#***************************************** # # Traduction francaise originale par mygal # Commentaires, critiques, etc.? # themygal@gmail.com # Thx 2 tang322 4 his help # #***************************************** language Francais #***************************************** #***************************************** #***************************************** #***************************************** # # Help texts for the various configuration # options that can be set via the console. # # The text item for a configuration item # with name NAME has the ID name_help. # #***************************************** #***************************************** #***************************************** #***************************************** first_use_help Est-ce la premiere fois que vous jouez a \g? include_help Inclus un fichier. sinclude_help Inclus un fichier silencieusement, sans message d'erreur s'il n'est pas trouvé. new_team_allowed_help Est-ce possible de creer une nouvelle équipe? #******************************************** #******************************************** # # lost settings # #******************************************** #******************************************** keyboard_help Configuration du clavier #******************************************** #******************************************** # # keyboard settings # #******************************************** #******************************************** doublebind_time_help Temps en secondes pendant lequel deux touches différentes peuvent effectuer la même action. #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Cycle physics related configuration options # #******************************************** #******************************************** cycle_speed_help Vitesse basique de votre moto si vous roulez en ligne droite. cycle_speed_min_help Vitesse minimum de votre moto, relativement à CYCLE_SPEED. cycle_speed_max_help Vitesse maximum de votre moto, relativement à CYCLE_SPEED. cycle_speed_decay_below_help Vitesse de retour à CYCLE_SPEED quand la vitesse est en dessous de ceci. cycle_speed_decay_above_help Vitesse de retour à CYCLE_SPEED quand la vitesse est en dessous de ceci. cycle_start_speed_help Vitesse initiale de votre moto. cycle_sound_speed_help Facteur appliqué à la vitesse currente pour obtenir la vitesse du son du moteur. cycle_accel_help Facteur d'acceleration des murs. cycle_accel_self_help Multiplicateur de CYCLE_ACCEL pour votre propre mur. cycle_accel_team_help Multiplicateur de CYCLE_ACCEL pour les murs de vos coéquipiers. cycle_accel_enemy_help Multiplicateur de CYCLE_ACCEL pour les murs de vos ennemis. cycle_accel_rim_help Multiplicateur de CYCLE_ACCEL pour les murs de l'arène. cycle_accel_slingshot_help Multiplicateur de l'effect cumulé de CYCLE_ACCEL, si la moto est entre son propre mur et un autre mur. cycle_accel_tunnel_help Multiplicateur de l'effect cumulé de CYCLE_ACCEL, si la moto est entre deux murs qui ne lui appartiennent pas. cycle_accel_offset_help Distance numerique minimum des murs. cycle_wall_near_help Distance maximum des murs accelerateurs. cycle_boost_self_help Accélération lorsque vous vous tournez de votre mur. cycle_boost_team_help Accélération lorsque vous vous tournez d'un des murs de vos coéquipiers. cycle_boost_enemy_help Accélération lorsque vous vous tournez d'un mur ennemi. cycle_boost_rim_help Accélération lorsque vous vous tournez du mur de l'arène. cycle_boostfactor_self_help Facteur auquel votre vitesse est multipliée quand vous vous tournez de votre mur. cycle_boostfactor_team_help Facteur auquel votre vitesse est multipliée quand vous vous tournez d'un des murs de vos coéquipiers. cycle_boostfactor_enemy_help Facteur auquel votre vitesse est multipliée quand vous vous tournez d'un mur ennemi. cycle_boostfactor_rim_help Facteur auquel votre vitesse est multipliée quand vous vous tournez du mur de l'arène. cycle_turn_memory_help Nombre de tours une moto va mémoriser lorsque ces tours ne sont pour le moment pas possibles. cycle_delay_help Temps minimum entre les tours cycle_delay_bonus_help Facteur additionnel à CYCLE_DELAY appliqué sur le server dédié seulement. cycle_delay_timebased_help Est-ce que CYCLE_DELAY doit être basé sur le dernier tour (1) or par rapport à la distance (0) ? Les valeurs intermédiaires sont aussi supportées. cycle_turn_speed_factor_help Facteur auquel la vitesse est multipliée après un tour. cycle_delay_doublebind_bonus_help Facteur auquel CYCLE_DELAY est multiplié pour des tours consécutifs dans la même direction. cycle_brake_help Intensite du frein cycle_width_help La largeur d'une moto lors des collisions. Par exemple elle ne pourra pas rentrer dans des tunnels trop petits. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimum distance of a cycle to a wall on either side before it takes harm. cycle_width_side_help #ORIGINAL TEXT: If the cycle_width conditions are barely violated, use up this much rubber.If set to 1, the rubber usage rate is the same as if you were sitting in front of a wall. #cycle_width_rubber_min_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If the cycle_width conditions are massively violated, use up this much rubber.If set to 1, the rubber usage rate is the same as if you were sitting in front of a wall. #cycle_width_rubber_max_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_rubber_help DIstance minimum a laquelle vous pouvez rouler contre un mur #ORIGINAL TEXT: Timescale rubber is restored on. #cycle_rubber_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Revert to old, framerate dependant and old-clients-ripping, rubber code if old clients are present. Old means <= here. #cycle_rubber_legacy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Rubber usage is based on distance travelled if this is 0 (default) and the time passed if this is 1. Intermediate values and values out of these bounds are supported as well. #cycle_rubber_timebased_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_rubber_speed_help Vitesse logarithmique de l'approximation du mur( chaque seconde, vous vous rapprochez du mur avec un facteur de ~0.4^{cette valeur} ) cycle_rubber_mindistance_help Le code de la distance minimale qui vous separe du mur #ORIGINAL TEXT: If > 0, CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE effectively is never taken to be bigger than this value times the size of any detected gaps the cylce can squeeze through. For "Open" gameplay. #cycle_rubber_mindistance_gap_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Gap detection only sees gaps that the cycle may reach in no less than this many seconds. #cycle_rubber_mindistance_gap_side_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_rubber_mindistance_ratio_help Distance additionnelle a CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE pour chaque unite de longueur du mur que vous avez devant vous #ORIGINAL TEXT: Addidional distance if you have an empty rubber meter (gets faded out gradually as you use up all your rubber) #cycle_rubber_mindistance_reservoir_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Additional distance for unprepared grinds; it gets applied when the cycle's last turn was just a fraction of a second ago and faded out preparation times larger than CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_PREPARATION. #cycle_rubber_mindistance_unprepared_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Timescale in seconds a cycle's last turn time is compared with to determine the effect of CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_UNPREPARED. #cycle_rubber_mindistance_preparation_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_rubber_mindistance_legacy_help Extra factor for minimal distance to walls enforced by the rubber code, active when peers with the rip bug are connected cycle_rubber_minadjust_help En s'ajustant sur environ 180ing. de mur, permet de se rapprocher d'au moins cette valeur ( relativement a la derniere distance ) #ORIGINAL TEXT: During this fraction of the cycle delay time after each turn, rubber efficiency will be multiplied with CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS. #cycle_rubber_delay_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Factor for CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY rubber efficiency. #cycle_rubber_delay_bonus_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_ping_rubber_help Finesse additionnelle pour les joueurs avec un haut ping #ORIGINAL TEXT: With finite length trails, the used rubber is multiplied with this value and the result is subtracted from the wall length. #cycle_rubber_wall_shrink_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_brake_refill_help Evalue ce qu'il reste dans le reservoir de frein quand celui-ci ne fonctionne pas cycle_brake_deplete_help Evalue ce que le reservoir de frein utilise quand vous freinez cycle_sync_interval_enemy_help Temps ( en secondes ), entre les updates serveur/client des ennemis cycle_sync_interval_self_help Temps ( en secondes ), entre les updates serveur/client des ennemis possedes par le client lui-meme #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, old clients will not get sync messages in situations that are known to confuse them #cycle_avoid_oldclient_bad_sync_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, this deactivates the anti lag-sliding code when old clients are connected #cycle_fair_antilag_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_time_tolerance_help Pas encore utilise #ORIGINAL TEXT: Cycle death is prevented as long as the player's failure to turn can be explained by the loss of this many network packets. Enabling this allows cheating. #cycle_packetloss_tolerance_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Speed of simulation of the extrapolating sync; decrease for lower CPU load, but higher effective ping #cycle_sync_ff_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of extrapolation simulation timesteps each real timestep; increase for better accuracy #cycle_sync_ff_steps_help UNTRANSLATED topology_police_help Fait des controles "a posteriori", pour verifier que les mouvements en jeu etaient possibles. Lui attribuer "1" pour l'activer. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra topology police flag to check for walls that are put into the grid datastructure exactly parallel to each other. Requites TOPOLOGY_POLICE to be active. #topology_police_parallel_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_smooth_time_help Timescale for smoothing options. Increasing this will make interpolation smoother, but less accurate. Decreasing it will make network synchronization jumpy. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimum speed of smooth correction relative to cycle speed. #cycle_smooth_min_speed_help UNTRANSLATED cycle_smooth_threshold_help Seulement les synchronisations qui different de votre position par moins que cela ( en ping x vitesse ) ne souffriront pas de lag, de plus grandes differences seront appliquees immediatement cycle_max_refcount_help Nombre maximum de reference admis pour les motos avant qu'elles ne s'autodetruisent. Ce parametre est protege aux attaques relatives a Dos. #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Score rules configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Penalty on the effective time in seconds if the enemy influence detection is from a teammate #enemy_teammate_penalty_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Penalty on the effective time in seconds if the enemy influence detection comes from a dead player #enemy_dead_penalty_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Penalty in seconds if the victim is in chatbot state and the enemy influence is just the chatbot evading a wall #enemy_chatbot_penalty_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, not the build time of the encountered wall, but the current time enters the comparison of enemy influences. Arbitrary blending values are allowed. #enemy_currenttime_influence_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If no enemy influence can be found for the last this many seconds, a player's death counts as a suicide. #enemy_suicide_timeout_help UNTRANSLATED score_die_help Les points que vous gagnez en mourrant #ORIGINAL TEXT: What you get for surviving #score_survive_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: What you get for making a hole for your teammates #score_hole_help UNTRANSLATED score_kill_help Les points que vous gagnez en tuant quelqu'un score_suicide_help Les points que vous gagnez en mourrant betement score_win_help Les points que vous gagnez en remportant un round score_deathzone_help Les points que vous gagnez en touchant une Death Zone sp_score_win_help Vous remportez ceci quand vous gagnez un round en mode "single player highscore hunt" sp_walls_stay_up_delay_help Nombre de secondes durant lesquelles les murs d'un joueur mort restent eleves. Une valeur negative les laissera toujours eleves. sp_walls_length_help Longueur des murs en metres. Une valeur negative rendra ces murs infinis sp_explosion_radius_help Rayon de l'onde de choc des explosions sp_team_balance_on_quit_help Les equipes s'equilibrent-elles si un joueur s'en va? sp_team_balance_with_ais_help Les equipes s'equilibrent-elles avec les IA? sp_team_max_imbalance_help Disproportion maximum mais temporaire autorisee pour une equipe sp_team_max_players_help Nombre maximum de joueurs par equipe sp_team_min_players_help Nombre minimum de joueurs par equipe sp_teams_max_help Nombre maximum d'equipes sp_teams_min_help Nombre minimum d'equipes sp_finish_type_help Que se passe-t-il lorsque le dernier joueur humain est mort? sp_game_type_help Type de jeu sp_auto_iq_help Ajuster automatiquement le QI des IA? sp_auto_ais_help Jouer automatiquement avec des IA? sp_ai_iq_help QI des IA sp_min_players_help Nombre minimum de joueurs sp_num_ais_help Nombre minimum d'IA sp_limit_score_help Fin du match lorsqu'un joueur atteint ce score sp_limit_rounds_help Fin du match apres autant de rounds sp_limit_time_help Fin du match apres autant de minutes #ORIGINAL TEXT: Determines how much each wingman is placed backwards in a team. #spawn_wingmen_back_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Determines how much each wingman is placed sidewards in a team. #spawn_wingmen_side_help UNTRANSLATED walls_stay_up_delay_help Nombre de secondes durant lesquelles les murs d'un joueur mort restent eleves. Une valeur negative les laissera toujours eleves. walls_length_help Longueur des murs en metres. Une valeur negative rendra ces murs infinis explosion_radius_help Rayon de l'onde de choc des explosions team_balance_on_quit_help Les equipes s'equilibrent-elles si un joueur s'en va? team_balance_with_ais_help Les equipes s'equilibrent-elles avec les IA? team_max_imbalance_help Disproportion maximum mais temporaire autorisee pour une equipe team_max_players_help Nombre maximum de joueurs par equipe team_min_players_help Nombre minimum de joueurs par equipe #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, players are allowed to change their position in the team as they wish. If 0, they only can drop in rank. #team_allow_shuffle_up_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, the center player is the team's boss. If at 0, it's the player who is on that team longest. #team_center_is_boss_help UNTRANSLATED teams_max_help Nombre maximum d'equipes teams_min_help Nombre minimum d'equipes finish_type_help Que se passe-t-il lorsque le dernier joueur humain est mort? game_type_help Type de jeu auto_iq_help Ajuster automatiquement le QI des IA? auto_ais_help Jouer automatiquement avec des IA? ai_iq_help QI des IA min_players_help Nombre minimum de joueurs num_ais_help Nombre minimum d'IA limit_score_help Fin du match lorsqu'un joueur atteint ce score limit_rounds_help Fin du match apres autant de rounds limit_time_help Fin du match apres autant de minutes #ORIGINAL TEXT: Flag indicating whether players should be put into teams automatically. #auto_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 0, spectators won't be announced when joining or leaving, provided AUTO_TEAM is set to 0. #auto_team_spec_spam_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allow a team to be named after a color #allow_team_name_color_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allow a team to be named after the leading player #allow_team_name_player_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Total time in minutes someone has played with this client #play_time_total_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Total time in minutes someone has played with this client online #play_time_online_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Total time in minutes someone has played with this client in a team #play_time_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Total play time in minutes required to play here #min_play_time_total_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Online play time in minutes required to play here #min_play_time_online_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Team play time in minutes required to play here #min_play_time_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You cannot play here; first, you need to get more general experience. Play somewhere else (local games count) for \1 minutes, then you can come back here and play.\n #play_time_total_lacking UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You cannot play here; first, you need to get more online experience. Play on other servers for \1 minutes, then you can come back here and play.\n #play_time_online_lacking UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You cannot play here; first, you need to get more team play experience. Play on other team servers for \1 minutes, then you can come back here and play.\n #play_time_team_lacking UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 1 #team_name_1_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 2 #team_name_2_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 3 #team_name_3_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 4 #team_name_4_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 5 #team_name_5_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 6 #team_name_6_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 7 #team_name_7_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: name of team 8 #team_name_8_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 1's color #team_red_1_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 2's color #team_red_2_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 3's color #team_red_3_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 4's color #team_red_4_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 5's color #team_red_5_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 6's color #team_red_6_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 7's color #team_red_7_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: red portion of team 8's color #team_red_8_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 1's color #team_green_1_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 2's color #team_green_2_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 3's color #team_green_3_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 4's color #team_green_4_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 5's color #team_green_5_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 6's color #team_green_6_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 7's color #team_green_7_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: green portion of team 8's color #team_green_8_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 1's color #team_blue_1_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 2's color #team_blue_2_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 3's color #team_blue_3_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 4's color #team_blue_4_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 5's color #team_blue_5_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 6's color #team_blue_6_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 7's color #team_blue_7_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: blue portion of team 8's color #team_blue_8_help UNTRANSLATED # wall length modification #ORIGINAL TEXT: Distance multiplier in wall length calculation. All values are legal. See settings.cfg for full docs. #cycle_dist_wall_shrink_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Distance offset in wall length calculation. See settings.cfg for full docs. #cycle_dist_wall_shrink_offset_help UNTRANSLATED # respawn relevant settings (no server supports respawning yet, but the client is prepared) #ORIGINAL TEXT: Frequency in Hz an invulnerable cycle blinks with. #cycle_blink_frequency_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Time in seconds a cycle is invulnerable after a respawn. #cycle_invulnerable_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Time in seconds a cycle does not make a wall after a respawn. #cycle_wall_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Set to 1 if the invulnerability and wall delay should already be active on the initial spawn at the beginning of a round. #cycle_first_spawn_protection_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Game rules configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** # map file #ORIGINAL TEXT: File that contains the map used for playing #map_file_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: DEPRECIATED - use RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_SERVER and MAP_FILE instead #map_uri_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: In how many directions a cycle can turn 4 is the default, 6 is hexatron #arena_axes_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: URI the client uses to search for map files if they aren't stored locally. Better leave it alone #resource_repository_client_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: URI clients and the server use to search for map files if they aren't stored locally #resource_repository_server_help UNTRANSLATED # limits speed_factor_help Modificateur de vitesse des motos sp_speed_factor_help Modificateur de vitesse des motos size_factor_help Modificateur de la taille de l'arene sp_size_factor_help Modificateur de la taille de l'arene # single player settings (used by dedicated server only) sp_ais_help Nombre d'IA en mode Single-Player start_new_match_help Lance un nouveau match # ladder and highscore rules ladder_min_bet_help Score minimum que vous avez dans le top ladder_percent_bet_help Pourcentage de votre score dans le top ladder_tax_help Percentage of the ladder pot the IRS takes ladder_lose_percent_on_load_help Pourcentage de votre score dans le top que vous perdez a chaque chargement ladder_lose_min_on_load_help Score minimum dans le top que vous perdez a chaque chargement ladder_gain_extra_help Points supplementaires dans le top pour le gagnant, en fonction du ping #ORIGINAL TEXT: The currently active arena size. Leave it alone! Change size_factor instead. #real_arena_size_factor_help UNTRANSLATED real_cycle_speed_factor_help La vitesse des motos actuelles. N'y touchez pas; changez plutot speed_factor. sp_win_zone_min_round_time_help Nombre minimum ( en secondes ) ou la "Instant Win Zone" est activee a partir du debut du round sp_win_zone_min_last_death_help Nombre minimum ( en secondes ) depuis le dernier crash avant l'activation de la "Instant Win Zone" win_zone_min_round_time_help Nombre minimum ( en secondes ) ou la "Instant Win Zone" est activee a partir du debut du round win_zone_min_last_death_help Nombre minimum ( en secondes ) depuis le dernier crash avant l'activation de la "Instant Win Zone" win_zone_expansion_help Vitesse d'expansion de la "Instant Win Zone" win_zone_initial_size_help Taille initiale de la "Instant Win Zone" win_zone_deaths_help "1" pour activer une "Death Zone" #ORIGINAL TEXT: Randomness factor of the initial win zone position. 