I'm no longer sure which bug-report this is.But,I did manage to fix several issues with the Unity-Desktop via 'Compiz-Manager'.Look this up in Ubuntu-Software.It seems to have good reviews,overall.For those of you whose command-line skills are not that good,like mine; it solved the Unity troubles,by deselecting this feature of 11.04 automatically! (Note: had previously selected "Ubuntu-Classic",at bottom of screen,upon login.)Even this didn't seem to completely solve problems with 11.04,though.It was only on install of Compiz-Manger utillity,that 11.04 seemed to work smoothly again. (It offers a graphical-interface for those who aren't very familar with Terminal-commands or problem-solving via that route.Beyond that,I know nothing;just that it worked for me.)You can also do an online search: Fix Ubuntu 11.04.(Also did that.Helped in leading me to this possible solution. John. On 5/23/11, mimo titolindo