I agree this is a feature and does not need a high priority, and your right, some superweapons would never need multifire support. I'm purely against wasted efforts on ares. Clone paradrops and unit delivery aren't very helpful accept in special casses and for the ai, clone paradrops can be done already by using the conventional method via regular sw cloning, although it might be a nice option. As for the feature request for multiple superwepons on buildings, multifire is very different. It allows for higher customizations which are not currently possible via cloning sw's on a per building basis. For isntance multiple missles laucnhes or generic based sw's which fire at multiple locations etc. And yes I'm aware of SW.AITargeting=Self, unless your referring to something else you're working on that I'm not aware of. It does indeed allow SW's to target their "building, Not Buildings*" of origin. Multifire would fix this by allowing all sw's on each building to fire independently at their Self. "this supposed logic is much like a firestorm accept when the SW is activated all building with the SW fire their sw at their intended targets, whether they be human or aitargeting defined. Of course I'd like another Tag which could do it, "maybe a new aitargeting type which targets buildings housing the sw," if you think there's a better way to implement it coding wise please think about doing that. As for [SuperWeapon]►SW.AutoTargetFire= (boolean) Sets whether this super weapon should be launched automatically after clicking the icon for the Super Weapon. If this is set to yes, the AI targeting options are used to infer the best target cell after the player has clicked the Super Weapons Icon. Defaults to no.SW.AutoTargetFire= I almost think this should be a separate feature request. This would be nice feature. At the moment we have: SW.ShowCameo= (boolean) Sets whether this super weapon will appear in the side bar. This setting is ignored if SW.AutoFire=no is set. Defaults to yes.SW.ShowCameo= This should not be ignored. SW.AutoFire= (boolean) Sets whether this super weapon should be launched automatically even for human players. If this is set to yes, the AI targeting options are used to infer the best target cell. Defaults to no.SW.AutoFire= This is fine SW.ManualFire= (boolean) Sets whether this super weapon can be fired by the owning player. If set to no, the player will not be able to launch the super weapon. This setting is ignored if SW.AutoFire=no is set. Defaults to yes.SW.ManualFire= This is good and should determine the outcome. These are all fine and dandy but either I Don't understand them right, or they're screwed up. This is what i Think should be the case but isn't in game, correct me if I'm wrong. Scnerio Below. SW.ShowCameo=yes The icon shows up SW.AutoFire=yes This SW will automatically fire itself if manualfire is set to no. SW.ManualFire=yes In this case you would think, the SW will auto fire itself but only when the human clicks the ICON. If this could be fixed, forgot about SW.AutoTargetFire=. Anyways I understand not all feature requests will receive the same priority and some may just be too minor or not worthwhile or possible to implement, but I think this feature request is worthy of support. And I really hope the community and Ares code writers see that too.