Had some more thoughts on how to implement these. Most of it can probably fall under Warhead or Weapon code I suspect... Spy AOE Mind Control [SpyWeapon] ;Can deploy to fire. Convert= yes/no ;Basically some line that would work with AOE weapons and cause affected units to change sides but still be vulnerable to future mind controls / spy bribes / etc. Would fall under Weapon / Warhead code. Guardian Tank [LaserDesignatorWeapon] Damage=25 Designator = yes/no ;If yes will use Damage= as % modifier to damage done by anyone attacking the target. Athena Cannon [AthenaShieldWeapon] ;Can deploy to fire. Damage=500 ;Damage absorbed. Armour types ignored as it is a shield. ROF=120 ;Cooldown Area.Shield= yes/no ;Is this weapon an Area Shield? Area.Shield.Duration= 180 ;Could be frames or seconds, specifies how long the shield lasts before turning off automatically. Area.Shield.Min= 2 ;Minimum radius of shield. Shrinks this far from enemy damage then stops until turned off or overwhelmed. You may want to scrap this & just have the shield reduce further and further in size. Area.Shield.Max= 6 ;Shield radius starts this far from the vehicle. Area.Shield.Anim= ;Name of the shield animation to use. Will be at 100% scale for a new shield, shrink in line with min / max radius as damage is taken. Mirage Tank IsMobStealthGen= yes/no ; If this logic is safe to use without causing silly amounts of lag then NP, otherwise scrap this one. Hydrofoil [HydrofoilWeapon] Disable.Weapon= yes/no ;Does this weapon disable all the target's weapons? If yes, no damage is done etc, ignore Versus unless it's a significant % (0%, 1% etc). Added in case someone wants to do this instead of just using EMP weapons. Terror Drone [TerrorDroneWeapon] Disable.Movement= yes/no ;Does this weapon disable the target's movement? See Hydrofoil for further notes. Bullfrog [BullfrogUnit] Is.Catapult= yes/no ;Only works on transports. Will attempt to fire units out of itself. Units fired thusly automatically get a parachute at the apex of their curve. [BullfrogWeapon] Damage=1 ;Number of units to fire at once. ROF=60 ;Delay between launching each unit. Catapults= yes/no ;If yes, the weapon launches passengers in a large parabolic curve at the target area. At the apex they get a parachute and slow down. Hammer Beam [HammerWeapon] Damage=20 ;Percent of damage from target reduced by this weapon. ROF=60 ;Not sure how ROF should work, as you'd want this effect to be constant. Hammer.Beam= yes/no ;If yes, the target does Damage= % less damage to the firing unit. Transformers Siege Chopper code should presumably work for this... right? Sudden Transport Vehicle.Disguise= yes/no ;If yes, this vehicle will be able to appear as other vehicles or ships, including turret(s). FutureTank X-1 [FutureTankLaser] Damage=100 ;Damage done to the target. ROF=60 ;ROF is between full sweeps. So at T=0, you fire, taking 2 seconds to do the sweep. At T=2, the ROF "countdown" starts. Sweep.Start=1 ;Number of cells to hit before the target. Starts here, moves to Sweep.End= position. Start & End can be defined as Left & Right or something if that makes it easier to think about. Sweep.End=1 ;Number of cells to hit after the target. Sweep.Speed= ;In frames or seconds, the time it takes for the weapon to move from Start to End. Sweep.Damage=50 ;Damage done to stuff in the cells swept over. Harbinger Gunship [HarbingerUnit] Is.Gunship= yes/no ;If yes, the unit will circle the target whilst firing from either side at it, instead of straight ahead like normal units. Similar logic could also be used for warship broadsides now that I think of it. Never.Lands= yes/no ;If yes, this unit will never land unless it has to reload weapons, then will automatically take off again. Not that the regular RA3 Harbinger Gunship has to land *at all*, but this isn't RA3 and it's probably just a good line to have anyway. Idle.Circle= 6 ;Disabled by default. If put in, the unit will constantly do a circle of this radius around the cell it was ordered to travel to. Three lines in all for flexibility (eg let's say you want your Harriers to have Never.Lands & Idle.Circle). Cryo Freeze Rays [CryobeamWeapon] Damage= 10 ;Health frozen per shot. Cryobeam= yes/no ;If yes, each shot freezes Damage= health from the target. Once the target's full HP have been frozen, the unit is frozen & unable to move or attack for a while. Airborne units affected will crash & die. Cryo.Slows= yes/no ;If yes, each shot will also slow the target's ROF and movement speed based on the Cryobeam "damage done" as a % of the target's health. Ie, 15% health frozen, movement & ROF slowed by 15%. [General] Thaw.Rate= ;In frames or seconds, the time it takes for a frozen unit to be thawed out completely. Cryo.Colour= ;RGB value for the colour that frozen units should glow, Iron Curtain / Forcefield -style, whilst frozen. Should work on SHPs and VXLs equally well given the aforementioned superweapons. Cryo.Use.Max.Health= yes/no ;If yes, whatever HP the target is at, it will be treated as being on full health by Cryobeam=yes weapons. If no, it will use current health. [CryoLegionnaire] Cryo.Immune= yes/no ;If yes, this unit is immune to weapons with Cryobeam=yes in their code. Shatter Jump [ShatterWeapon] ;Can deploy to fire. Range=2 ;AOE radius of the effect. Shatters= yes/no ;If yes, this weapon will do extra damage to frozen targets. Shatter.Multiplier= 2 ;Does 2x damage to frozen units.