dft: hgrids: 0.45 gnrm_cv: 1.e-7 rmult: [3.000000000000, 7.0] qcharge: 1 nspin: 2 mpol: 1 ixc: NONE itermax: 100 perf: exctxpar: BC posinp: positions: - H: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] IGSpin: 1 - H: [0.0, 0.0, -1.0] IGSpin: 0 geopt: method: BFGS ncount_cluster_x: 20 frac_fluct: 5.0 randdis: 0.0 betax: 4.0 psppar.H: Pseudopotential type : HGH Atomic number : 1 No. of Electrons : 1 Pseudopotential XC : 1000 Local Pseudo Potential (HGH convention): Rloc : 0.2 Coefficients (c1 .. c4): [-4.180237, 0.725075, 0.0, 0.0] Radii of active regions (AU): Coarse : 1.463418464633951 Fine : 0.2 Coarse PSP : 0.