0 fixes it at the arena center, 1 spreads the zone all over it. #win_zone_randomness_help UNTRANSLATED game_timeout_help Donne approximativement le temps maximum entre les rounds #ORIGINAL TEXT: Last round time a player in chat mode is able to pause the timer #last_chat_break_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Lenght of an extra pause at the beginning of the round #extra_round_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximum time in seconds to wait for a single player to stop chatting. #player_chat_wait_max_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximum fraction of time to wait for a single player to stop chatting. #player_chat_wait_fraction_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Set to 1 if only one player should get his chat wait time reduced at any given time. #player_chat_wait_single_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Set to 1 if only team leaders, and 0 if all players, should be allowed to pause the timer. #player_chat_wait_teamleader_help UNTRANSLATED wait_for_external_script_help Let the server wait for an external script between two rounds until the script switches this setting back to 0. wait_for_external_script_timeout_help If the server has been paused by WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT for more seconds than this, kickstart the game. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Time in seconds after which a permanent chatter is removed from the game #chatter_remove_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Time in seconds after which an inactive player is removed from the game #idle_remove_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Time in seconds after which an inactive player is kicked #idle_kick_time_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Player Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** player_name_confitem_help Nom du joueur #ORIGINAL TEXT: Global player ID #player_user_confitem_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Schould this player automatically request authentication? #auto_login_confitem_help UNTRANSLATED camcenter_help Centre la camera interne sur la direction de la moto start_cam_help Camera initiale start_fov_help Champs de vision initial allow_cam_help Permet ou non les differents modes de camera instant_chat_string_help Chat disponible avec certaines touches name_team_after_player_help Si oui, l'equipe porte le nom du leader. fav_num_per_team_player_help Le nombre prefere de joueurs par equipe pour ce joueur spectator_mode_help Fait de ce joueur un spectateur auto_incam_help Utilise automatiquement la camera interne dans un labyrinthe camwobble_help Laisse la camera interne se deplacer avec votre moto #ORIGINAL TEXT: Cycle and wall colour, blue component. #color_b_help UNTRANSLATED color_g_help Couleur de votre moto et de ses murs, vert. Il n'est pas possible de la changer pendant le jeu color_r_help Couleur de votre moto et de ses murs, rouge. Il n'est pas possible de la changer pendant le jeu #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Convenience # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of lines kept in the console history. #history_size_console_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of lines kept in the chat history. #history_size_chat_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Spam protection # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimum time for 10 ping packets from one machine to arrive. #ping_flood_time_10_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimum time for 20 ping packets from one machine to arrive. #ping_flood_time_20_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimum time for 50 ping packets from one machine to arrive. #ping_flood_time_50_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimum time for 100 ping packets from one machine to arrive. #ping_flood_time_100_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The times PING_FLOOD_TIME_X, multiplied by this value, count for all pings from all machines. Negative values disable global flood protection. #ping_flood_global_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimum time between identical chat messages. #spam_protection_repeat_help UNTRANSLATED spam_protection_help Determine la "puissance" du filtre anti-spam: determine le delai minimum entre 2 messages #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for votes. #spam_protection_vote_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for chat messages. #spam_protection_chat_help UNTRANSLATED spam_penalty_help Nombre de secondes ou un spammeur ne peut plus poster spam_maxlen_help Taille maximale des messages dans le chat spam_autokick_help Les "points de spam", qui vous bannissent d'un serveur instantanement. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of spam warnings before a player gets spamkicked. #spam_autokick_count_help UNTRANSLATED silence_all_help Si "1", le chat sera desactive #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 0, all chat will be surpressed (if reset on the server, messages from logged in players and private/team messages are still shown) #enable_chat_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, all players can change teams. If set to 0, players can only change teams if they've been specifically allowed to by ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE_PLAYER #allow_team_change_help UNTRANSLATED # spam kick messages #ORIGINAL TEXT: You chatted too much. #spam_chat UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You switched teams too often. #spam_teamchage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You issued too many kick votes. #spam_vote_kick_issue UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Too many of your votes got rejected. #spam_vote_rejected UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Cheat protection # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, this allows two players that apparently come from the same machine to fight for points with each other. #allow_enemies_same_ip_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, this allows two players that play on the same client to fight for points with each other. #allow_enemies_same_client_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, this allows a player to issue cycle and camera control commands during chat (losing the chatbot and the yellow chat pyramid). #allow_control_during_chat_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, players with identical names are tolerated. If set to 0, all but one will be renamed. #allow_imposters_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, players with identical names are tolerated. If set to 0, all but one will be renamed. #allow_impostors_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Lag compensation # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximal speed increase of timer while lag is compensated for. #lag_max_speedup_timer_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Timescale the slow lag measurement decays on. #lag_slow_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Timescale the fast lag measurement decays on. #lag_fast_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra weight lag reports from the server influence the slow lag compensation with. #lag_slow_weight_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra weight lag reports from the server influence the fast lag compensation with. #lag_fast_weight_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximal seconds of total lag credit. #lag_credit_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximal seconds of lag credit for a single lag event. #lag_credit_single_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sweet spot, the fill ratio of lag credit the server tries to keep the client at. #lag_sweet_spot_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Timescale lag credit is restored on. #lag_credit_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra amount of lag compensation, determined by the client. #lag_offset_client_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra amount of lag compensation, determined by the server. #lag_offset_server_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra amount of lag compensation for clients that don't support automatic compensation, determined by the server. #lag_offset_legacy_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Banning # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: When a client's connection is blocked because he's banned, make him banned for at least this many seconds. #network_min_ban_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Autoban players for NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTOR * ( kph - NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSET ) minutes when they get kicked; kph is the average number of kicks per hour they get. #network_autoban_offset_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Autoban players for NETWORK_AUTOBAN_FACTOR * ( kph - NETWORK_AUTOBAN_OFFSET ) minutes when they get kicked; kph is the average number of kicks per hour they get. #network_autoban_factor_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximal value of the kicks per hour; larger values are smoothly clamped. #network_autoban_max_kph_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to something bigger than zero, this is the maximal time in seconds a client without players is tolerated. #network_spectator_time_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Voting settings # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Set to 1 to use the enhanced server controlled vote items for kick votes. Does not work for clients prior to #vote_use_server_controlled_kick_help UNTRANSLATED voting_timeout_help votes older than this time out and are rejected. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Additional value for VOTING_TIMEOUT for every voter present. #voting_timeout_per_voter_help UNTRANSLATED allow_voting_help Si 1, les votes seront permis aux joueurs. allow_voting_spectator_help Si 1, les votes seront permis aux spectateurs. min_voters_help Nombre de votants devant etre online pour que le vote soit active. #ORIGINAL TEXT: The maximum number of total votes that can be active at any given moment. #max_votes_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Cancels all running polls. #votes_cancel_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The maximum number of votes suggested by each voter that can be active at any given moment. #max_votes_per_voter_help UNTRANSLATED voting_start_decay_help Nombre de secondes apres lequel les non-votants sont ignores. #ORIGINAL TEXT: One non-voter is ignored everytime this many secons pass. #voting_decay_help UNTRANSLATED voting_bias_help Ajoute des personnes votantes virtuels qui s'opposent a chaque changement. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Add virtual voters that oppose every kick vote. #voting_bias_kick_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Add virtual voters that oppose every suspend vote. #voting_bias_suspend_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Add virtual voters that oppose every include vote. #voting_bias_include_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Add virtual voters that oppose every command vote. #voting_bias_command_help UNTRANSLATED voting_privacy_help controls logging of voting process. 2: nothing gets logged 1: vote submission is logged for the server admin 0: voting is logged for the server admin -1: vote submission is made public -2: everything is made public #ORIGINAL TEXT: The spam level of issuing a vote. #voting_spam_issue_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The spam level of getting your vote rejected. #voting_spam_reject_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The minimum time in seconds between two harmful votes against the same player. #voting_harm_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The minimum time in seconds between two kick votes against the same player. #voting_kick_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The minimum time in seconds a player needs to be online with the same name before he can issue votes. #voting_maturity_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The number of rounds "/vote suspend " suspends a player for. #voting_suspend_rounds_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal number of harmful votes (suspension, kick,..) that need to have been issued (success is not required) against a player before a kick vote issued via the menu really results in a kick; otherwise, the result is a simple suspension. #voting_kick_minharm_help UNTRANSLATED voting_suspend_help Arrête les votes pour n minutes. voting_suspend_default_help Valeur par défaut de VOTING_SUSPEND. voting_unsuspend_help Autorise les votes à nouveau. voting_suspended Les votes ont été suspendus pour les prochaines \1 minutes.\n voting_unsuspended Les votes sont à nouveau autorisés.\n vote_rejected_voting_suspended Les votes ont été suspendus par l'Administrateur.\n #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Name Display # #******************************************** #******************************************** fadeout_name_delay_help Temps durant lequel les noms des joueurs sont montres ( en secondes ). 0 ne montrera jamais leurs noms et -1 les montrera toujours. show_own_name_help Voulez-vous aussi afficher votre nom au-dessus de votre moto? #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Recording and playback # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Level of additonal information in recording file. #recording_debuglevel_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximum recording time between rendered frames in fast forward mode #fast_forward_maxstep_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximum real time between rendered frames in fast forward mode #fast_forward_maxstep_real_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximum fraction of the time left until the end of FF mode between rendered frames #fast_forward_maxstep_rel_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Camera Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** camera_forbid_smart_help Interdit l'utilisation de la camera interne pour tout le monde camera_forbid_in_help Interdit l'utilisation de la camera interne pour tout le monde camera_forbid_free_help Interdit l'utilisation de la camera libre pour tout le monde camera_forbid_follow_help Interdit l'utilisation de la camera externe pour tout le monde camera_forbid_custom_help Interdit l'utilisation de la camera personnalisee pour tout le monde #ORIGINAL TEXT: Forbids the use of the server custom camera #camera_forbid_server_custom_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Forbids use of special glance camera settings #camera_forbid_custom_glance_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Overrides custom glance settings with vanues from the server #camera_override_custom_glance_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Overrides custom glance settings with vanues from the server only for the server custom camera #camera_override_custom_glance_server_custom_help UNTRANSLATED camera_follow_start_x_help Determine la position (x) de la camera externe fixe camera_follow_start_y_help Determine la position (y) de la camera externe fixe camera_follow_start_z_help Determine la position (z) de la camera externe fixe camera_smart_start_x_help Determine la position (x) de la "smart camera" camera_smart_start_y_help Determine la position (y) de la "smart camera" camera_smart_start_z_help Determine la position (z) de la "smart camera" #ORIGINAL TEXT: Use custom camera settings when glancing with the smart camera #camera_smart_glance_custom_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Custom Glance #camera_smart_glance_custom_text UNTRANSLATED camera_free_start_x_help Determine la position (x) de la camera libre camera_free_start_y_help Determine la position (y) de la camera libre camera_free_start_z_help Determine la position (z) de la camera libre camera_custom_back_help Position de la camera personnalisee: de combien peut-elle s'eloigner de la moto? camera_custom_rise_help Position de la camera personnalisee: de combien peut-elle se rapprocher de la moto? #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK. #camera_custom_back_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE. #camera_custom_rise_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED camera_custom_pitch_help Position de la camera personnalisee: de combien peut-elle monter/descendre? #ORIGINAL TEXT: Position of the custom camera: how much the camera zooms in your cycle at the beginning of the round (to show the team's formation #camera_custom_zoom_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Speed the custom camera turns with #camera_custom_turn_speed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra factor to CAMERA_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED after a quick reverse #camera_custom_turn_speed_180_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Speed the internal camera turns with #camera_in_turn_speed_help UNTRANSLATED camera_server_custom_back_help Position de la camera personnalisee: de combien peut-elle s'eloigner de la moto? camera_server_custom_rise_help Position de la camera personnalisee: de combien peut-elle se rapprocher de la moto? #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK. #camera_server_custom_back_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE. #camera_server_custom_rise_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED camera_server_custom_pitch_help Position de la camera personnalisee: de combien peut-elle monter/descendre? #ORIGINAL TEXT: Speed the server custom camera turns with. Turn values are taken from the clientside settings if this is negative. #camera_server_custom_turn_speed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra factor to CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_TURN_SPEED after a quick reverse #camera_server_custom_turn_speed_180_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Position of the glance camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle? #camera_glance_back_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Position of the glance camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle? #camera_glance_rise_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_GLANCE_BACK. #camera_glance_back_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_GLANCE_RISE. #camera_glance_rise_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Position of the glance camera: how much does it look up/down? #camera_glance_pitch_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Position of the server glance camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle? #camera_server_glance_back_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Position of the server glance camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle? #camera_server_glance_rise_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_BACK. #camera_server_glance_back_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This value is multiplied with the current speed and added to CAMERA_SERVER_GLANCE_RISE. #camera_server_glance_rise_fromspeed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Position of the server glance camera: how much does it look up/down? #camera_server_glance_pitch_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The speed the external visibility targets recovers from wall hits #camera_visibility_recovery_speed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The distance the visibility targets keep from walls #camera_visibility_wall_distance_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Speed with wich the visibility targets is brought into view #camera_visibility_clip_speed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Distance (measured in seconds, gets multiplied by speed) of the visibility targets from the watched object #camera_visibility_extension_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra forward component of the sideways visibility targets #camera_visibility_sideskew_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, walls are lowerd when they block the view and the camera is not moved #camera_visibility_lower_wall_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Like CAMERA_VISIBILITY_LOWER_WALL, but special setting for the smart camera #camera_visibility_lower_wall_smart_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Unsupported: make all rim walls semi-transparent by rendering them without occlusion tests #bug_transparency_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Unsupported: use transparency instead of lowering walls #bug_transparency_demand_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Network Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** custom_server_name_help Nom du serveur auquel se connecter dedicated_idle_help Apres autant