Bugs affecting

7678 of 78 results
Ubuntu Code of Conduct 32
apt-file (Ubuntu) 50
7678 of 78 results

C de-Avillez's teams

“Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations” team
“Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages” team
“#edubuntu IRC Operators” team
“#kubuntu IRC Operators” team
“#kubuntu-devel IRC Operators” team
“#kubuntu-offtopic IRC Operators” team
“#lubuntu IRC Operators” team
“#lubuntu-offtopic IRC Operators” team
“Matrix Defenders” team
“Not Canonical” team
“Planet Ubuntu” team
“Ubuntu Bug Control” team
“Ubuntu bugs pre filter team” team
“Ubuntu BugSquad” team
“Ubuntu cloaked people on Libera” team
“Ubuntu Core Channel Operators” team
“Ubuntu Core Devel Channel Operators” team
“Ubuntu Core IRC Channels” team
“Ubuntu Core IRC Devel Channels” team
“Ubuntu Core IRC ops” team
“Ubuntu Council Teams” team
“Ubuntu IRC Bots team” team
“Ubuntu IRC Council” team
“Ubuntu IRC members” team
“#ubuntu+1 IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu IRC Operators” team
“Ubuntu IRC Operators” team
“Ubuntu IRC Team” team
“Ubuntu Matrix Bots” team
“Ubuntu Matrix Council” team
“Ubuntu Matrix Operators” team
“Ubuntu Members” team
“Ubuntu Server QA” team
“Ubuntu Server” team
“Ubuntu SSO 2-factor testers” team
“Ubuntu Wiki Editors” team
“#ubuntu-bots IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu-devel IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu-meeting IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu-motu IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu-mythtv IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu-offtopic IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu-ops IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntu-server IRC Operators” team
“#ubuntustudio IRC Operators” team
“#xubuntu IRC Operators” team
“#xubuntu-offtopic IRC Operators” team