Hi Andrew, Sorry for a slow reply. This has happened to me twice now and appears to be what you say; at least, if I close AWN and relaunch, Pandora then loads without reporting a traceback and the icon is correct on the bar. So, Pandora is trying to launch prior to my connection being established. I have no scripts to force an auto-launch. Something else is apparently strange in my installation, going by your earlier notes. First, /usr/share/avant-window-navigator/applets/pandora/pandora.py has no URL path statement available to change (See quote 1). *Find* highlights many url hits, but not an actual https address. Second gconf-editor does not show a Pandora applet under apps>avant-window-navigator> applets> and thus no key. Finally, I've always had to launch Firefox and connect to Pandora directly via the browser * first*, and then the applet will find Pandora's site and make a connection. Your info above suggests why. Comments appreciated, either prior or future. I play with this at times via AWN, but most often just connect via FF. I'd rather not resort to using FF by default as the overhead is apparently bigger in FF and can interfere if I'm running another memory hog. I suspect some of this overhead issue is caused by the Pandora site itself to some degree. They took part of their site down for operational changes last week and FF perked up thereafter, though that may also be partly the result of the FF update released last week. FF had been a slug on my machine before the FF update while Opera and others were not sluggish at all. Too many variables. Hope that's not info overload. ;-> Gary Greene