de temps ( en heures ), le serveur dedie essaie une nouvelle fois de s'arreter #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximum simulation steps per second the dedicated server will perform #dedicated_fps_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of times per frame the server should check whether simulation can be done if no network input is coming #dedicated_fps_idle_factor_help UNTRANSLATED talk_to_master_help Annoncer ce serveur sur Internet? max_out_rate_help Taux maximum de sortie sur le reseau max_in_rate_help Taux maximum d'entree sur le reseau ping_charity_help Combien de ping comptez vous assurer a votre adversaire? #ORIGINAL TEXT: Server option: maximum ping charity value. Set to 0 to avoid instant kills. Active only if all clients are or better. #ping_charity_max_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Server option: minimum ping charity value. Use to enforce fairness. Active only if all clients are or better. #ping_charity_min_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Don't touch: the server says this is the maximal ping compensation. #ping_charity_server_help UNTRANSLATED big_brother_help Avons-nous deja envoye l'information "Big brother"? server_name_help Nom de ce serveur #ORIGINAL TEXT: Short description of the options on this server #server_options_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: IP the server listens on #server_ip_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If your server is on dynamic IP and you set up a dynamic DNS that always points to it, you can set this variable to the DNS name to help clients remember your server across IP changes. #server_dns_help UNTRANSLATED server_port_help Port qu'utilise ce serveur client_port_help Port auquel nous essayons de nous connecter max_clients_help Nombre maximum de clients reseau a accepter max_clients_same_ip_soft_help Maximum number of network clients to accept from the same IP; more logins will get kicked when the server is full max_clients_same_ip_hard_help Maximum number of network clients to accept from the same IP; more logins will be ignored #ORIGINAL TEXT: maximum number of players from the same IP (note that each client can legally host up to four players) #max_players_same_ip_help UNTRANSLATED url_help URI HTTP associee a un serveur # settings compatibility #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default legacy behavior for settings that absolutely break the client and make play impossible. Example of an affected setting: MAP_FILE #setting_legacy_behavior_breaking_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default legacy behavior for settings that allow play on old clients in principle, but with severe limitations (cycles bouncing around, player commands not executed on time). Example: CYCLE_DELAY_TIMEBASED #setting_legacy_behavior_bumpy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default legacy behavior for settings that only cause minor annoyances on old clients, like enemy cycles stopping for .1 seconds after each turn. Example: CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE #setting_legacy_behavior_annoying_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default legacy behavior for settings where the default behavior could be considered cheating if nondefault was set. Example: DOUBLEBIND_TIME #setting_legacy_behavior_cheating_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default legacy behavior for settings that only affect status displays and visuals, not game physics. Example: CYCLE_RUBBER_* (the client displays the rubber meter, but it's not used for anything) #setting_legacy_behavior_visual_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Graphics Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Store screenshots as PNG files, not BMP files. #png_screenshot_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Draw sparks in white (instead of cycle colors). #white_sparks_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Keeps rendering active when the program window loses input focus. #keep_window_active_help UNTRANSLATED # hud #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the brake meter on the HUD? #show_brake_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the number of enemies and friends left on the HUD? #show_alive_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the fastest player on the HUD? #show_fastest_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the HUD? #show_hud_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show your ping on the HUD? #show_ping_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the rubber meter on the HUD? #show_rubber_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show your single player scores on the HUD? #show_score_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the speed meter on the HUD? #show_speed_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the current time in the top- right corner? #show_time_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the time in 24 hour format? #show_time_24_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Horizontal position of the speed meter #speed_gauge_locx_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the speed meter #speed_gauge_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Size of the speed meter #speed_gauge_size_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Horizontal position of the rubber meter #rubber_gauge_locx_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the rubber meter #rubber_gauge_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Size of the rubber meter #rubber_gauge_size_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Horizontal position of the brake meter #brake_gauge_locx_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the brake meter #brake_gauge_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Size of the brake meter #brake_gauge_size_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Horizontal position of the alive headcount display #alive_locx_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the alive headcount display #alive_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Size of the alive headcount display #alive_size_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Horizontal position of the fastest player display #fastest_locx_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the fastest player display #fastest_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Size of the fastest player display #fastest_size_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Horizontal position of the ping display #ping_locx_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the ping display #ping_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Size of the ping display #ping_size_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Horizontal position of the score display #score_locx_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the score display #score_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Size of the score display #score_size_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Vertical position of the center messages #cm_locy_help UNTRANSLATED #floor grid_size_help Distance entre les lignes de la grille grid_size_moviepack_help distance between gridlines when moviepack is active floor_red_help Couleur du sol ( rouge ) floor_green_help Couleur du sol ( vert ) floor_blue_help Couleur du sol ( bleu ) #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extension of the rim wall texture in the horizontal direction #rim_wall_stretch_x_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extension of the rim wall texture in the vertical direction #rim_wall_stretch_y_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Set to 1 if the rim wall texture should repeat in the vertical direction #rim_wall_wrap_y_help UNTRANSLATED #moviepack settings moviepack_floor_red_help Couleur du sol ( rouge ) moviepack_floor_green_help Couleur du sol ( vert ) moviepack_floor_blue_help Couleur du sol ( bleu ) moviepack_wall_stretch_help Distance entre les lignes verticales des murs du moviepack #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extension of one square of rim wall texture in the horizontal direction for the moviepack #moviepack_rim_wall_stretch_x_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extension of the rim wall texture in the vertical direction for the moviepack #moviepack_rim_wall_stretch_y_help UNTRANSLATED #detail settings #ORIGINAL TEXT: Swap Mode: #swapmode_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Determines the commands used to sync graphics and input every frame. The current value implies: #swapmode_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Fastest #swapmode_fastest_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: No sync commands. This is fastest and uses the least CPU, but may cause graphics to severely lag behind input. Use at your own risk. #swapmode_fastest_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Flush #swapmode_glflush_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Calls glFlush() to sync graphics output. Very little overhead and prevents graphics lag. This is the default. #swapmode_glflush_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Finish #swapmode_glfinish_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Calls glFinish() to sync graphics output. This is guaranteed to prevent graphics lagging behind input, but causes loss of framerate on some systems and full CPU load on others. Use if Flush does not work. #swapmode_glfinish_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Determines the commands used to sync graphics and input. 0: do nothing, 1: call glFlush(), 2: call glFinish(). #swap_mode_help UNTRANSLATED texture_mode_0_help Texture du sol: texture_mode_1_help Texture des murs: texture_mode_2_help Texture des objets: texture_mode_3_help Police: gl_extensions_help Informations du systeme "OpenGL" gl_version_help Informations du systeme "OpenGL" gl_renderer_help Informations du systeme "OpenGL" gl_vendor_help informations du systeme "OpenGL" alpha_blend_help Active l'alpha-blending #ORIGINAL TEXT: This is XORd with ALPHA_BLEND to determine the way to draw zones #zone_alpha_toggle_help UNTRANSLATED smooth_shading_help Active le smooth shading text_out_help Active la sortie console texte #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of characters in each line of console output #console_columns_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of lines of console output without user intervention #console_rows_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of lines of console output when scrolling back #console_rows_max_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Number of spaces each continuation of a wrapped console line is indented by #console_indent_help UNTRANSLATED console_decorate_id_help Decore chaque ligne de la sortie console avec l'ID du client console_decorate_ip_help Decore chaque ligne de la sortie console avec l'IP du client #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sends ladder log output to the console #console_ladder_log_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Set all the LADDER_LOG_WRITE_* settings to the same value #ladderlog_write_all_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: LADDER_LOG_WRITE_ALL 1|0 #ladderlog_write_all_usage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Enabled full ladderlog output. #ladderlog_write_all_enabled UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Disabled ladderlog output. #ladderlog_write_all_disabled UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If nonnegative, write a line with the current game time to the ladder log every n seconds. #ladderlog_game_time_interval UNTRANSLATED show_fps_help Active l'affichage des FPS floor_mirror_help Le sol reflechit comme un miroir floor_detail_help Details du sol high_rim_help Dessine des murs haute definition dither_help Utilise le dithering upper_sky_help Dessine le ciel superieur lower_sky_help Dessine le ciel inferieur sky_wobble_help Anime le ciel infinity_plane_help Utilise une infinite de points (Ne fonctionne pas sur la plupart des systemes Windows) lag_o_meter_help Dessine le lagmetre dans le jeu en reseau #ORIGINAL TEXT: Scale of the Lag-O-Meter. 1.0 is the "correct" value, older clients were hardcoded to .5 due to a bug. #lag_o_meter_scale_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The Lag-O-Meter will only be drawn if the product of cycle speed and lag is bigger than this value. #lag_o_meter_threshold_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Amount the player color should be blended with white to get the color of the Lag-O-Meter. 1 means white, 0 means the color of the player. #lag_o_meter_blend_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Should we use the old buggy Lag-O-Meter? This functionality will go away soon. #lag_o_meter_use_old_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Should the Axis Indicator be rendered? #axes_indicator_help UNTRANSLATED predict_objects_help Predit les deplacements des motos dans le jeu en reseau textures_hi_help Utilise des textures haute-definition sparks_help Dessine des etincelles lorsqu'une moto roule trop pres d'un mur #ORIGINAL TEXT: Enable explosions? #explosion_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set, you leave a menu to the top and reenter it at the bottom. #wrap_menu_help UNTRANSLATED floor_mirror_int_help Intensite de l'effet reflechissant du sol color_strings_help Dessine des cordes colorees #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter color codes from strings coming in over the network. #filter_color_strings_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter dark color codes from strings coming in over the network. #filter_dark_color_strings_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter color codes from player names. #filter_color_names_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter dark color codes from player names. #filter_dark_color_names_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter whitespace and other junk from beginnings and ends of player names. #filter_name_ends_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter excess whitespace and other junk from the middle of player names. #filter_name_middle_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter color codes from server names in the server browser. #filter_color_server_names_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter dark color codes from server names in the server browser. #filter_dark_color_server_names_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter color codes from /team messages. #filter_color_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Filter dark color codes from /team messages. #filter_dark_color_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Transparency factor for zone rendering. 1.0 gives full strength. #zone_alpha_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Transparency factor for zone rendering, controlled by the server. 1.0 gives full strength. #zone_alpha_server_help UNTRANSLATED #screen mode custom_screen_height_help Taille d'ecran personnalisee ( longueur ) custom_screen_width_help Taille d'ecran personnalisee ( hauteur ) custom_screen_aspect_help Custom screen aspect ratio ( pixel width/pixel height) #ORIGINAL TEXT: Desktop #screen_size_desktop UNTRANSLATED armagetron_screenmode_help Resolution de l'ecran armagetron_last_screenmode_help Derniere resolution de l'ecran armagetron_windowsize_help Taille de la fenetre armagetron_last_windowsize_help Derniere taille de la fenetre fullscreen_help Mode plein-ecran ou mode fenetre? last_fullscreen_help Mode plein-ecran ou mode fenetre, derniere initialisation reussie check_errors_help listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist last_check_errors_help listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist, last successful init colordepth_help Nombre de couleurs a utiliser (0: 16 bits 1: bureau 2: 24 bits) last_colordepth_help Profondeur de couleurs, derniere initialisation reussie zdepth_help Profondeur du z buffer a utiliser (0: 16 bits 1: comme la profondeur de couleurs 2: 32 bits) last_zdepth_help Profondeur du z buffer, derniere initialisation reussie use_sdl_help Utiliser SDL pour initialiser OpenGL? last_use_sdl_help Utiliser SDL pour initialiser OpenGL, derniere initialisation reussie failed_attempts_help Nombre de tentatives ratees pour l'initialisation du mode graphique software_renderer_help Le rendu OpenGL n'est-il pas une acceleration materielle? #model use_displaylists_help Utiliser les listes d'affichages pour le rendu des motos? #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Sound Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** sound_buffer_shift_help Multiplicateur de la taille du buffer sound_quality_help Qualite du son [0=off, 3=excellente] sound_sources_help Nombre de sources sonores audibles en meme temps #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Viewport Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** viewport_conf_help Configuration des cameras; determine combien de joueurs peuvent jouer simultanement sur cet ordinateur viewport_belongs_help Assigner une vue a un joueur #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Misc. Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Characters that count as word delimiters when skipping over words in a text input field. #word_delimiters_help UNTRANSLATED mouse_grab_help "Bloque" le pointeur de la souris dans la fenetre moviepack_help Utiliser le moviepack, si possible armagetron_version_help Votre version de \g message_of_day_help Message envoye aux clients #ORIGINAL TEXT: If fullscreen display is supported, this will be the title above message_of_day #title_of_day_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Time message_of_day is displayed for in fullscreen mode #message_of_day_timeout_help UNTRANSLATED round_console_message_help Message envoye aux clients apres chaque round round_center_message_help Message en grand envoye aux clients apres chaque round password_storage_help Determine ou vos mots de passe sont stockes: 1 = sur le disque dur (risque), 0 = dans la memoire et -1 = ils ne sont pas stockes. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Try to protect user.cfg from read access by other users? #protect_sensitive_files_help UNTRANSLATED admin_pass_help Mot de passe de base de l'administrateur du jeu backward_compatibility_help Nombre maximum d'anciennes versions du protocole a supporter new_feature_delay_help Desactive les dispositifs presents uniquement dans les derniers protocoles de X # program control quit_help Eteint le serveur dedie et quitte exit_help Eteint le serveur dedie et quitte # manning and kicking commands #ORIGINAL TEXT: The console command \1 only works on the server. You probably want to say "/admin \1 \2".\n #only_works_on_server UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Prints list of currently active players #players_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Kill a specific player (as warning before a kick) #kill_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Silence a specific player so he can't use public chat any more (/msg and /team still work) #silence_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Suspend a player from playing for the following N rounds (default: 5) #suspend_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Removes a player suspension. #unsuspend_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Reverse of SILENCE #voice_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allow a specific player to change teams even if ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE is disabled #allow_team_change_player_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Reverse of ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE_PLAYER #disallow_team_change_player_help UNTRANSLATED kick_help Bannis le joueur indique du serveur #ORIGINAL TEXT: The reason given to a player kicked by KICK if none is specified. #default_kick_reason_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Kicks the specified player from the server and, if the client supports it, redirects him to a different server. #kick_to_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Kicks the specified player from the server and, if the client supports it, redirects him to a different server. Does not imply an autoban penalty. #move_to_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The reason given to a player kicked by KICK_TO or MOVE_TO if none is specified. #default_kick_to_reason_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default server IP/name a player is redirected to by KICK_TO and MOVE_TO. #default_kick_to_server UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default server port a player is redirected to by KICK_TO and MOVE_TO. #default_kick_to_port UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Server IP/name a player is redirected to by vote kicks. #vote_kick_to_server UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Default server port a player is redirected to by vote kicks. #vote_kick_to_port UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Bans the specified player from the server (kicks him first) for a variable time in minutes. #ban_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Bans the spedified IP address from the server for a variable time. #ban_ip_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Prints a list of currently banned IPs. #ban_list_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Revokes the ban of the specified IP address. #unban_ip_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The prefix that is shown on hidden players' Global ID and access level when we can see it. #player_list_hidden_player_prefix_help UNTRANSLATED # communication console_message_help Affiche un message dans la console a tous les clients connectes center_message_help Affiche un message en grand sur l'ecran pour tous les clients connectes #ORIGINAL TEXT: Prints a big message all over the screen, interrupting gameplay for a configurable timeout. Use with care. #fullscreen_message_help UNTRANSLATED say_help Serveurs dedies seulement: permet a l'administrateur de dire quelque chose #ORIGINAL TEXT: Renames the given player. #rename_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Gives the given player the ability to rename. #allow_rename_player_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Prevents the given player from renameing. #disallow_rename_player_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Bugs # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allows the rim wall to be ripped open by a VERY close grind. #bug_rip_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allows players to pass through walls on odd occasions. #bug_tunnel_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allows the player's colors to overflow and wrap around for the cycle, allowing different colors for cycle and trail. #bug_color_overflow_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Key bindings; every input ITEM item gets two # strings: the short description string # appearing in the configuration menus # (named input_item_text) and the help message # you see below the input configuration menu # when you select the input item for a longer # time (named input_item_help). # #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #generic texts input_items_unbound Unbound input_items_global Controles globaux #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Misc. Configuration items # #******************************************** #******************************************** input_console_input_text Entree de la console input_console_input_help Vous permet d'ecrire un message dans la console. input_screenshot_text Capture d'ecran input_screenshot_help Fais un screenshot et l'enregistre sous screenshot_X.bmp input_chat_text Chat input_chat_help Vous permet de discuter avec d'autres joueurs sur le reseau. