedora 13
            raise RuntimeError(line)
        if -1 != line.find('Another app is currently holding'):
            print "debug: yum: '%s'" % line
            old_size = FileUtilities.getsizedir('/var/cache/yum')
        if "" == line and p.poll() != None:
    print 'debug: yum process return code = %d' % p.returncode
    if p.returncode > 0:
        raise RuntimeError(non_blank_line)
    new_size = FileUtilities.getsizedir('/var/cache/yum')
    return old_size - new_size

locales = Locales()

Weiller (weillerronfini)
Changed in bleachbit:
assignee: nobody → Weiller (weillerronfini)
Revision history for this message
ROCKNROLLKID (slinger1410-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

Closing. This is a duplicate bug report to the other one you made:

Please, for future reference, do not open up multiple bug tickets for 1 issue.

Changed in bleachbit:
status: New → Won't Fix
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