Hello guys, We had the same concern a Akretion. And recently CampToCamp had needs around similar features but ended creating a few simpler modules instead of using the banking addons. Ideally this has been discussed with Stefan and we will hopefully see a convergence between the banking-addons modularization and the base work done by CampToCamp. The work by CampToCamp is yet to be a bit more documented. But at least, just in case and to make sure you don't redevelop something twice, here is where their modules are located: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~c2c/c2c-financial-addons/6.1/files As a remark, Joel had to copy/paste in a ugly way some bank statement methods because OpenERP base methods wouldn't be modular enough, he will try to get some merges in the 7.0 release so their modules become cleaner. And we community should rush to help those core refactoring to been made before 7 is frozen forever without the support we need. On our side, we made restart our work based on C2C addons and then eventually see if we go as far as the banking addons. Thank you for you collaboration. -- Raphaël Valyi Founder and consultant http://twitter.com/rvalyi +55 21 2516 2954 www.akretion.com On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Carlos Vásquez (CLEARCORP) <