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Toggle Spectator #input_toggle_spectator_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Toggles spectator mode, conveniently taking you out of the game so you can take a call (of nature, possibly) and back into the game when you're done. #input_toggle_spectator_help UNTRANSLATED input_score_text Score input_score_help Affiche la grille de scores. input_toggle_fullscreen_text Bascule en mode plein-ecran input_toggle_fullscreen_help Bascule entre les modes en fenetre et plein-ecran #ORIGINAL TEXT: Toggle mousegrab #input_toggle_mousegrab_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Frees the mouse pointer or contstrains it to the program window #input_toggle_mousegrab_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Reload textures #input_reload_textures_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Reloads all textures. Useful for content creators. #input_reload_textures_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Ingame menu #input_ingame_menu_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Triggers the ingame menu. ESC is hardcoded to this function so you don't get trapped in the game :) #input_ingame_menu_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Pause game #input_pause_game_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Stops the game timer or resumes it. #input_pause_game_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # console scrolling items # #******************************************** #******************************************** input_mess_up_text Derouler vers le haut input_mess_up_help Derouler les messages d'une page vers le haut. input_mess_down_text Derouler vers le bas input_mess_down_help Derouler les messages d'une page vers le bas. #******************************************** #******************************************** # # cycle control keys # #******************************************** #******************************************** input_cycle_brake_text Frein input_cycle_brake_help Vous fait decelerer dans les situations critiques #ORIGINAL TEXT: Toggle Brake #input_cycle_brake_toggle_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: turns your brake on and off permanently without you needing to hold down a key #input_cycle_brake_toggle_help UNTRANSLATED input_cycle_turn_right_text Tourner a droite input_cycle_turn_right_help Fais un quart de tour vers la droite input_cycle_turn_left_text Tourner a gauche input_cycle_turn_left_help Fais un quart de tour vers la gauche #******************************************** #******************************************** # # camera control keys # #******************************************** #******************************************** input_move_back_text Recule input_move_back_help Recule la camera si sa position n'est pas fixe. input_move_forward_text Avance input_move_forward_help Avance la camera si sa position n'est pas fixe. input_move_down_text Descend input_move_down_help Descends la camera si sa position est fixe. input_move_up_text Monte input_move_up_help Monte la camera si sa position est fixe. input_move_right_text Deplacer a droite input_move_right_help Deplacer la camera vers la droite si sa position est fixe. input_move_left_text Deplacer a gauche input_move_left_help Deplace la camera vers la gauche si sa position est fixe. input_zoom_out_text Zoom arriere input_zoom_out_help Affiche un plus grand champs, mais avec moins de details. input_zoom_in_text Zoom avant input_zoom_in_help Reduit le champs de vision mais affiche plus de details, et des objets lointains. input_glance_back_text Vue rapide arriere input_glance_back_help Tourne temporairement la camera vers l'arriere. input_glance_right_text Vue rapide droite input_glance_right_help Tourne temporairement la camera vers la droite. input_glance_left_text Vue rapide gauche input_glance_left_help Tourne temporairement la camera vers la gauche. input_bank_down_text Vue vers le bas input_bank_down_help Tourne la camera vers le bas, ou monte celle-ci si sa direction est fixe. input_bank_up_text Vue vers le haut input_bank_up_help Tourne la camera vers le haut, ou descend celle-ci si sa direction est fixe. input_look_right_text Vue vers la droite input_look_right_help Tourne la camera vers la droite, ou deplace celle-ci vers la gauche si sa direction est fixe. input_look_left_text Vue vers la gauche input_look_left_help Tourne la camera vers la gauche ou deplace celle-ci vers la droite si sa direction est fixe. input_switch_view_text Changement de vue input_switch_view_help Change la perspective de la camera. Vues disponibles: Camera externe (par defaut) et camera externe fixe (fixee pour afficher votre moto), flottement libre et camera interne (fixee sur votre moto). #******************************************** #******************************************** # # instant chat keys # #******************************************** #******************************************** input_instant_chat_text Instant Chat \1 input_instant_chat_help Publie un macro special pour le chat #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Menu texts (titles, menuitems and # selection items) and their corresponding # help texts (the texts that appear when # you don't press up and down in the menu # for a while) # #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** # # main menu # #******************************************** #******************************************** main_menu_text \g v\1 game_menu_text Jeu game_menu_main_help Configuration et lancement du jeu. player_mainmenu_text Configuration: joueur player_mainmenu_help Selectionne le nom du joueur et le mode de controle. system_settings_menu_text Configuration: systeme system_settings_menu_help Configure le son, les graphismes et tout ce qui touche a l'apparence de \g #ORIGINAL TEXT: About #main_menu_about_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Displays information about the version of \g, the location of its config files, sites to visit and the project admins. #main_menu_about_help UNTRANSLATED main_menu_exit_text Quitter le jeu main_menu_exit_help Au revoir! #ingame menu ingame_menu_text Menu game_menu_ingame_text Configuration: jeu game_menu_ingame_help Configuration du jeu ingame_menu_exit_text Retour au jeu ingame_menu_exit_help Retourner au jeu! game_menu_shutdown_text Terminer le serveur game_menu_shutdown_help Termine le processus du serveur et retourne au menu principal. game_menu_exit_text Quitter le jeu game_menu_exit_help Finis le jeu et retourne au menu principal. game_menu_disconnect_text Deconnexion game_menu_disconnect_help Deconnecte du serveur et retourne au menu principal. #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Version Info screen # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: About this installation of \g #version_info_title UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Version of \g: \1 #version_info_version UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \n0xff8888Official website:0xRESETT http://armagetronad.net/\n0xff8888Official forums:0xRESETT http://forums.armagetronad.net/\n0xff8888Wiki (strategies, tournaments, ...):0xRESETT http://wiki.armagetronad.net/\n0xff8888Project admins:0xRESETT z-man, Tank Program (guru3), Lucifer #version_info_misc_stuff UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Location of user.cfg: #path_info_user_cfg UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Configuration directories: #path_info_config UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Resource directories (maps): #path_info_resource UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Data directories (textures, moviepack, ...): #path_info_data UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Screenshot directories: #path_info_screenshot UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Var directories: #path_info_var UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # game menu # #******************************************** #******************************************** game_menu_start_text Jeu local game_menu_start_help Entre dans l'arene! Seuls les joueurs sur cet ordinateur peuvent jouer. network_menu_text Jeu en reseau network_menu_help Joignez ou creez un jeu multijoueurs en reseau. game_settings_menu_text Configuration du jeu game_settings_menu_help Choisis le mode de jeu et le nombre d'adversaires game_menu_reset_text Demarrer un nouveau match game_menu_reset_help Apres la fin de ce round, un nouveau match commence; tous les scores sont remis a 0. #game settings game_menu_finish_text Type de fin: game_menu_finish_help Que se passe-t-il lorsque tous les humains sont morts? game_menu_finish_expr_text "Express Reset" game_menu_finish_expr_help Lance le round suivant aussi vite que possible game_menu_finish_stop_text "Reset" game_menu_finish_stop_help Lance le round suivant apres quelques secondes. game_menu_finish_fast_text "Fast Finish" game_menu_finish_fast_help Le jeu continue jusqu'a ce qu'il y ait un vainqueur, mais en accelere game_menu_finish_normal_text "Normal Finish" game_menu_finish_normal_help Le jeu continue jusqu'a ce qu'il y ait un vainqueur. game_menu_mode_text Type de jeu: game_menu_mode_help Choisissez les regles avec lesquelles vous desirez jouer game_menu_mode_free_text "Freestyle" game_menu_mode_free_help Pas de regles, pas de vainqueur. Le jeu se termine lorsque tous les humains sont morts. game_menu_mode_lms_text Combat a mort game_menu_mode_lms_help Le dernier humain en vie a gagne. Si aucun humain ne tient le coup, c'est l'ordinateur qui a gagne. game_menu_mode_team_text Humains contre IA game_menu_mode_team_help Les humains forment une equipe, les IA une autre. Lorsque tous les membres d'une equipe sont morts, l'autre a gagne le round game_menu_autoai_text IA auto: game_menu_autoai_help Determine le nombre d'adversaires IA que vous devrez affronter, sur base du succes actuel. game_menu_autoiq_text QI auto: game_menu_autoiq_help Determine automatiquement le QI des adversaires IA que vous devrez affronter, sur base du succes actuel. game_menu_ais_text IA: game_menu_ais_help Vous permet de choisir le nombre de joueurs controles par l'ordinateur("Intelligence Artificielle", ou IA) que vous allez affronter. game_menu_iq_text QI des IA: game_menu_iq_help Vous permet de choisir l'intelligence moyenne des joueurs controles par l'ordinateur ( "Intelligence Artificielle" ou IA ), que vous allez affronter. game_menu_minplayers_text Nb min de joueur: game_menu_minplayers_help Vous permet de choisir le nombre minimum de joueurs que vous voulez affronter. S'il n'y a pas suffisamment d'humains, de IA seront ajoutees pour atteindre ce nombre game_menu_speed_text Vitesse: game_menu_speed_help Modification de la vitesse. Une valeur negative ralentit le jeu, une valeur positive augmente la vitesse du jeu. Et doubler cette valeur va doubler la vitesse du jeu. Une valeur raisonnable serait comprise entre -2 et +4. game_menu_size_text Taille de l'arene: game_menu_size_help Modificateur de la taille de l'arene. Une valeur negative retrecira l'arene, une valeur positive l'agrandira. Et doubler cette valeur doublera la taille de l'arene. Une valeur raisonnable serait entre comprise -6 et +2. game_menu_balance_quit_text Equilibre si quelqu'un quitte: game_menu_balance_quit_help Reequilibrer les equipes equitablement si quelqu'un en quitte une? game_menu_balance_ais_text Equilibre avec les IA: game_menu_balance_ais_help Faire des equipes aussi fortes l'une que l'autre en ajoutant un ou plusieurs IA dans l'equipe la plus faible? game_menu_imb_perm_text Desequilibre permanent max: game_menu_imb_perm_help Difference maximum toleree de maniere permanente concernant l'equilibre des forces des equipes; peut ne pas etre respecte durant une courte periode game_menu_imb_text Desequilibre temporaire max: game_menu_imb_help Difference maximum toleree temporairement cocnernant l'equilibre des forces des equipes game_menu_max_players_text Nb max de joueurs/equipe: game_menu_max_players_help Nombre maximum de joueurs par equipe game_menu_min_players_text Nb min de joueurs/equipe: game_menu_min_players_help Nombre minimum de joueurs dans chaque equipe ( des IA coppleteront l'equipe si elle ne contient pas assez de joueurs ) game_menu_max_teams_text Nb max d'equipes: game_menu_max_teams_help Nombre maximum d'equipes game_menu_min_teams_text Nb min d'equipes: game_menu_min_teams_help Nombre minimum d'equipes game_menu_wallstayup_text Duree des murs: game_menu_wallstayup_help Duree durant laquelle les murs restent en place apres qu'un joueur soit mort game_menu_wallstayup_infinite_text Infinie game_menu_wallstayup_infinite_help les murs restent toujours la game_menu_wallstayup_immediate_text Immediate game_menu_wallstayup_immediate_help Les murs disparaissent des qu'un joueur se crashe game_menu_wallstayup_halfsecond_text 1/2s game_menu_wallstayup_halfsecond_help Les murs disparaissent apres une demi-seconde game_menu_wallstayup_second_text 1s game_menu_wallstayup_second_help Les murs disparaissent apres une seconde game_menu_wallstayup_2second_text 2s game_menu_wallstayup_2second_help Les murs disparaissent apres deux secondes game_menu_wallstayup_4second_text 4s game_menu_wallstayup_4second_help Les murs disparaissent apres quatres secondes game_menu_wallstayup_8second_text 8s game_menu_wallstayup_8second_help Les murs disparaissent apres huit secondes game_menu_wallstayup_16second_text 16s game_menu_wallstayup_16second_help Les murs disparaissent apres seize secondes game_menu_wallstayup_32second_text 32s game_menu_wallstayup_32second_help Les murs disparaissent apres trente-deux secondes game_menu_wallslength_text Longueur des murs: game_menu_wallslength_help Longueur des murs des motos, en metres game_menu_wallslength_infinite_text Infinie game_menu_wallslength_infinite_help Les murs ont une longueur infinie game_menu_wallslength_25meter_text 25m game_menu_wallslength_25meter_help Les murs sont longs de vingt-cinq metres game_menu_wallslength_50meter_text 50m game_menu_wallslength_50meter_help Les murs sont longs de cinquante metres game_menu_wallslength_100meter_text 100m game_menu_wallslength_100meter_help Les murs sont longs de cent metres game_menu_wallslength_200meter_text 200m game_menu_wallslength_200meter_help Les murs sont longs de deux cent metres game_menu_wallslength_300meter_text 300m game_menu_wallslength_300meter_help Les murs sont longs de trois cent metres game_menu_wallslength_400meter_text 400m game_menu_wallslength_400meter_help Les murs sont longs de quatre cent metres game_menu_wallslength_600meter_text 600m game_menu_wallslength_600meter_help Les murs sont longs de six cent metres game_menu_wallslength_800meter_text 800m game_menu_wallslength_800meter_help Les murs sont longs de huit cent metres game_menu_wallslength_1200meter_text 1200m game_menu_wallslength_1200meter_help Les murs sont longs d'un kilometre 200 game_menu_wallslength_1600meter_text 1600m game_menu_wallslength_1600meter_help Les murs sont longs d'un kilometre 600 game_menu_wallslength_2400meter_text 2400m game_menu_wallslength_2400meter_help Les murs sont longs de deux kilometres 400 game_menu_exrad_text Onde de choc: game_menu_exrad_help Rayon destructeur de l'explosion d'une moto: les murs touches par ce rayon seront detruits game_menu_exrad_0_text Aucune game_menu_exrad_0_help Pas de destruction game_menu_exrad_2meters_text 2m game_menu_exrad_2meters_help L'explosion atteindra un rayon de deux metres game_menu_exrad_4meters_text 4m game_menu_exrad_4meters_help L'explosion atteindra un rayon de quatre metres game_menu_exrad_8meters_text 8m game_menu_exrad_8meters_help L'explosion atteindra un rayon de huit metres game_menu_exrad_16meters_text 16m game_menu_exrad_16meters_help L'explosion atteindra un rayon de seize metres game_menu_exrad_32meters_text 32m game_menu_exrad_32meters_help L'explosion atteindra un rayon de trente-deux metres game_menu_exrad_64meters_text 64m game_menu_exrad_64meters_help L'explosion atteindra un rayon de soixante-quatre metres game_menu_exrad_128meters_text 128m game_menu_exrad_128meters_help L'explosion atteindra un rayon de cent vingt-huit metres game_menu_wz_mr_text Activ. "Instant Win Zone" game_menu_wz_mr_help Duree minimum ( en secondes ) apres laquelle la "Instant Win Zone" sera activee game_menu_wz_ld_text "Instant Win Zone" ap. mort game_menu_wz_ld_help Duree minimum ( en secondes ) a partir du dernier crash, avant l'activation de la "Instant Win Zone" #******************************************** #******************************************** # # network menus # #******************************************** #******************************************** #network game menu network_menu_lan_text Jeu en reseau local network_menu_lan_help Se connecter ou creer un serveur dans un reseau local. network_menu_internet_text Jeu en reseau via Internet network_menu_internet_help Se connecter a un serveur Web ou en creer un. network_opts_text Configuration: reseau network_opts_help Configurer vos preferences concernant les reseaux. #network options network_opts_pingchar_text Ping: network_opts_pingchar_help Le ping maximum ( en ms ), que vous pouvez obtenir des autres joueurs. \g reduira leur ping et augmentera le votre, jusqu'a ce que les pings soient egaux, ou que le transfert maximum accepte soit depasse network_opts_lagometer_text Lagmetre: network_opts_lagometer_help Dans un jeu en reseau, l'endroit ou les autres joueurs peuvent deja etre maintenant ( mais vous ne le voyez pas encore a cause du retardement du reseau ) est indique sous forme d'une figure geometrique. Utile lors d'un jeu sur Internet #ORIGINAL TEXT: Axes Indicator: #network_opts_axesindicator_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The axes indicator is meant to show the directions the cycle can turn to as lines going out from the cycle. Good on servers with changing configs so you know what to expect before you turn. #network_opts_axesindicator_help UNTRANSLATED network_opts_predict_text Prevision: network_opts_predict_help Dans un jeu en reseau, extrapole le mouvement des motos. La laisser desactivee donnera des meilleurs graphismes, l'activer donnera une meilleure image de la situation; le lagmetre est un bon substitut pour les previsions. Toujours desactive en mode serveur network_opts_inrate_text Taux d'entree: network_opts_inrate_help Le nombre maximum de kilo-octets que votre reseau peut recevoir par seconde. 