I don't really think that's true. I think that "the ASDF way" here is just a reflection of the fact that ASDF is too lame to effectively let us store conditional information in system definitions.
So, for example, I have to set up a FOO-TEST system to make it possible for me to do testing, because there's no easy way to tell ASDF "these files are only tests and should only be loaded when testing."
But I don't think that's a feature! In particular, it is DEFINITELY not a feature if you make the user guess the name of the test system: "let me see, was it "foo-test"? "foo-tests"? "test-foo"?
Instead, we typically set things up so we have
;in-order-to (test-op (test-op "foo-test")))
so that we only need to type
(asdf:test-system "foo").
I think it would be A Good Thing if it were analogously possible for users to just type
I don't really think that's true. I think that "the ASDF way" here is just a reflection of the fact that ASDF is too lame to effectively let us store conditional information in system definitions.
So, for example, I have to set up a FOO-TEST system to make it possible for me to do testing, because there's no easy way to tell ASDF "these files are only tests and should only be loaded when testing."
But I don't think that's a feature! In particular, it is DEFINITELY not a feature if you make the user guess the name of the test system: "let me see, was it "foo-test"? "foo-tests"? "test-foo"?
Instead, we typically set things up so we have
;in-order-to (test-op (test-op "foo-test")))
so that we only need to type
(asdf:test-system "foo").
I think it would be A Good Thing if it were analogously possible for users to just type
(asdf:document- system "foo")