1 pour les modems 9.6K ( seulement un jeu limite est possible), 3 pour les 28.8K ( d'habitude aucun problemes ), 7 pour les 56K, 8 pour l'ISDN, et plus pour les liaisons par cable, (A)DSL et LAN network_opts_outrate_text Taux de sortie: network_opts_outrate_help Le nombre maximum de kilo-octets que votre reseau peut envoyer par seconde. Mettez-le a 2 ou 3 si vous ne voulez pas agir comme un serveur. Plus de bande passante n'est jamais utilise. network_opts_deletepw_text Supprimer les mots de passe network_opts_deletepw_help Cette fonction supprime tous les mots de passe stockes network_opts_deletepw_complete Mots de passe supprimes! network_opts_minport_text Port min.: network_opts_minport_help Le plus petit port reseau balaye lors de la recherche d'un serveur LAN network_opts_maxport_text Port max.: network_opts_maxport_help Le plus grand port reseau balaye lors de la recherche d'un serveur LAN. network_opts_master_text Envoi au Maitre: network_opts_master_help Voulez-vous l'annoncer au serveur Maitre si vous lancez un serveur? Si vous l'activez et que vous etes connecte a Internet, attendez-vous a ce que quelques personnes l'utilisent #network custom join menu network_custjoin_text connection perso. network_custjoin_help Vous permet de vous connecter manuellement a un serveur. network_custjoin_port_text Port du serveur: network_custjoin_port_help Le port que le serveur reseau utilise; doit correspondre a l'ensemble des options du serveur auquel vous voulez vous connecter network_custjoin_name_text Nom du serveur: network_custjoin_name_help Le nom ou l'adresse IP du serveur auquel vous voulez vous connecter #network host menu network_host_text Heberger un jeu en reseau network_host_help Demarrer un serveur network_host_name_text Nom du serveur: network_host_name_help Le nom du serveur qui apparaitra dans le navigateur de serveurs. Choisissez celui qui vous plait: un jeu en reseau fonctionnera avec n'importe quel nom network_host_port_text Port du serveur: network_host_port_help Le port reseau que ce serveur utilisera. network_host_host_text Heberger le jeu! network_host_host_help Entre dans l'arene! Les autres joueurs pourront venir via l'option "Se connecter a un serveur" #ORIGINAL TEXT: Server Bookmarks #bookmarks_menu UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Add, edit, and connect to your server bookmarks. #bookmarks_menu_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Edit Bookmarks #bookmarks_menu_edit UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Edit and add favorite servers. #bookmarks_menu_edit_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Edit \1 #bookmarks_menu_edit_slot UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Address #bookmarks_menu_address UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The address of the server to connect to. #bookmarks_menu_address_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Name #bookmarks_menu_name UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The name of the server. This is used only for display, not functional purposes. #bookmarks_menu_name_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Connect to \1 #bookmarks_menu_connect UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Connect To Server #bookmarks_menu_edit_connect_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Enter the game grid! #bookmarks_menu_edit_connect_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Subcultures #masters_menu UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Add, edit, and connect to alternative master servers for special purposes. #masters_menu_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Edit Subcultures #masters_menu_edit UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Edit and add subcultures. #masters_menu_edit_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Edit \1 #masters_menu_edit_slot UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Address #masters_menu_address UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The address of the master server managing the subculture. #masters_menu_address_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Name #masters_menu_name UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The name of the subculture. This is used only for display, not functional purposes. #masters_menu_name_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Browse \1 #masters_menu_connect UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Browse Subculture #masters_menu_edit_connect_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Opens a master server like server browser specialized for servers of this subculture. #masters_menu_edit_connect_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Mates #friends_menu UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Edit your mates. #friends_menu_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Mates Enabled #friends_enable UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Turn on/off friends mates filtering. #friends_enable_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Mate #friend_word UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If a server has this name on its players list, it will show when filtering is on. #friend_help UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # "Misc Stuff" menu # #******************************************** #******************************************** misc_menu_text Autres options misc_menu_help Options diverses qui n'ont pas leur place ailleurs. misc_global_key_text Configuration globale du clavier misc_global_key_help Certaines configuration du clavier independantes du joueur courant misc_menuwrap_text Mouvements de la selection: misc_menuwrap_help Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous etes tout en haut d'un menu et que vous appuyez sur "Haut"? misc_textout_text Affichage des textes: misc_textout_help Affiche ou non les textes a l'ecran ( chat, infos, etc. ). D'office sur ON pour les jeux en reseau misc_moviepack_text Moviepack: misc_moviepack_help Si l'option est activee et que le moviepack est installe, \g affichera des graphismes plus proche de ceux du film. #************************************* #************************************* # # language menu # #************************************* #************************************* language_first_help La langue que \g utilisera language_second_help La langue secondaire est utilisee si la premiere n'est pas disponible language_menu_title Configuration: langue language_menu_help Choisissez la langue de tous les textes affiches a l'ecran language_menu_item_fist Langage principale: language_menu_item_first_help \g affichera les textes dans cette langue. Utiliser les fleches gauche/droite pour changer language_menu_item_second Langue secondaire: language_menu_item_second_help Si la langue principale n'est pas disponible pour certains textes, \g les affichera dans cette langue-la (ndlr:conseil, laissez English). Gauche/droite pour changer #************************************* #************************************* # # police menu # #************************************* #************************************* player_police_text "Moderation" player_police_help Permet de faire taire un joueur ou de lancer un vote pour le bannir player_police_silence_text Faire taire qqn player_police_silence_help Permet d'empecher a un spammeur de chatter sur ce serveur silence_player_help Si cette option est activee, les messages (chat) de ce joueur ne seront plus affiches. silence_player_text Faire taire \1 player_police_kick_text Bannir qqn player_police_kick_help Lance un vote pour "mettre qqn a la porte" #ORIGINAL TEXT: If accepted, \1 will be removed from the server. #kick_player_details_text UNTRANSLATED kick_player_text Bannir \1 kick_player_help Appuyer sur enter ou espace lancera un vote pour la bannissement de ce joueur. #ORIGINAL TEXT: If accepted, \1 will be suspended for some rounds. #suspend_player_details_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Suspend \1 #suspend_player_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If accepted, the file \1 will be included as a configuration file. #vote_include_details_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Include \1 #vote_include_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Include file \1 not found or not readable.\n #vote_include_error UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Including file \1. Only users of access level \2 or higher will receive the output.\n #vote_include_message UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If accepted, the console command "\1" will be executed on the server. #vote_command_details_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Command \1 #vote_command_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Executing command "\1".\n #vote_command_message UNTRANSLATED #************************************* #************************************* # # vote menu # #************************************* #************************************* voting_menu_text Vote voting_menu_help Votes inacheves vote_approve Approuve vote_approve_help En selectionnant ceci, vous etes "pour". vote_dont_mind Sans avis vote_dont_mind_help Ceci equivaut a un vote blanc. vote_reject Desapprouve vote_reject_help En selectionnant ceci, vous etes "contre". #ORIGINAL TEXT: This menu entry determines your vote. Details: \1 #vote_details_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This vote was submitted by \1. #vote_submitter_text UNTRANSLATED #************************************* #************************************* # # player menus # #************************************* #************************************* #player menu player_menu_text Configuration du joueur \1 player_menu_help Controle de la moto et de la camera du joueur \1 viewport_menu_title Vues viewport_menu_help Voulez-vous jouer seul ou diviser l'ecran pour un jeu multijoueur? viewport_conf_text Types de vues: viewport_conf_name_0 Un seul joueur viewport_conf_name_1 Separation horizontale viewport_conf_name_2 Separation verticale viewport_conf_name_3 3 joueurs, Version A viewport_conf_name_4 3 joueurs, Version B viewport_conf_name_5 4 joueurs viewport_belongs_text La vue \1 est assignee au joueur \2 (\3) viewport_assign_text Assigner des vues aux joueurs viewport_assign_help Qui se trouve dans quelle partie de l'ecran? #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication #player_authenticate_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If you have a global ID, activating this menuitem will make you log in with it. You'll be prompted for a password, naturally. #player_authenticate_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication requests have been sent to the server. You should be prompted for a password shortly.\n #player_authenticate_action UNTRANSLATED #player setup player_name_text Nom: player_name_help Le... dans la phrase "Gagnant: ... ". utilisez les touches gauche/droite, backspace (<-), delete (suppr.), espace et toutes les touches alphanumeriques. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Global ID: #player_global_id_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If you have one, enter your global player ID here. If you have an account on the forums at forums.armagetronad.net, your ID will be your account name, followed by "@forums". Accounts on other community sites may give you a different ID. #player_global_id_help UNTRANSLATED player_input_text Configuration des touches player_input_help Configure le controle du clavier et/ou de la souris pour ce joueur input_for_player Configuration des controles du joueur \1: \2 player_camera_input_text Configuration du controle de la camera player_camera_input_help Configure les touches du clavier et la souris pour les deplacements de la camera. camera_controls Controle de la camera de \1 player_camera_text Configuration: camera player_camera_help Configure vos preferences pour la camera player_chat_text Configuration du chat player_chat_chat Chat \1: #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sets the instant chat macros that can be said with one keystroke. #player_chat_chat_help UNTRANSLATED player_blue_text Bleu: player_blue_help Vous permet de choisir le composant bleu de votre couleur. player_green_text Vert: player_green_help Vous permet de choisir le composant vert de votre couleur. player_red_text Rouge: player_red_help Vous permet de choisir le composant rouge de votre couleur #ORIGINAL TEXT: Auto Login: #player_autologin_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: When enabled, you will automatically initiate the (usually completely optional) login procedure as soon as you enter a server. #player_autologin_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Hide Global ID: #player_stealth_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usually your global ID is shown to everyone when you log in or when someone uses the /players chat command. Enabling this tells the server that you prefer to remain anonymous. The server may still show your ID to moderators and administrators on the server or even decide to ignore your request. #player_stealth_help UNTRANSLATED player_spectator_text Mode spectateur: player_spectator_help En mode spectateur, vous ne controlez pas de moto; vous voyez juste le jeu comme si vous etiez mort. Les autres ne savent pas que vous etes la, vous n'apparaissez pas dans le tableau du score player_name_team_text Nom equipe % joueur: player_name_team_help Vous pouvez choisir votre methode preferee pour nommer votre equipe: ON donnera a l'equipe le nom du leader ( le premier joueur a en avoir fait partie ), OFF lui donnera simplement le nom d'une couleur player_num_per_team_text Joueurs par equipe: player_num_per_team_help Indiquez votre nombre prefere de joueurs par equipe. Lorsque vous entrez dans un jeu ou la plus petite equipe a moins de joueurs que le nombre specifie ici, vous rejoignez cette equipe. Sinon, vous formez une nouvelle equipe. Seul le comportement par defaut est specifie ici: vous pouvez changer d'equipe plus tard #camera prefs menu player_camera_initial_text Camera initiale: player_camera_initial_help Choisissez votre perspective preferee pour la camera. player_camera_initial_int_text Interne player_camera_initial_int_help Le jeu est vu depuis l'interieur du vehicule. player_camera_initial_smrt_text Futee player_camera_initial_smrt_help Ce type de camera essaie de vous donner la meilleure vision possible du jeu player_camera_initial_ext_text Externe player_camera_initial_ext_help Une camera externe fixe. player_camera_initial_free_text Flottante player_camera_initial_free_help Une camera se deplacant librement. player_camera_initial_cust_text Personnalisee player_camera_initial_cust_help Une camera fixe configurable par rapport a la position de la moto. player_camera_initial_scust_text Serveur player_camera_initial_scust_help Une camera fixe configurable par rapport a la moto, configuree par l'administrateur du serveur. player_camera_fov_text CdV initial: player_camera_fov_help Choisissez votre champs de vision prefere. player_camera_incam_text Permettre cam.interne: player_camera_incam_help Lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton de changement de vue, ceci active la vue interne. player_camera_free_text Permettre cam.flottante: player_camera_free_help Lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton de changement de vue, ceci active la camera flottante. player_camera_fixed_text Permettre cam.fixe: player_camera_fixed_help Lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton de changement de vue, ceci active la camera externe fixe. player_camera_smartcam_text Permettre cam.futee: player_camera_smartcam_help Lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton de changement de vue, ceci active la camera futee ( une camera qui essaie de vous donner le meilleur angle de vue possible ).. player_camera_custom_text Permettre cam.perso.: player_camera_custom_help Lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton de changement de vue, ceci active la camera personnalisee ( configurable via "settings.cfg". ) player_camera_server_custom_text Permettre cam.serveur: player_camera_server_custom_help Lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton de changement de vue, ceci active la vue definie par l'admin du serveur ( donfigurable via le "settings.cfg" du serveur ) player_camera_center_int_text Centrer la cam.interne: player_camera_center_int_help ON = chaque fois que vous tournez, la camera fera face a la nouvelle direction. \nOFF = Vous seul decidez de l'orientation de la camera: celle-ci sera independante de votre direction. Utile si vous voulez utiliser le systeme de vue a la Quake player_camera_wobble_text Mouvements de la cam.interne: player_camera_wobble_help ON = la camera interne bouge en meme temps que lui: ca peut donner le mal de mer:s \nOff = la camera reste fixe, dans la position dans laquelle vous l'avez orientee player_camera_autoin_text Cam.Interne auto.: player_camera_autoin_help ON: la camera externe change avec l'interne si vous vous trouvez dans un tunnel. \nOff: La camera externe remonte si vous vous trouvez dans un tunnel # team menu team_menu_title Menu Equipe team_menu_help Permet aux joueurs de changer d'equipes ou d'en creer une. team_menu_player_title Choisir une equipe pour \1 team_menu_player_help Permet a ce joueur de prendre des decisions en rapport avec l'equipe team_menu_join Rejoindre \1 team_menu_join_help Le joueur actuel rejoindra l'equipe specifiee au prochain round team_menu_create Creer une equipe team_menu_create_help Cree une nouvelle equipe contenant le joueur actuel #ORIGINAL TEXT: spectate #team_menu_spectate UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Quits the game and enters spectator mode. #team_menu_spectate_help UNTRANSLATED team_owned_by Equipe de \1 team_ai Equipe des IA team_empty Equipe vide team_name_blue Equipe bleue team_name_gold Equipe jaune team_name_red Equipe rouge team_name_green Equipe verte team_name_violet Equipe violette team_name_ugly Equipe indigo team_name_white Equipe blanche team_name_black Equipe noire #******************************************** #******************************************** # # sound menu # #******************************************** #******************************************** sound_menu_text Configuration: son sound_menu_help Configuration de la qualite du son. sound_menu_sources_text Sources sonores: sound_menu_sources_help Donne le nombre approximatif de sources a mixer; regler ceci trop bas donneras des sources sonores importantes, qui s'interrompront sans cesse, une valeur trop elevee utilisera trop de puissance du processeur. 6 semble etre une bonne valeur pour les CPU de faible puissance sound_menu_quality_text Qualite du son: sound_menu_quality_help Selectionne la qualite du son; actuellement, seul les modes 16 bits stereo sont disponibles. sound_menu_quality_off_text Off sound_menu_quality_off_help Desactive completement le son. sound_menu_quality_low_text Basse sound_menu_quality_low_help La sortie sonore est de 16 bit 11025 Hz stereo. sound_menu_quality_medium_text moyenne sound_menu_quality_medium_help La sortie sonore est de 16 bit 22050 Hz stereo. sound_menu_quality_high_text Haute sound_menu_quality_high_help La sortie sonore est de 16 bit 44100 Hz stereo. sound_menu_buffer_text Taille du buffer: sound_menu_buffer_help Choisis la taille du buffer. sound_menu_buffer_vsmall_text Tres petite sound_menu_buffer_vsmall_help Latency of about 0.02s, but very high probability of artefacts. sound_menu_buffer_small_text Petite sound_menu_buffer_small_help Latency below 0.04s, but high probability of artefacts. sound_menu_buffer_med_text Normale sound_menu_buffer_med_help Latency of about 0.1s, and may still produce artefacts. sound_menu_buffer_high_text Grande sound_menu_buffer_high_help Latency of about 0.2s, probably no artefacts. sound_menu_buffer_vhigh_text Tres grande sound_menu_buffer_vhigh_help Latency of about 0.4s. #******************************************** #******************************************** # # graphics menus # #******************************************** #******************************************** #display menu display_settings_menu Configurations: Affichage display_settings_menu_help Change des options pour votre systeme graphique screen_mode_menu Ecran screen_mode_menu_help Resolution de l'ecran et autres. preferences_menu Preferences preferences_menu_help Options qui dependent plus de vos preferences personelles que des performances du systeme #ORIGINAL TEXT: HUD Options #hud_menu UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Modify HUD (heads up display) options. #hud_menu_help UNTRANSLATED detail_settings_menu Configuration: details detail_settings_menu_help Vous permet d'ajuster les details graphiques pour les performances du systeme performance_tweaks_menu Performances performance_tweaks_menu_help Configurations qui peuvent ameliorer l'execution du jeu, mais qui ne marche pas sur tous les systemes. graphics_load_defaults_text Par defaut graphics_load_defaults_help Ceci remettra a toutes les options celles qui correspondent le mieux a votre systeme ( d'apres ce programme stupide ) #feature menuitem feature_disabled_text Off feature_disabled_help Actuellement desactive. feature_default_text Systeme par defaut feature_default_help Votre systeme decide que faire de cela feature_enabled_text On feature_enabled_help Actuellement active. #texture menuitem texture_menuitem_help Change le mode de texturage; note de quelle maniere elle affecte le fond du menu. L'etat actuel est: texture_off_text Off texture_off_help Pas du tout de textures texture_nearest_text Le plus proche texture_nearest_help Le plus rapide mais aussi le plus laid: aucun filtrage ou choix du niveau des details. Non recommande texture_bilinear_text Bilineaire texture_bilinear_help Encore moche: les textures sont filtrees, mais aucun choix du niveau des details. Non recommande texture_mipmap_nearest_text Le plus proche (mipmap) texture_mipmap_nearest_help Aucun filtrage, mais un choix du niveau des details (mipmap). Si vous utilisez le rendu logiciel et que vous voulez voir des textures, employez ce mode texture_mipmap_bilinear_text Bilineaire (mipmap) texture_mipmap_bilinear_help Filtrage et choix du niveau des details. Pas super, mais utilisable avec les cartes acceleratrices 3D plus anciennes texture_mipmap_trilinear_text Trilineaire (mipmap) texture_mipmap_trilinear_help Filtrage et interpolation entre les niveaux de details. Donne des meilleurs graphismes et est aussi rapide que le Bilineaire (mipmap) sur la plupart des cartes acceleratrices 3D recentes. #screen mode menu screen_resolution_text Resolution de l'ecran: screen_resolution_help Change la resolution de l'ecran. Ces changements seront appliques la prochaine fois que vous lancez \g, ou si vous selectionnez "appliquer les modifications" ci-dessous window_size_text Taille de la fenetre: window_size_help Change la taille de la fenetre. Ces changements seront appliques la prochaine fois que vous lancez \g, ou si vous selectionnez "appliquer les modifications" ci-dessous screen_custom_text Personnalisee screen_custom_help modifiez les variables CUSTOM_SCREEN_WIDTH et CUSTOM_SCREEN_HEIGHT dans le fichier artr.cfg (Windows) ou ~/.ArmageTronrc (Linux) pour choisir une resolution d'ecran personnalisee. screen_fullscreen_text Plein Ecran: screen_fullscreen_help Cela permet de passer du mode plein ecran au mode fenetre et inversement. Comme avec les changements de resolution, vous devrez redemarrer \g Ou selectionner "Appliquer les modifications" pour que les changements prennent effet. screen_colordepth_text Profondeur de couleur: screen_colordepth_help Choisis la profondeur de couleur que \g utilisera. Vous devrez redemarrer \g ou selectionner "Appliquer les modifications" pour que les changements prennent effet. screen_colordepth_16_text 16 Bits screen_colordepth_16_help Generalement considere comme la basse qualite; mais \g n'utilise pas beaucoup d'effets, donc la plupart du temps c'est bon. screen_colordepth_desk_text PAr defaut screen_colordepth_desk_help LA profondeur de couleur par defaut de votre systeme: habituellement la meme que celle de votre bureau. screen_colordepth_32_text 32 Bits screen_colordepth_32_help Haute qualite. screen_zdepth_text Prondonfeur du Z Buffer: screen_zdepth_help Profondeur du z buffer; determine la qualite de la profondeur de l'assortissage. Vous devrez redemarrer \g ou selectionner "Appliquer les modifications" pour que les changements prennent effet. screen_zdepth_16_text 16 Bits screen_zdepth_16_help Non recommande, parcequ'il ne fonctionne pas la majeure partie du temps. screen_zdepth_desk_text Par defaut screen_zdepth_desk_help Le Z buffer utilise l profondeur de couleurs; c'est la solution la plus compatible screen_zdepth_32_text 32 Bits screen_zdepth_32_help Force le Z buffer a tourner en 32. Si cela fonctionne, cela ameliorera la qualite des couleurs en 16 bits screen_check_errors_text Verification des erreurs: screen_check_errors_help Devons-nous faire attention aux avertissements concernant des modes video n'existant pas, lors de l'initialisation? Habituellement, vous devez ne pas selectionner cette option screen_use_sdl_text Utiliser SDL OpenGL?: screen_use_sdl_help Utiliser la methode "propre" pour l'initialisation d'OpenGL? Si non, \g utilisera la methode "sale", necessaire pour SDL 1.0 screen_grab_mouse_text Centr. la souris: screen_grab_mouse_help Si cette option est activee, le pointeur de la souris sera recentre dans la fenetre apres chaque mouvement. De cette maniere, vous ne pourrez pas quitter la fenetre de jeu. Cette option n'est utile qu'en mode fenetre screen_apply_changes_text Appliquer les modifications screen_apply_changes_help Essaie d'appliquer les modifications sans quitter \g. A utiliser a vos risque et perils (ndlr:Appuyez plusieurs fois sur Esc. s'il y a un plantage) #ORIGINAL TEXT: Keep Window Active #screen_keep_window_active_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This toggles if \g should stay active when window mode is selected and \g loses focus. #screen_keep_window_active_help UNTRANSLATED #detail menu detail_floor_mirror_text Sol reflechissant: detail_floor_mirror_help Quels objets doivent etre reflechis sur le sol, a la maniere d'un miroir? detail_floor_mirror_off_text Off detail_floor_mirror_off_help Aucuns detail_floor_mirror_obj_text Seulement les objets detail_floor_mirror_obj_help Tous les objets se deplacant detail_floor_mirror_ow_text Objets & murs detail_floor_mirror_ow_help Tout ce qui est important dans le jeu detail_floor_mirror_ev_text Tout! detail_floor_mirror_ev_help (Actuellement, aucune difference avec "Objets et murs") detail_dither_text Melange de coul.: detail_dither_help Si la profondeur de couleur actuelle ne permet pas qu'une couleur soit dirrectement affichee, elle est simulee en melangeant d'autres couleurs. Le mettre sur "Off" ameliorera l'execution du rendement logiciel sur quelques machines; en mode basse resolution, le mettre sur "Off" ameliorera meme la qualite des graphismes (IMHO) detail_floor_text Details du sol: detail_floor_help ArmageTron a plusieurs manieres d'afficher le sol et la grille: le plus joli vous coutera un certain nombre de FPS ( Frames par Seconde ) detail_floor_no_text Pas de sol detail_floor_no_help N'affiche rien du tout. Le plus rapide detail_floor_grid_text Juste la grille detail_floor_grid_help Seule une grille de lignes est affichee. Ceci sera votre choix si vous utilisez le rendu logiciel detail_floor_tex_text Plan avec texture detail_floor_tex_help Un plan infini est affiche, avec la structure de la grille dessus. Recommande pour tous les proprietaires de cartes acceleratrices 3D. detail_floor_2tex_text Double plan acev texture detail_floor_2tex_help Tout comme dans "Plan avec texture", le sol est un plan infini avec une texture. Mais ici, les deux types de lignes sont affichees dans deux etapes separees du rendu, ayant pour resultat une image beaucoup plus jolie detail_alpha_text Couche alpha: detail_alpha_help La couche alpha est utilisee pour afficher des objets semitransparents, comme les explosions ou les murs derriere les motos. Ca ne necessite pas beaucoup de ressources sur la plupart des cartes 3D, mais cela ralentit un peu le rendu logiciel detail_smooth_text "Nuances lisses": detail_smooth_help Les bords semblent arrondis, en ajoutant un degrade de couleurs aux surfaces. M^me le rendu logiciel n'est pas ralenti avec cela! detail_text_truecolor_text Textures en "Couleur vraie": detail_text_truecolor_help Utilise des textures en mode 32 bits, au lieu du 16 bits traditionnel. #preferences menu pref_sparks_text Etincelles: pref_sparks_help Des etincelles rougeoyantes apparaissent chaque fois que vous roulez trop pres d'un mur. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Explosion: #pref_explosion_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Toggles the explosion animation when a cycle crashes. #pref_explosion_help UNTRANSLATED pref_skymove_text Mouvements du ciel: pref_skymove_help Anime le ciel inferieur. pref_lowersky_text Ciel inferieur: pref_lowersky_help Affiche le plan inferieur du ciel, un nuage de plasma. Utiliser les deux ciels risque de diminuer fortement els performances pref_uppersky_text Ciel superieur: pref_uppersky_help Affiche le plan superieur du ciel, un plan semblable au sol. Utiliser les deux ciels risque de diminuer fortement els performances pref_highrim_text Hauts murs: pref_highrim_help Si cela est active, les murs des bords de l'arene seront infiniment grands. Sinon, ils seront aussi haut que les murs des motos. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show Headlight: #pref_headlight_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Render a headlight in front of each cycle. Requires support by your video card. #pref_headlight_help UNTRANSLATED pref_showhud_text Afficher TDB pref_showhud_help Si active, le "tableau de bord" sera affiche en mode "Un Seul Joueur". pref_showfastest_text Afficher le + rapide (TDB) pref_showfastest_help Affiche le joueur le plus rapide dans le jeu (le tableau de bord doit etre active). pref_showscore_text Afficher score (TDB) pref_showscore_help Affiche votre score dans le TDB (le tableau de bord doit etre active) pref_showenemies_text Afficher ennemis (TDB) pref_showenemies_help Affiche combien de joueurs sont encore en vie, vous excepte (le tableau de bord doit etre active) #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show Time: #pref_showtime_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show the current time of day on the HUD. #pref_showtime_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Show 24 Hour Clock: #pref_show24hour_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Shows the clock as a 24 hour clock, if enabled. Set this to 'off' to show the clock as a 12 hour clock. #pref_show24hour_help UNTRANSLATED pref_showping_text Afficher ping (TDB) pref_showping_help Affiche le ping dans le TDB (le tableau de bord doit etre active) pref_showbrake_text Afficher frein (TDB) pref_showbrake_help Affiche votre utilisation de gaz de frein au metre dans le TDB (le tableau de bord doit etre active) pref_showspeed_text Afficher vitesse (TDB) pref_showspeed_help Affiche votre vitesse dans un compteur du TDB (Lez tableau de bord doit etre active). pref_showrubber_text Afficher etat des pneus pref_showrubber_help Affiche l'etat des pneus en un metre dans le TDB (le tableau de bord doit etre active) misc_fps_text Afficher FPS (TDB) misc_fps_help Affiche ou non les FPS ( "frames per second", nbe d'images a la seconde ) dans le coin superieur droit de votre ecran (le tableau de bord doit etre active) #tweaks menu tweaks_displaylists_text Listes d'affichage: tweaks_displaylists_help Les liste d'affichage sont une propriete d'OpenGL pour afficher la meme chose plusieurs fois; elles sont normalement utilisees pour les motos. Cependant, quelques utilisations ne fonctionnent pas: Si vous ne voyez pas les motos, desactivez ceci. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Off #tweaks_displaylists_off_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Don't use display lists at all. #tweaks_displaylists_off_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Create and Call #tweaks_displaylists_cac_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Use displaylists; Create them and call them directly. This is the recommended way. #tweaks_displaylists_cac_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Create and Execute #tweaks_displaylists_cae_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Use displaylists; Create them let them be executed while they are filled. The expers say this is slower than Create and Call. #tweaks_displaylists_cae_help UNTRANSLATED tweaks_infinity_text Infini: tweaks_infinity_help Quelques plans ( ciel, sol, etc. ) ont une prolongation infinie. Si ceci est active, ils sont vraiment dessines en tant que plans infinis. Quelques rendus d'OpenGL ne semble pas trop apprecier ceci ( toutes les versions de Windows que j'ai vu ). Le desactiver si les textures du sol et/ou du ciel sont deformees #******************************************** #******************************************** # # generic menu texts # #******************************************** #******************************************** #menu texts: generic menuitem_exit_text Quitter le menu menuitem_exit_help Quitte ce menu pour le menu precedent menuitem_accept Accepter menuitem_accept_help Accepte les reglages de ce menu et continue. input_item_help Pour changer, appuyez sur ENTER ou ESPACE. Appuyez ensuite sur la touche ou le bouton de la souris que vous voulez assigner a cette commande. Deplacer la souris fonctionne aussi input_press_any_key Appuyez sur une touche! menuitem_toggle_on On menuitem_toggle_off Off #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Game messages printed on the console # #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Timer hickup of \1 seconds detected and compensated. If this happens frequently, you should check whether your system timer is operating correctly.\n #timer_hickup UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Greeting message printed on first start # #******************************************** #******************************************** welcome_message_heading Bienvenue dans \g! welcome_message_intro La configuration par defaut a ete chargee, par rapport a votre configuration\n\n welcome_message_vendor Fournisseur du GL: welcome_message_renderer GL Renderer: welcome_message_version Version du GL: welcome_message_finish \nBon amusement!\n #\n\nThis Game is supported from KGN (Krawall Gaming Network, www.krawall.de). #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Network compatibility warnings # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Setting \1 (Group: \2) deviates from its default value; clients older than \3 will not be allowed in.\n #setting_legacy_clientblock UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Setting \1 (Group: \2) deviates from its default value; it will revert to it when clients older than \3 connect.\n #setting_legacy_revert UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Setting \1 (Group: \2) deviates from its default value; clients older than \3 may experience problems.\n #setting_legacy_ignore UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Setting \1 (Group: \2) can't be changed currently; clients older than \3 are connected.\n #setting_legacy_change_blocked UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # leaque/highscore messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** league_message_rose \1 monte a la place \3 dans \4 grace a \2. league_message_dropped \1 descend la place \3 dans \4 a cause de \2. league_message_greet_intro vous etes league_message_greet_sep , league_message_greet_lastsep et league_message_greet numero \1 sur \2 dans le \3 league_message_greet_new pas dans le \3 won_rounds_description la liste des rounds multijoueurs gagnes won_matches_description la liste des match multijoueurs gagnes highscore_description meilleurs scores personnels highscore_message_entered \1 entre dans \2 avec \3 points highscore_message_improved \1 a ameliore son meilleur score personnel de \2 a \3 highscore_message_move_top et monte dans le top! highscore_message_move_pos et va en position \4. highscore_message_stay_top et reste dans le top. highscore_message_stay_pos mais reste en position \4. ladder_description le top ladder_message_entered \1 entre dans \2 avec \3 points ladder_message_gained \1 a gagne \5 points dans \2 ladder_message_lost \1 a perdu \5 points dans \2 ladder_message_move_top et monte dans le top! ladder_message_move_pos et va en position \4. ladder_message_stay_top et reste dans le top. ladder_message_stay_pos mais reste en position \4. online_activity_nobody Personne en ligne. online_activity_onespec Un utilisateur en ligne, en mode spectateur. online_activity_manyspec \1 utilisateurs en ligne, en mode spectateur. online_activity_napping Personne ici. Faites un petit somme... #******************************************** #******************************************** # # messages describing the current gamestate # #******************************************** #******************************************** gamestate_deleting_objects Suppression des objets...\n gamestate_deleting_grid Suppression de la grille...\n gamestate_creating_grid Creation de la grille...\n gamestate_done Termine!\n gamestate_timeout_intro \n\ntemps ecoule! Raison:\n gamestate_timeout_message L'utilisateur \1 ne sait rien au sujet du netobject \2 ( \3 ).\n gamestate_reset_center Remise a zero gamestate_reset_console Remise a zero des scores et debut d'un nouveau match a la fin de ce round.\n gamestate_resetnow_center Nouveau match! gamestate_resetnow_console Remise a zero des scores...\n gamestate_resetnow_log Nouveau match\n gamestate_newround_console C'est parti (round \1 sur \2 )!\n gamestate_newround_goldengoal C'est parti! (Round special; le gagnant gagne le match)!\n gamestate_newround_log Nouveau round\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Waiting up to \2 seconds for \1 to finish chatting.\n #gamestate_chat_wait UNTRANSLATED gamestate_wait_players En attente de joueurs reels...\n gamestate_wait_players_con En attente de joueurs reels ( seuls des spectateurs sont en ligne )...\n gamestate_tensecond_warn Dix secondes restantes!\n gamestate_30seconds_warn 30 secondes restantes!\n gamestate_minute_warn Une minute restante!\n gamestate_2minutes_warn Deux minutes restantes!\n gamestate_5minutes_warn Cinq minutes restantes!\n gamestate_10minutes_warn Dix minutes restantes!\n gamestate_champ_center Gagnant(e) du match: \1 gamestate_champ_console Gagnant(e) global: \1 gamestate_champ_scorehit avec \1 points.\n gamestate_champ_timehit apres que la limite de \1 minutes soit atteinte.\n gamestate_champ_default apres \1 rounds.\n gamestate_champ_finalscores Scores finaux:\n gamestate_winner_winner Gagnant: gamestate_winner_ai IA. gamestate_winner_humans Humains. instant_win_activated "Instant Win Zone" activee! Entrez-y pour gagner le round.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Round end zone activated! Enter it to end the round.\n #instant_round_end_activated UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Death zone activated! Avoid it!\n #instant_death_activated UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0xRESETTwas smitten by an administrator.\n #player_admin_kill UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0xRESETThas been slapped by an administrator.\n #player_admin_slap_free UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 has been hugged by an administrator and got \2 points.\n #player_admin_slap_win UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 has been slapped by an administrator and lost \2 points.\n #player_admin_slap_lose UNTRANSLATED player_win_instant \1 a gagne \2 points pour avoir atteint la "Instant Win Zone".\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 was awarded \2 points for conquering the enemy base.\n #player_win_conquest UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 was awarded \2 points for holding the base.\n #player_win_held_fortress UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 lost \2 points for being too defensive.\n #player_lose_held_fortress UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 was awarded \2 points for conquering \3's base.\n #player_win_conquest_specific UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 was eradicated by its collapsing zone.\n #player_kill_collapse UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 got \2 points for a sacrifice for the good of the team.\n #player_win_hole UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xffff00ZOMG! 0xff7f00HOLER!!1!!0xRESETT \1 lost \2 points for being a cheap ass lamer.\n #player_lose_hole UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0x77ff77is allowed to play again.\n #player_no_longer_suspended UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0xff7777is banned to spectator mode for \2 round(s).\n #player_suspended UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1's zone collapses harmlessly for lack of enemy contacts.\n #zone_collapse_harmless UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # messages about player activity # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sorry, does not work with automatic team assignment.\n #player_teamleave_disallowed UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sorry, the administrator disabled team changes.\n #player_teamchanges_disallowed UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sorry, you are still suspended from playing for the next \1 round(s).\n #player_teamchanges_suspended UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sorry, your access level is not high enough to play. You're \1, required would be \2.\n #player_teamchanges_accesslevel UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sorry, your access level is not high enough to issue a vote of this type. You're \1, required would be \2.\n #player_vote_accesslevel UNTRANSLATED player_pingcharity_changed Ping change de \1 a \2.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: SPAM PROTECTION: you already said: \1\n #spam_protection_repeat UNTRANSLATED spam_protection PROTECTION ANTISPAM: vous devez vous taire pendant \1 secondes.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: SPAM PROTECTION: public chat is disabled.\n #spam_protection_silenceall UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: SPAM PROTECTION: you have been silenced by the server administrator.\n #spam_protection_silenced UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: SPAM PROTECTION: you have to be given voice in order to chat publically.\n #spam_protection_silenced_default UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10xff7777 has been silenced.\n #player_silenced UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10x77ff77 has been given his voice back.\n #player_voiced UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10x77ff77 has been allowed to change his team.\n #player_allowed_teamchange UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10xff7777 cannot change teams anymore.\n #player_disallowed_teamchange UNTRANSLATED vote_spam_protection PROTECTION ANTISPAM VOTES: vous ne pouvez plus voter durant \1 secondes.\n chat_title_text dit: player_entered_game \1 0x7fff7fest entre(e) dans le jeu.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0x7fff7fentered as spectator.\n #player_entered_spectator UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7fSpectator \1 0xff7f7fleft.\n #player_left_spectator UNTRANSLATED player_left_game \1 0xff7f7fa perdu \2 points.\n player_leaving_game \1 0xff7f7fquitte le jeu.\n player_renamed \2 s'appelle maintenant \1.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: \2 has been renamed to \1.\n #player_got_renamed UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \2 will be renamed to \1.\n #player_will_be_renamed UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0xffffffis not allowed to rename to \2 0xffffffright now to avoid confusion with kick votes.\n #player_rename_rejected_votekick UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0xffffffis not allowed to rename to \20xffffff, as its name was locked by the administrator.\n #player_rename_rejected_admin UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0x7fff7fis allowed to rename again.\n #player_allowed_rename UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0xff7f7fis not allowed to rename anymore.\n #player_disallowed_rename UNTRANSLATED player_welcome \n\nBienvenue \1! Ce serveur utilise la version \2.\n player_win_default \1 gagne \2 points pour une raison tres etrange.\n player_lose_default \1 perd \2 points pour une raison tres etrange.\n player_lose_suicide \1 perd \2 points parcequ'il s'est suicide.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 committed suicide.\n #player_free_suicide UNTRANSLATED player_win_frag \1 a vaincu \3 et gagne \2 points.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 got \2 points for surviving.\n #player_win_survive UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 core dumped \2.\n #player_free_frag UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 core dumped teammate \2! Boo! No points for that!\n #player_teamkill UNTRANSLATED player_win_frag_ai \1 gagne \2 points pour avoir vaincu un IA.\n player_lose_frag \1 perd \2 points puisqu'il a cause une erreur generale de protection.\n player_lose_rim \1 perd \2 points pour avoir essaye de s'enfuir lachement de l'arene.\n player_win_survivor \1 a obtenu \2 points pour etre la derniere equipe active.\n player_joins_team \1 se battra avec \2 lors du prochain round.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 still wants to play for \2, but isn't currently allowed to.\n #player_joins_team_wish UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 wants to play for a team that ceased to exist, ignoring request.\n #player_joins_team_noex UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 wants to leave \2 on the next respawn.\n #player_leave_team_wish UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 does not want to play next round.\n #player_leave_game_wish UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0x7fff7fplays for \2.\n #player_joins_team_start UNTRANSLATED #player_joins_team_now \1 0x7fff7fnow plays for \2.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 0x7f7fffswitches from \3 to \2.\n #player_changes_team UNTRANSLATED player_leaves_team \1 0xff7f7fquitte \2.\n player_creates_team \1 a cree une nouvelle equipe.\n player_nocreate_team \1 ne peut pas creer actuellement une nouvelle equipe.\n player_nojoin_team \1 ne peut pas rejoindre \2 actuellement.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: You are not on a team.\n #player_not_on_team UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Teammates #player_team_message UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Spectators #player_spectator_message UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: No teams with more than one player.\n #no_real_teams UNTRANSLATED player_topologypolice Order from Topology Police: \1 #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 gets shuffled from rank \2 to \3.\n #team_shuffle UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You are not allowed to shuffle up.\n #player_noshuffleup UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Your shuffling wish has no effect.\n #player_noshuffle UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: /shuffle expects a number as argument; an explicit sign (+/-) will change your position by the indicated number of steps, no sign will shuffle you to the given position.\n #player_shuffle_error UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Add a new help topic to be used with /help. Usage: ADD_HELP_TOPIC #add_help_topic_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: ADD_HELP_TOPIC \n #add_help_topic_usage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Added help topic "\1".\n #add_help_topic_success UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Remove a help topic. #remove_help_topic_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Removed help topic "\1".\n #remove_help_topic_success UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Help topic "\1" doesn't exist.\n #remove_help_topic_notfound UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \2 wants \3 to know about /help \1.\n #rtfm_announcement UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Message that is displayed before the list of help topics if someone uses /help without arguments #help_introductory_blurb_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Say /help TOPIC to get help on the following topics.\n #help_topics_list_start UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Help topic \1 not found. Try /help with no arguments to see a list of available topics.\n #help_topic_not_found UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: List of all chat commands #help_commands_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This help topic is empty. Use one of the following sub-topics instead: #help_commands_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Basic chat commands #help_commands_chat_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff88/me 0xffff88: Transmit an action, as in "/me is a noob."\n0x88ff88/msg 0xffff88: Send a private message that only a specific player can see\n0x88ff88/team 0xffff88: Send a message to your teammates, or to all spectators if you're not on a team #help_commands_chat_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Basic team management commands #help_commands_team_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff88/teamshuffle0xffff88: Shuffle yourself to be at the outside of your team's wingmen formation\n0x88ff88/teamshuffle 0xffff88: Shuffle yourself to be at a specific position\n0x88ff88/teamshuffle [+|-]0xffff88: Shuffle yourself up/down by a certain number of ranks\n0x88ff88/teamleave0xffff88: Leave your current team. Only works on some servers\n0x88ff88/teams0xffff88: Get a list of all teams with a somewhat graphic representation of their formation #help_commands_team_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Player police commands #help_commands_pp_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff88/players []0xffff88: Get a list of all players, along with some other information. You can also match specific users with the search argument.\n0x88ff88/vote kick|suspend 0xffff88: Start a poll to kick or suspend a player #help_commands_pp_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication related commands #help_commands_auth_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff88/login []@0xffff88: Authenticate yourself using a given authority. Try @forums if you have an account at http://forums.armagetronad.net/\n0x88ff88/logout0xffff88: Log out so you can log back in as another player\n0x88ff88/vote include 0xffff88: Start a poll to include a given file\n0x88ff88/vote command 0xffff88: Start a poll to execute an admin command\n0x88ff88/admin 0xffff88: Execute a console command on the server if you have sufficient access rights\n0x88ff88/op [+|-]0xffff88: Gives another player a higher or a lower access level; the level defaults to the level one lower than you access level, which is also the maximal possible level\n0x88ff88/deop 0xffff88: Reverses /op; it takes away a player's access level, effectively making him unauthenticated again. Only works on players of lower access level than yours, of course.\n #help_commands_auth_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: List of all access levels #help_commands_auth_levels_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff880 (Owner)0xffff88: The owner of the server. Commands entered on the server console are executed with these rights.\n0x88ff881 (Admin)0xffff88: A server administrator. By default, almost as powerful as the owner himself.\n0x88ff882 (Moderator)0xffff88: A server moderator. Is still allowed to use /admin, but is restricted to player management commands.\n0x88ff887 (Team Leader)0xffff88: Leader of a team. By default, no admin rights at all.\n0x88ff888 (Team Member)0xffff88: Member of a team. Local team accounts get this level.\n0x88ff8812 (Local User)0xffff88: Players with local accounts get this level.\n0x88ff8815 (Remote User)0xffff88: Players with remote accounts get this level by default.\n0x88ff8816 (Fallen from Grace)0xffff88: Authenticated players who abused default rights given to them.\n0x88ff8817 (Shunned)0xffff88: Same, only worse :)\n0x88ff8819 (Authenticated)0xffff88: Minimal level authenticated players can get.\n0x88ff8820 (Program)0xffff88: Unauthenticated players. #help_commands_auth_levels_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Remote admin commands #help_commands_ra_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff88/login 0xffff88: Log in as the server administrator using the server-specific password\n0x88ff88/logout0xffff88: Drop your logged in status so that other players can't see that you're an administrator\n0x88ff88/admin 0xffff88: Execute a console command as if it were entered on the server #help_commands_ra_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Miscellaneous commands #help_commands_misc_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff88/help0xffff88: You just found out about this one :-)\n0x88ff88/teach 0xffff88: same as /help, but the the output gets sent to another player.\n0x88ff88/rtfm0xffff88: alias for /teach\n0x88ff88/command 0xffff88: Execute a command on your own client. Useful for instant chats #help_commands_misc_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Tourney related commands #help_commands_tourney_shortdesc UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0x88ff88/lock0xffff88: Locks your current team. Nobody can join it any more on their own. To let someone in, you need to invoke\n0x88ff88/invite 0xffff88: From that moment on, the player is allowed to join you. Another effect of /invite, even if your team is not locked, is that the invited player can read all of your team's /team messages. Invitations are permanent until revoked. That means a player who is invited into your team can join and leave it freely without further need to /invite him again. Players who were on the team when you /locked it are not automatically invited when they leave on their own account.\n0x88ff88/uninvite 0xffff88: reverses /invite. The invitation is revoked, the player can no longer join you, and if he currently is on your team, he will be thrown out.\n0x88ff88/unlock0xffff88: makes your team available for everyone to join again. #help_commands_tourney_text UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Can't use \1 if you're not on a team.\n #invite_no_team UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 locked, you'll need an invitation from a team leader via the /invite command to join from now on.\n #invite_team_locked UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 unlocked, you can join it freely again.\n #invite_team_unlocked UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10xRESETT can now join \2.\n #invite_team_can_join UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10xRESETT has been invited to join \2.\n #invite_team_invite UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10xRESETT has been kicked from \2.\n #invite_team_kick UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10xRESETT got his invitation to join \2 cancelled.\n #invite_team_uninvite UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: (locked) #invite_team_locked_list UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff0000Too many matches found for the search term \1. Be more specific.\n #msg_toomanymatches UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff0000No matches were found that contained \1.\n #msg_nomatch UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 switches to spectator mode and will stop playing the next round.\n #player_toggle_spectator_on UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 leaves spectator mode and enters the game again.\n #player_toggle_spectator_off UNTRANSLATED #camera messages camera_watching_ai Observation d'un IA\n camera_watching_player Observation de \1\n #score table team_scoretable_name Equipe: team_scoretable_score Score: player_scoretable_name Joueur: player_scoretable_team Membre de l'equipe: player_scoretable_score Score: player_scoretable_ping Ping: player_scoretable_alive Vivant: player_scoretable_alive_yes Oui player_scoretable_alive_no Non player_scoretable_pingcharity Ping Charity: player_scoretable_nobody Personne ici.\n player_scoretable_inactive Deconnecte #******************************************** #******************************************** # # network messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Server Message #fullscreen_message_title UNTRANSLATED network_message_timeout_title Le serveur ne repond pas network_message_timeout_inter Le serveur auquel vous voulez vous connecter n'a pas repondu durant dix secondes.\nil est sans doute inaccessible, ou vous avez mal ecrit son nom dans le menu "connection perso.". network_message_denied_title Login refuse network_message_denied_inter Le serveur auquel vous voulez vous connecter a refuse votre login.\nLa plupart du temps, c'est parcequ'il est plein. #ORIGINAL TEXT: The server you wanted to connect to denied your login attempt. #network_message_denied_inter2 UNTRANSLATED network_message_lateto_title Temps ecoule network_message_lateto_inter La connexion au serveur etait reussie; cependant, la synchronisation a echoue.\nEssayez juste encore! network_message_lostconn_title Connexion perdue network_message_lostconn_inter La connexion avec le serveur a ete perdue. Cela peut etre du a un probleme "physique" du reseau (Cable Ethernet debranche, modem desactive, ...) ou a un crash du serveur (ce qui est plutot une mauvaise nouvelle, envoyez un rapport de bug si possible.) network_message_abortconn_title Connexion achevee network_message_abortconn_inter Le serveur a acheve votre connexion #ORIGINAL TEXT: One of the master servers did not answer. Trying next one...\n #network_master_timeout_retry UNTRANSLATED network_master_timeout_title Le serveur maitre ne repond pas network_master_timeout_inter Le serveur maitre ne repond pas, donc la liste des serveurs ne peut pas etre mise a jour.\nVous devrez utiliser l'ancienne liste... network_master_denied_title Login du maitre refuse network_master_denied_inter Le serveur maitre a refuse votre login. La plupart du temps, ca se produit parcequ'il est complet. Reessayez plus tard. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Version Expired #testing_version_expired_title UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You are running a public test version or an unsupported CVS build. The server you tried to connect to is running a much newer version and that combination is only supported for major releases. An update is probably available for you on www.armagetronad.net or beta.armagetronad.net. #testing_version_expired UNTRANSLATED network_master_upgrage Une mise a jour est necessaire network_master_downgrage Le serveur n'est plus a jour network_master_incompatible Le serveur n'est pas compatible network_master_full Le serveur est plein network_master_serverinfo Version: \1\nURI : \2\nOptions: \3\n network_master_players Joueurs: network_master_players_empty vide network_master_options Options:\n network_connecting_to_server Connexion a \1...\n network_connecting_gamestate En attente du statut de jeu...\n network_syncing_gamestate Recu! Synchronisation du statut de jeu...\n network_warn_unknowndescriptor \n\n\nMessage inconnu recu, avec l'ID \1 \n\nVOUS DEVEZ SANS DOUTE METTRE ARMAGETRON A JOUR!!!!\n network_error Erreur de reseau.\n network_error_timeout Le temps de l'utilisateur \1 est ecoule.\n network_error_shortmessage Le message de l'utilisateur \1 est trop court.\n network_error_overflow L'utilisateur \1 ne sait pas suivre le trafic du reseau.\n network_killuser Fin de l'utilisateur \1, ping \2.\n network_statistics1 Duree: \1 secondes\n network_statistics2 Envoyes: \2 octets dans \3 paquets (\4 octets/s)\n network_statistics3 Recus: \5 octets dans \6 paquets (\7 octets/s)\n network_login_denial Login refuse...\n network_server_login Login recu de \1.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: unknown #network_unknown_version UNTRANSLATED network_server_login_success Nouvel utilisateur: \1\n network_toomanyservers \n\n\nAttention: trop de serveurs en place sur cet ordinateur.\nLeaving the port range that is scanned by clients with default settings.\n\n\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Reveived unidentifiable server information from \1 over socket \2.\n #network_browser_unidentified UNTRANSLATED network_logout_process Deconnexion du compte...\n network_logout_done Termine!\n network_logout_server Deconnexion recue de \1.\n network_login_process informations concernant le login envoyee. \nEn attente de la reponse..\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Login failed.\n #network_login_failed UNTRANSLATED network_login_failed_full Connexion echouee: le serveur est complet.\n network_login_failed_timeout Connexion echouee: Teps ecoule.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Login failed: Aborted.\n #network_login_failed_abort UNTRANSLATED network_login_success Connexion reussie. Utilisateur n° \1 \n network_login_sync Synchronisation avec le serveur...\n network_login_relabeling Relabeling NetObjects...\n network_login_sync2 Resynchronisation...\n network_login_done Termine!\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: User \1 kicked, reason given to him: \2\n #network_kill_log UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \n\nYou will now be redirected to the server \1:\2. You can prevent that by pressing ESC.\n #network_redirect UNTRANSLATED network_kill_preface Raisons donnees par le serveur: network_kill_maxidgrabber Il manque d'identificateurs: votre client etait celui qui en occupait le plus pour lui-meme. La raison de cec peut etre un bug network_kill_maxiduser Il manque d'identificateurs: votre client etait celui qui en occupait le plus network_kill_cheater Il a suppose que vous trichiez. Si c'est faux, il s'agit d'un bug que vous devriez rapporter network_kill_error Une erreur s'est produite lorsq'il traitait les messages de votre client. Il s'gait la plupart du temps d'un bug du serveur ou du client network_kill_timeout Le temps est ecoule. network_kill_logout Vous vous etes deconnecte regulierement. network_kill_incompatible Vous utilisez une version incompatible avec celle du serveur. network_kill_full Le serveur est complet. network_kill_shutdown Le serveur s'est eteint. network_kill_overflow Le reseau etait plein. #ORIGINAL TEXT: Too many players were logged in from your connection. #network_kill_too_many_players UNTRANSLATED network_kill_kick Vous avez ete banni par l'administrateur; veuillez rester a l'ecart. #ORIGINAL TEXT: You have been kicked automatically for being idle. #network_kill_idle UNTRANSLATED network_kill_banned Vous avez ete banni par l'administrateur du serveur. \2 #network_kill_banned You are banned. Please stay away. The more often you retry to connect, the longer your ban stays. network_kill_unknown Aucune raison n'a ete donnee. network_kill_spamkick Vous avez ete banni automatiquement pour avoir spamme. voted_kill_kick Vous avez ete banni par une foule fachee; veuillez rester a l'ecart. #ORIGINAL TEXT: You have been sitting in spectator mode for too long. #network_kill_spectator UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Kicks per hour of IP \1 are now \2.\n #network_ban_kph UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Players from IP \1 are banned for \2 minutes. Reason: \3\n #network_ban UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Players from IP \1 are no longer banned.\n #network_noban UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This is an autoban from being kicked too often. #network_ban_kick UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: None given. #network_ban_noreason UNTRANSLATED #************************************* #************************************* # # vote messages # #************************************* #************************************* vote_accepted Sondage "\1" accepte.\n vote_rejected Sondage "\1" refuse.\n vote_timeout Le temps du sondage "\1" est ecoule.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: All polls have been canceled by an administrator.\n #vote_cancel_all UNTRANSLATED vote_new Nouveau sondage: "\1". Allez dans le menu principal pour voter.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Poll rejected, same suggestion was made already.\n #vote_redundant UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Poll rejected, you're not old enough to issue votes, wait \1 seconds.\n #vote_maturity UNTRANSLATED vote_overflow Sondage refuse, trop de sondages en cours.\n vote_disabled Sondage refuse, desactive par l'admin.\n vote_disabled_spectator Sondage/voix refuse, desactive par l'admin pour les spectateurs.\n vote_toofew Sondage refuse, trop peu d'utilisaturs en ligne.\n vote_submitted Sondage "\2" propose par \1.\n vote_vote_for \1 a vote "pour" au sondage "\2".\n vote_vote_against \1 a vote "Contre" au sondage "\2".\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Unknown /vote command \1, available are: \2\n #vote_unknown_command UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Can't vote against local player/AI \1.\n #vote_kick_local UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # the server browser menu # and master server messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** network_master_unknown Serveur inconnu network_master_polling Requete... network_master_unreachable Indisponible network_master_noserver Desole, pas de serveur trouve :'( network_master_servername Nom du serveur network_master_score Score network_master_users Utilisateurs network_master_ping Ping network_master_browserhelp Appuyez sur "enter" pour vous connecter a ce serveur. network_master_connecting Connexion au serveur maitre \1...\n network_master_send Envoi de mes infos au serveur...\n network_master_reqlist Demande de la liste des serveurs...\n network_master_status Reception du serveur \1...\n network_master_finish Reception de \1 serveurs.\n network_master_start Heberger un jeu network_master_host_inet_help Cela demarrera un jeu sur votre ordinateur, visible sur le Net. network_master_host_lan_help Cela demarrera un jeu sur votre ordinateur, mais seulement visible sur votre reseau local. #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Resource messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Resource \1 not found in cache. Downloading it, please be patient...\n #resource_not_cached UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Downloading \1 ...\n #resource_downloading UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: Return value 404 : File not found.\n #resource_fetcherror_404 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: Return value \1 != 200.\n #resource_fetcherror UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: NULL or empty filename.\n #resource_no_filename UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: Absolute filename, the server is trying to overwrite system files.\n #resource_abs_path UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: Cannot determine path to write resource to.\n #resource_no_writepath UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: Cannot open \1 for writing.\n #resource_no_write UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Directory messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Could not create path to "\1". Check your user's rights. #directory_path_nonwritable UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: User given path is NULL or empty.\n #directory_path_null UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: User given path "\1" is an absolute path. You're not allowed to access files outside of the configured file hierarchies.\n #directory_path_absolute UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: User given path "\1" is a relative path. You're not allowed to access files outside of the configured file hierarchies.\n #directory_path_relative UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: ERROR: User given path "\1" contains a hidden component.\n #directory_path_hidden UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # map messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** # printed on loading a map #ORIGINAL TEXT: Loading map \1 ...\n #map_file_loading UNTRANSLATED # title of map error message #ORIGINAL TEXT: Map load failure #map_file_load_failure_title UNTRANSLATED # printed when a map can't be loaded, and the user can do something about it #ORIGINAL TEXT: The map \1 could not be loaded or parsed; please check your configuration and the log.\n #map_file_load_failure_self UNTRANSLATED # printed when a map can't be loaded, and the failure is the server admin's fault #ORIGINAL TEXT: The map \1 could not be loaded.\nThe server you tried to connect to may have a broken configuration; you should inform the server administrator of this error.\n #map_file_load_failure_server UNTRANSLATED # worst case: default map could not load, either #ORIGINAL TEXT: \nFallback to default map did not work either. Please send a bug report, this is unusual.\n #map_file_load_failure_default UNTRANSLATED # resource at the wrong place #ORIGINAL TEXT: Incorrect File Path #resource_file_wrong_place_title UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The resource file loaded from "\1" wants to be at "\2". Possible resolutions:\na) If you are not the author of the resource, you should move it to the right place given above and adapt the reference pointing to it.\nb) If you are the author and want the file to stay where it is, you can modify its tag so it wants to be where you put it. Consult the documentation on how to do that.\n #resource_file_wrong_place UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Reverting to last known working map \1.\n #map_file_reverting UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Texture messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** # texture not found error message #ORIGINAL TEXT: The texture file \1 could not be loaded.\n #texture_error_filenotfound UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Texture not found. #texture_error_filenotfound_title UNTRANSLATED #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Sound messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** sound_error_no16bit Desole, Une sortie stereo 16 bits est necessaire (Je suis trop paresseux pour developper un support pour d'autres formats... Peut-etre si vous etes tres sage?).\n sound_error_initfailed L'initialisation du son a echoue.\n sound_firstinit Essai de demarrage du son. Redemarrez juste \g en cas de crash.\n sound_inited son initialise: 16 bit stereo a \1 Hz, taille du buffer \2.\n sound_disabling Desactivation du son...\n sound_disabling_done Termine!\n sound_error_filenotfound Le fichier son \1 n'a pas ete trouve. Avez vous lance \g depuis le bon repertoire? sound_error_unsupported Le fichier son \1 n'est pas dans un format supporte. Desole! #******************************************** #******************************************** # # Configuration messages # #******************************************** #******************************************** #ORIGINAL TEXT: Configuration file "\1" to be included not found.\n #config_include_not_found UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Configuration resource "\1" to be included not found.\n #config_rinclude_not_found UNTRANSLATED config_command_unknown Commande \1 inconnue.\n config_command_other Vous vouliez sans doute:\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: There are more commands containing your search string that were left out to avoid flooding your terminal.\n #config_command_more UNTRANSLATED config_file_write_error N'a pas pu ecrire dans le fichier de configuration\n config_value_changed \1 a change \2 en \3.\n config_error_read erreur de lecture de \1: format non valide.\n config_message_info \1 est actuellement a \2.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: SIGHUP received, reloading configuration.\n #config_sighup UNTRANSLATED nconfig_errror_protected Seul le serveur peut modifier \1.\n nconfig_error_unknown Message recu du setting \1 inconnu...\n\n\n\nVOUS DEVRIEZ PROBABLEMENT METTRE ARMAGETRON A JOUR\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Got conf message for setting \1 which is not network aware.\n\nYOU PROBABLY SHOULD UPGRADE ARMAGETRON ADVANCED!!!\n #nconfig_error_nonet UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Ignoring old conf message for setting \1.\n #nconfig_error_ignoreold UNTRANSLATED nconfig_value_changed \1 a change \2 en \3 dans l'ordre du serveur.\n #ORIGINAL TEXT: Owner #config_accesslevel_0 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Administrator #config_accesslevel_1 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Moderator #config_accesslevel_2 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Team Leader #config_accesslevel_7 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Team Member #config_accesslevel_8 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Local User #config_accesslevel_12 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Remote User #config_accesslevel_15 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Fallen from Grace #config_accesslevel_16 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Shunned #config_accesslevel_17 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authenticated #config_accesslevel_19 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Program #config_accesslevel_20 UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Changes the access level of a configuration item to make it available to lower ranked users #access_level_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: usage: ACCESS_LEVEL \n #access_level_usage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Required access level of command \1 changed to "\2".\n #access_level_change UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Required access level of command \1 is "\2", you only have "\3".\n #access_level_error UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: For the duratioon of the rest of the configuration file thiss directive appears in, elevate the access level. #casacl_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: CASACL \n #casacl_usage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Loading Abort #abort_loading_name UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Current config file/stream loading was aborted by command \1. #abort_loading_description UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Changes the access level of a user. #user_level_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: usage: USER_LEVEL \n #user_level_usage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Access level of user \1 changed to "\2".\n #user_level_change UNTRANSLATED #************************************* #************************************* # # Login messages # #************************************* #************************************* #login texts login_password_title Mot de passe login_password_help Ecrivez votre mot de passe Krawall ici. Si vous n'en avez pas encore, obtenez-en un sur www.krawall.de ( disponible uniquement pour les joueurs d'Allemagne et des pays limitrophes ). Appuyer sur Enter ici vous connectera login_cancel Annuler la connexion login_cancel_help Pour annuler la procedure de connexion login_username Nom d'utilisateur login_username_help Ecrivez votre nom d'utilisateur Krawall ici. Si vous n'en avez pas encore, obtenez-en un sur www.krawall.de ( disponible uniquement pour les joueurs d'Allemagne et des pays limitrophes ). login_storepw_text Stocker les mots de passe: login_storepw_help Determine lapolitique de securite concernant les mots de passe. login_storepw_dont_text Pas du tout login_storepw_dont_help Paranoiaque: supprime le mot de passe juste apres l'avoir utilise login_storepw_mem_text En memoire login_storepw_mem_help Le mot de passe sera retenu pour cette version de \g login_storepw_disk_text Sur le disque login_storepw_disk_help Paresseux: stocke le mot de passe sur votre disque dur, de sorte que vous n'ayez pas a le reecrire chaque fois. Bien qu'il soit crypte, c'est assez peu sur password_help Configurations: mot de passe #ORIGINAL TEXT: Already logged in.\n #login_request_redundant UNTRANSLATED login_request_failed La connexion a echoue. Reessayez! #ORIGINAL TEXT: Two logins with the same account are not permitted.\n #login_request_failed_dup UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: This server does not support authentication of the type you requested, sorry.\n #login_not_supported UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Login with Authority \1 #login_request UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Login with Local Account #login_request_local UNTRANSLATED login_request_namechange Le nom a change; un login est necessaire login_request_master Le serveur maitre a besoin d'un login # access level messages #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level to be able to hide it's own user account information. #access_level_hide_of_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level to see everyone's user account information. #access_level_hide_to_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level for /lock, /unlock, /invite and /uninvite team management. #access_level_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level for /op, /deop, /promote and /demote co-admin management commands commands. #access_level_op_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Maximal access level attainable by /op and /promote commands. #access_level_op_max_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level for /admin command. #access_level_admin_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level for /teach or /rtfm command. #access_level_rtfm_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level for chatting. #access_level_chat_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level you need for seeing IPs of players in the /players command. #access_level_ips_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level you need for seeing /team messages as a spectator. #access_level_spy_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level you need for seeing /msg messages directed to others. #access_level_spy_msg_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level for playing #access_level_play_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level for shuffling up #access_level_shuffle_up_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Sliding minimal access level for playing; if enough players of a higher access level than given by ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY are online, their level will be the minimal level for play; however, it will never be higher than ACCESS_LEVEL_PLAY_SLIDING. #access_level_play_sliding_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The access level required to play will only slide up if at least this many players of a higher level are online. #access_level_play_sliders_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Access level required to play changed from \1 to \2.\n #access_level_play_changed UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level required to issue suspend votes. #access_level_vote_suspend_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level required to issue kick votes. #access_level_vote_kick_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level required to issue inclue votes. #access_level_vote_inclue_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level successful include votes will be executed at. #access_level_vote_include_execute_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level required to issue command votes. #access_level_vote_command_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Minimal access level successful command votes will be executed at. #access_level_vote_command_execute_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Time in seconds between public announcements that someone wants to chat, but can't. Set to 0 to disable the public warnings. #access_level_chat_timeout_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \10xRESETT would like to chat, but is not authorized yet. Would someone be so kind and say "/op \2" or "/promote \2"?\n #access_level_chat_request UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7fChat denied,0xffffff insufficient access level.\n #access_level_chat_denied UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7f\1 denied,0xffffff insufficient access level.\n #access_level_op_denied UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7f\1 denied,0xffffff your need higher access righrs than your victim.\n #access_level_op_overpowered UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7f\1 denied,0xffffff can't do that to yourself :).\n #access_level_op_self UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7f\1 denied,0xffffff your victim already has maximal rights.\n #access_level_op_denied_max UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7f\1 denied,0xffffff your victim is an AI.\n #access_level_op_denied_ai UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 has been demoted to "\2" by order of \3.\n #access_level_demote UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 has been promoted to "\2" by order of \3.\n #access_level_promote UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7f/admin denied,0xffffff insufficient access level.\n #access_level_admin_denied UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Required access level to shuffle up is "\1", you only have "\2".\n #access_level_shuffle_up_denied UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Required access level to teach others is "\1", you only have "\2".\n #access_level_rtfm_denied UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: You need to be logged in to teach others.\n #rtfm_denied UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Unknown chat command "\1".\n #chat_command_unknown UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Comma separated list of authorities your server should refuse to query. #authority_blacklist_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If non-empty, only authorities on this comma separated list will be queried by your server. #authority_whitelist_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, the server assumes that your LAN is safe and that nobody can run a pharming server on it. #trust_lan_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: List of hash authentication methods to disable support for. #hash_method_blacklist_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: User \1 requests authentication as "\2@\3".\n #login_message_requested UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Your login process will be delayed because the server configuration makes it impossible to be processed immedeately in the background. We're sorry for the inconvenience.\n #login_message_delayed UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Password request sent to user \1, username "\2", method \3, message "\4".\n #login_message_responded UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \3\1 has been logged in as \2.\n #login_message UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Order of \1: #login_message_byorder UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \4\1 has been logged in as \2 at access level "\3".\n #login_message_special UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 has been logged out as \2.\n #logout_message UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 has been logged out as \2 by order of \3.\n #logout_message_deop UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: 0xff7f7fLogin failed,0xffffff reason: \1\n #login_failed_message UNTRANSLATED # various reasons for logins to fail #ORIGINAL TEXT: Login aborted. #login_error_aborted UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 invalid, illegal characters in hostname part (only ASCII letters, numbers and a fine selection of other characters are allowed). #login_error_invalidurl_illegal_hostname UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 invalid, illegal characters in path part (only ASCII letters, numbers, dots, slashes and a fine selection of other characters are allowed). #login_error_invalidurl_illegal_path UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 invalid, illegal characters in port (only numbers are allowed). #login_error_invalidurl_illegal_port UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 invalid. Just leave away the default port, please :). #login_error_invalidurl_defaultport UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 invalid, double slash or ending with slash. #login_error_invalidurl_slash UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 invalid, it contains a raw IP address. #login_error_invalidurl_rawip UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 invalid, it was not found. #login_error_invalidurl_notfound UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication via Global ID not available on this server. #login_error_noremote UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authority \1 is on this server's blacklist. #login_error_blacklist UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authority \1 is not on this server's whitelist. #login_error_whitelist UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Server adress mismatch, \1 (sent by client) != \2 (our address). Pharming suspected. If you are connecting from the LAN and get this error, either set "TRUST_LAN" on the server (only if your LAN can be fully trusted, of course) or use "SERVER_IP" to make the local IP known to the server. #login_error_pharm UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: The local method used for auhtentication has been modified since your password was set. In the server's config files, put all commands that define authentication methods before all local password definitions. #login_error_methodmismatch UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: No authentication method could be found. Your client supports \1, this server supports \2, and the authentication server supports \3. #login_error_nomethod UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 does not return a list of supported methods, got error code \2, content "\3". #login_error_nomethodlist UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Authentication URL \1 does not return a list of methods properties, got error code \2, content "\3". #login_error_nomethodproperties UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: User does not exist, authentication server returned "\1". #login_error_nouser UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Wrong password supplied, authentication server returned "\1". #login_error_password UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Unknown error code \1 returned, content "\2". #login_error_unknown UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Answer "\1" expected from server, but got \2 instead. #login_error_unexpected_answer UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Local user \1 not found. #login_error_local_nouser UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Supplied password for local user \1 incorrect. #login_error_local_password UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: \1 requires a player username as additional paramenter.\n #chatcommand_requires_player UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Adds a local user account from a name/password pair. #local_user_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: LOCAL_USER \n #local_user_syntax UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Adds a local account for an entire team (team tags are compared). #local_team_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: LOCAL_TEAM \n #local_team_syntax UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Adds an account over the md5-hash based login system for a team leader. Team leaders can pick up players into the game. #md5_password_teamleader_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: MD5_PASSWORD_TEAMLEADER \n #md5_password_teamleader_syntax UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Removes an password account for a user or team. #md5_user_remove_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: USER_REMOVE \n #md5_password_remove_syntax UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: User name/team tag \1 removed.\n #md5_password_removed UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: User name/team tag \1 to remove not found.\n #md5_password_remove_notfound UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Reserves a screen name to a registered user #reserve_screen_name_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: RESERVE_SCREEN_NAME #reserve_screen_namne_usage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Screen name "\1" reserved for user \2.\n #reserve_screen_name_change UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allows bending authenticated names around: a player authenticated as X originally can appear as y. #user_alias_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Usage: USER_ALIAS #alias_usage UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: User \1 will be known as \2.\n #alias_change UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Allows to ban players based on their authentication ID. #ban_user_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: User \1 has been banned.\n #ban_user_message UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Undoes BAN_USER. #unban_user_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: User \1 has been unbanned.\n #unban_user_message UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Gives a list of banned users. #ban_user_list_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra hash prefix for local accounts used to scramble the password #md5_prefix_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: Extra hash suffix for local accounts used to scramble the password #md5_suffix_help UNTRANSLATED #ORIGINAL TEXT: If set to 1, Global IDs (Armathentication) will be enabled on this server. #global_id_help UNTRANSLATED # items that should not be translated # Room for lost settings in translation files: # Outdated: sp_team_max_imbalance_perm_help Disproportion maximum et permanente autorisee pour une equipe team_max_imbalance_perm_help Disproportion maximum et permanente autorisee pour une equipe ztrick_help Performance tweak; Ne fonctionne pas sur la plupart des systemes Windows tweaks_ztrick_text ZTrick: vote_help This menu entry determines your vote. detail_polyantialias_help Les contours des objets doivent ils etre lisses pour eviter les escaliers de pixel laids? Indisponible sur la plupart des systemes network_custjoin_connect_text Connection! persp_correct_help Active la correction des perspectives network_custjoin_connect_help Entre dans l'arene! tweaks_ztrick_help Une acceleration qui fonctionne sur la plupart des systemes: au lieu d'effacer et de recreer tout apres chaque frame, nous dessinons juste l'arriere-plan (sols et murs d'enceinte). Activez-le si vous n'avez aucun problemes avec. detail_lineantialias_text Antial. des lignes: line_antialias_help Active l'anti-aliasing des lignes detail_persp_text corr. de la persp.: detail_polyantialias_text Antial. des polygones: poly_antialias_help Active l'anti-aliasing des polygones login_request_first Login requis sur ce serveur network_kick_notfound Le joueur \1 n'a pas ete trouve. Souvenez-vous que la casse doit etre respecter (majuscules/minuscules).\n detail_persp_help La plupart des rendus ignorent ceci. Si il est sur "Off", les textures des murs et des sols seront horriblement deformees. Je ne vois vraiment pas pourquoi je vous laisse choisir ceci :D detail_lineantialias_help Les lignes doivent-elles etre lissees pour eviter les escaliers laids de pixels? #network_kill_banned You are banned for at least \1 minutes.